Ainult armastusest
Ainult armastusest [Only of love
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions, as in the Christian phrase, "God is love" or Agape in the Canonical gospels...

] is a compilation of love song
Love song
A love song is about falling in love and the feelings it brings. Anthologies of love songs often contain a mixture of both of these types of song. A bawdy song is both humorous and saucy, emphasizing the physical pleasure of love rather than the emotional joy...

s by Estonia
Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia , is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia , and to the east by Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation . Across the Baltic Sea lies...

n rock
Rock music
Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed during and after the 1960s, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll, itself heavily influenced by rhythm and blues and country music...

 band Smilers
Smilers is an Estonian rock band formed in 1991 by Hendrik Sal-Saller. The name comes from a Rod Stewart album, Smiler; first the band was named Lezer Brozers. In the early years they tried in Finland with two albums, but didn't find success, so they came to Estonia and became famous very fast....

. The title references the last album, Ainult unustamiseks
Ainult unustamiseks
Ainult unustamiseks is the seventh album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia.- Track listing :All songs written by Hendrik Sal-Saller.# "Ainult unustamiseks" [Only to forget] – 4:29...

[Only to forget].

Track listing

  1. "Kõrvuni sees" [Head over heels] – 3:55 (previously unreleased)
  2. "Nii sind ootan" [So I wait for you] – 4:10 (from Ainult unustamiseks
    Ainult unustamiseks
    Ainult unustamiseks is the seventh album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia.- Track listing :All songs written by Hendrik Sal-Saller.# "Ainult unustamiseks" [Only to forget] – 4:29...

  3. "Tantsin sinuga taevas" [[I'm] dancing with you in the sky] – 3:42 (from Mõistus on kadunud
    Mõistus on kadunud
    Mõistus on kadunud is the second album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia. "Tantsin sinuga taevas" is one of their most famous songs...

  4. "Nagu hunt" [Like a wolf] – 4:06 (from Mõistus on kadunud)
  5. "Aega parajaks teen" [[I'm] killing time] – 5:07 (from Mõistus on kadunud)
  6. "Sina oled õige" [You are the right one] – 4:42 (from Jalgpall on parem kui sex
    Jalgpall on parem kui sex
    Jalgpall on parem kui sex is the fifth album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia and it is probably the most successful album from the band with 9 radio singles released and most of them proving to be...

  7. "Sinu küljes kinni" [Stuck on you] – 4:11 (from Mõistus on kadunud)
  8. "Las jääb nii" [Let it stay so] – 4:40 (from Mõistus on kadunud)
  9. "Armid jäävad" [Scar
    Scars are areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound results in...

    s remain
    ] – 4:09 (from Ainult unustamiseks)
  10. "Mõtlen sinust" [[I'm] thinking of you] – 4:35 (from Suure surmaga läbi elu
    Suure surmaga läbi elu
    Suure surmaga läbi elu [Through life with great death] is the fourth album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia. The album contains one of their best-known songs, "Mõtlen sinust".- Track listing :...

  11. "Rikutud süda" [Ruined heart
    Heart (symbol)
    The heart has long been used as a symbol to refer to the spiritual, emotional, moral, and in the past, also intellectual core of a human being...

    ] – 4:12 (from Suure surmaga läbi elu)
  12. "Nüüd on nii hea" [Now it's so good] – 4:28 (from Olen kuul
    Olen kuul
    Olen kuul is the first album by Estonian rock band Smilers to be released in Estonia, in 1997.- Track listing :All songs written by Hendrik Sal-Saller, except where noted.# "Lähme sõidame " [Let's ride ] - 3:19...

  13. "Ma palun andeks su käest" [I'm asking forgiveness from you] – 4:33 (from Jalgpall on parem kui sex)
  14. "Räägi mis sa teed" [Tell me what you do] – 4:14 (from Ainult unustamiseks)
  15. "Seilan 7 merd" [Sailing 7 sea
    A sea generally refers to a large body of salt water, but the term is used in other contexts as well. Most commonly, it means a large expanse of saline water connected with an ocean, and is commonly used as a synonym for ocean...

    ] – 4:20 (from Suure surmaga läbi elu)
  16. "Kvaliteet aeg" [Quality time
    Quality time
    Quality time is an informal reference to time spent with loved ones which is in some way important, special, productive or profitable. It is time that is set aside for paying full and undivided attention to the person or matter at hand...

    ] – 4:03 (from Jalgpall on parem kui sex)
  17. "Käime katuseid mööda" [We're walking by rooftops] – 4:18 (from Ainult unustamiseks)

External links

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