ese company Namco Bandai Games
. The series emphasizes fast-paced action and dramatic plots, and has established itself as one of the most successful flight sim franchises.
Most games of the series take place in the same fictionalized world populated with fictional countries with details loosely based on real-life location, events, and wars.
"Cleared to engage."
"Mobius 1, engage."
"Today's my birthday! A victory sure would be nice"
"Mobius 1, fox two."
"Shack on the target."
"Fox one fox one!"
"All aircraft cleared to engage any and all targets. Sink the 'invincible' Aegir Fleet while they're at anchor. Good luck."
"The outcome of the war rests on you, so stay focused on whats at hand. Remember, survival is paramount, good luck to you all!"
"And Mobius 1, an end to the war would be a nice birthday gift as well."