Acrokeratosis verruciformis
Acrokeratosis verruciformis (also known as "Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf") is a rare autosomal dominant disorder appearing at birth or in early childhood, characterized by skin lesions that are small, verrucous, flat papule
A papule is a circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid, varying in size from a pinhead to 1 cm.With regard to the quote "...varying in size from a pinhead to 1cm," depending on which text is referenced, some authors state the cutoff between a papule and a plaque as 0.5cm,...

s resembling warts.

Like Darier's disease
Darier's disease
Darier's disease , also known as Darier disease, Darier–White disease, Dyskeratosis follicularis and Keratosis follicularis, is an autosomal dominant disorder discovered by French dermatologist Ferdinand-Jean Darier. Darier's is characterized by dark crusty patches on the skin, sometimes containing...

, it is associated with ATP2A2
ATP2A2 is an ATPase associated with Darier's disease and Acrokeratosis verruciformis.This gene encodes one of the SERCA Ca-ATPases, which are intracellular pumps located in the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticula of muscle cells...

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