Aguata is a Local Government Area in Anambra state in Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

 with its headquarters in Aguata (location of the headquarter office buildings) part of which falls into the city of Ekwulobia while the other part falls within Aguluezechukwu. There has been an age-long contention on this issue between the indigenes of Aguluezechukwu and Ekwulobia with both towns claiming the status of the headquarters on account of ownership claim to the 'Aguata land'. This state of affairs made the Government of Anambra State to officially declare that the headquarters of Aguata Local Government Area should be Aguata (the neuter name of the location in which the headquarters of Aguata Local Government Area Offices are sited) in a bid to settle the conflict. Slogan: The Orient Colossus.


Aguata Local Government Area is home to some of Nigeria's distinguished statesmen and academicians, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo,former governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Air Vice Marshal C. Umenwaliri (Former Minister for communication FRN), Dr. Andy Uba, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife
Chukwuemeka Ezeife
Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife was elected governor of Anambra State in Nigeria from January 1992 to November 1993 during the Nigerian Third Republic.-Background:...

 (Elder statesman and former Governor), (Bishop Onuigwe C. Dominic), Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria Anambra State. Also from this great local govt. is Chief Titus Anigbogu(Ugwumba Aguata), Chief Dr. Emma Dimike ( Osuofia Aguluezechukwu, Osuofia 1 of Aguata, Osuofia Ndi Igbo) as well as Mr. Nestor Chukwuneme Ezeoji who hails from Umu-ochuba Clan of Agba Village in Ekwulobia, and other great movers and shakers in all walks of life. Aguata used to be host of the great Federal Polytechnic Oko, until recently when Orumba South and Orumba North were carved out of the Local Government Area.

Major Cities

Ekwulobia, the largest city in Aguata, is expanding rapidly to a population of about five-hundred thousand people. It is the major commercial town in the area. Most Nigerian Commercial banks maintain their branches there. It also boasts of a stadium, a Federal Prison( part of which falls into Ezinifite) and a major market, Eke Market. Several new agro- based factories established around Ekwulobia city have also attracted workers into the city. Ekwulobia is also a major transit hub from where travellers can connect to other far flung cities in Nigeria. There are public transport vehicles that go from Ekwulobia, on daily basis, to Onitsha, Awka, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja, Enugu, Abakaliki etc.

Ekwulobia is indeed a Beehive of activities especially during the festive period, it always attracts thousands of visitors from all walks of live during this periods.
The famous and legendly 'Achukwu' masquerade which the entire nine villages that made up Ekwulobia has, is a beauty to behold.

In the area of hospitality business, a good number of Ekwulobia Indigenes have invested heavily in that aspect thereby setting up between one to three star hotels in the town like Orton Palace Hotel and others. And these and many other features have made Ekwulobia a must visit for many visitors as well as other neighbouring towns in the area.

Ekwulobia Development Union is the mother union of all branches of Ekwulobia People's meetings both home and abroad even in the diaspora, with Lagos branch which is headed by Nze Lawrence Ezenwa(Ogbuehi Chinaza Oku) being the strongest of all the unions.

Aguluezechukwu, the other host to the Aguata Local Government council's secretariat is host to major Nkwo market and Nigga Woods Hotel which ranks as one of the best hotel in the locality . The town's union general body, the Aguluezechukwu Improvement Union (AIU) is currently headed by Hon. Mojekwu C.C. (Omenife I).

The famous 'Awuka' masquerade of Aguluezechukwu and 'Nkpokiti Ije Enu Dance' were noted for their unique dancing steps and won accolades in the then Anambra State.


Aguata Local Government Area is also an exciting tourist and archeological place. Several exciting archeological and cultural discoveries have been made about the ancient Igbo kingdom around the town of Igboukwu and the Bush Palace of the Eze Nri and Otunsi of Oraeri town.

Natural endowments

Aguata Local Government Area is also blessed with pure natural spring water, like the Famous Obizi Spring Water in Umuoru Village, Uga. The Ezekoro spring of Achina town (with its historic flights of stairs). There is also the Otalu stream, Mbala Aja Ugwugwu Beach (a picturesque stretch of sand dune and stream inside a long stretch of valley (mating groung for different species of beautiful birds) and Isiuma Lake all in Aguluezechukwu.

Ecological problems

The major ecological problem is soil erosion and landslide menace which has swallowed up many homes and hundreds of cultivatable arable farmlands. As a result numerous farmlands especially in Aguluezechukwu, Akpo and Ekwulobia have been lost. This has caused a lot of hardship for the people in this area. Until recently, the connecting road from Ekwulobia to Orumba north and Orumba south was cut off by erosion,thereby causing untold loss and difficulties to the people living in these areas, and slowing down economic growth.

Apart from the economic loss, this problem has also resulted in the disappearance of certain rare species of animals, plants and trees. Mostly affected are migratory birds that nest and breed in this area during different seasons. Even animals like monkeys which used be a common sight in some of these areas have all but disappeared with disappearance of vast forest areas. The entire ecological balance of this area is being continually threatened by this disaster that continues to affect the lives of people, animals and plants, negatively.

Other towns in Aguata L.G.A

Other towns in Aguata L.G.A Anambra State are: Akpo, Achina, Uga, Igbo-ukwu, Isuofia, Umuchu
Umuchu is the second largest town in Aguata local government of Anambra State, Nigeria. Anambra is the cradle of Igbo people of eastern Nigeria. Umuchu shares boundary in the north with Achina and Enugwu-Umuonyia communities . Umuchu is bordered in the south by Akokwa town in Imo State...

, Aguluezechukwu, Ezinifite, Ikenga, Amesi, Oraeri, Umuona, Nkpologwu.
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