African United Baptist Church
The African United Baptist Church is a denominational body of Baptists in the Republic of Malawi. It is one of two schisms from the Providence Industrial Mission
Providence Industrial Mission
Providence Industrial Mission was founded by John Chilembwe after his return to Malawi in 1900 from the United States. P.I.M continues today to operate in conjunction with the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.. Chilembwe's original church was rebuilt and assorted...

 (forerunner of the African Baptist Assembly of Malawi, Inc.
African Baptist Assembly of Malawi, Inc.
The African Baptist Assembly of Malawi, Inc. is the oldest continuously existing Baptist organization in the Republic of Malawi, with roots in the earliest mission work of Joseph Booth and is a successor to the Providence Baptist Mission ....

) of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. is the largest predominantly African-American Christian denomination in the United States and is the world's second largest Baptist denomination...

. The formation of the African United Baptist Church occurred in 1946.
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