Akari Hibino
is a Japanese voice actress
. She married Captain Tsubasa
creator Yōichi Takahashi
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
. She married Captain Tsubasa
Captain Tsubasa
, also known as Flash Kicker, is a popular long running Japanese manga, animation, and video game series, originally created by Yōichi Takahashi in 1981...
creator Yōichi Takahashi
Yoichi Takahashi
is a Japanese cartoonist and manga artist, best known for his work Captain Tsubasa.-Works:Yoichi Takahashi has had many items published including art books, manga, novels, and guides, most of which are of about his manga Captain Tsubasa.-Manga:...
As Yōko Ogai
- Sonic Soldier BorgmanSonic Soldier Borgmanis a science fiction anime. It features a Super Sentai-like three member team that fight an organization known as Youma. Featuring three main characters: Chuck, Ryo and Anise. Ryo is the leader, while Chuck and Anise are teachers at a public school. Sometimes, the students help or make troubles to...
as Shinji - Captain TsubasaCaptain Tsubasa, also known as Flash Kicker, is a popular long running Japanese manga, animation, and video game series, originally created by Yōichi Takahashi in 1981...
as Tsubasa Oozora - Captain Tsubasa J as Tsubasa Oozora (young)
- Captain Tsubasa: Europe Daikessen (movie 1) as Tsubasa Oozora
- Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 as Pinto
- City HunterCity Hunteris a hardboiled manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo, published by Shueisha in the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. The manga was adapted into an animated television series by Sunrise Studios in 1987...
as Nana Yoshida - DoraemonDoraemonis a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
: Nobita and the Dragon Rider (movie) as Little Boy - Esper MamiEsper Mamiis a manga created by Fujiko Fujio in 1977 and serialized in Shōnen Big Comic. It was later adapted into an anime series.-Plot:Mami Sakura used to be a normal junior high school student, but she happened to acquire supernatural powers. Using her powers and with the help of her best friend, Mr....
as Konpoko - Esper Mami: Hoshizora no Dancing Doll (movie) as Konpoko
- Megazone 23Megazone 23is a four-part original video animation created by AIC, written by Hiroyuki Hoshiyama, and directed by Noboru Ishiguro, Ichiro Itano, Kenichi Yatagai and Shinji Aramaki. The series was originally titled but the title was changed just before release....
Part II (OAV) as Cindy - Project A-KoProject A-kois an animated movie that led to later releases set in the same series, and spinoff release as well. This parody series references a number of other works of anime from the 1970s and 1980s...
(movie) as Asa - Project A-Ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group (OAV) as Asa
- Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody (OAV) as Asa
- Project A-Ko 4: Final (OAV) as Asa
- Ranpou as Miyuki
- Rurouni KenshinRurouni Kenshin, also known as Rurouni Kenshin and Samurai X, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The fictional setting takes place during the early Meiji period in Japan. The story is about a fictional assassin named Himura Kenshin, from the Bakumatsu who becomes a wanderer to...
as Soshi Okita - Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal (OAV) as Soushi Okita
- Shin Captain Tsubasa as Tsubasa Ohzora
- The Super Dimension Fortress MacrossThe Super Dimension Fortress Macrossis an anime television series. According to story creator Shoji Kawamori, it depicts "a love triangle against the backdrop of great battles" during the first Human-alien war....
as Yoshio (eps 2-27) - Transformers: Masterforce as Cancer
- Wrestler Gundan Seisenshi Robin Jr. as Robin Jr.
As Akari Hibino
- City HunterCity Hunteris a hardboiled manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo, published by Shueisha in the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. The manga was adapted into an animated television series by Sunrise Studios in 1987...
as Nana - Hungry Heart: Wild StrikerHungry Heart: Wild Strikeris a Japanese soccer manga and anime series, authored by Captain Tsubasa creator Yōichi Takahashi. The manga series was serialized in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion...
as Mori Kazuto - Hunter X Hunter (OAV) as Feitan
- Hunter X Hunter as Feitan; Menchi
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island (OAV) as Feitan
- Kiddy GradeKiddy Gradeis a 24 episode science fiction anime series produced in 2002 and created by gímik and Gonzo Digimation and directed by Keiji Gotoh. The series is licensed and distributed in North America by FUNimation Entertainment. The series currently airs on the FUNimation Channel in both its "syndicated...
as Yott - Macross 7Macross 7is an anime television series. It is a sequel to the show The Super Dimension Fortress Macross that takes place many years after the events of the first series following a cast of mostly new characters. The show ran from October 16, 1994 to September 24, 1995 at 11:00 AM, and 49 episodes were aired...
as Billy - PapuwaPapuwais a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ami Shibata and serialized in Square Enix's manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan from April 1991 to June 1995. The series follows Kotaro who is stranded on an uncharted island inhabited by strange talking animals hand has memory of his past...
as G (young); Ifuku - The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie) as Tewanton 3565
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersYu-Gi-Oh! (second series anime)Yu-Gi-Oh!, known in Japan and the rest of East Asia as is an anime based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. It is produced by Studio Gallop and Nihon Ad Systems, and the English-language adaptation was distributed by 4Kids Entertainment until March 29, 2011 when TV Tokyo and Nihon Ad Systems sued 4Kids...
as Marik's mother