Alex Sabga
Alex Sabga is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 actor from Greater London
Greater London
Greater London is the top-level administrative division of England covering London. It was created in 1965 and spans the City of London, including Middle Temple and Inner Temple, and the 32 London boroughs. This territory is coterminate with the London Government Office Region and the London...

. He has starred in television series in supporting roles such as Corporal Francis Mellett in Band of Brothers, and Happiness
Happiness (TV series)
Happiness was a British sitcom broadcast on BBC2 with dramatic, melancholy overtones written by Paul Whitehouse and David Cummings with Whitehouse in the lead role.There have been two series thus far, the first running in 2001 and the second in 2003...


He plays the drums for UK Indie/80s band Dega Breaks
Dega Breaks
-Dega Breaks:Dega Breaks was a music group from West London that was active from about 2006 to 2009. The group was made up of five members: Dominic Otero on vocals and guitar, Alex Sabga on drums, Eann Bilbe on bass guitar, his brother Gavin Bilbe on guitar and synth and bassist Ben Taylor.The band...



  • Band of Brothers (2001) as Cpl. Francis J. Mellet
  • Happiness (2003) as Youth in a pub
  • Talk to Me (TV series)
    Talk to Me (TV series)
    Talk to Me is a British television serial, written by writer Danny Brocklehurst, produced by Company Pictures for ITV. The four-part serial began on 10 June 2007 and stars Max Beesley as Mitch Moore, a womanising radio host whose producer is also his best mate and about to get married to Claire...

     (2007) as Jonathan
  • The King's Speech (2010) as Funeral Sailor (Uncredited)

External links

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