Academy of Foreign Trade in Lwów

Second Polish Republic
The Second Polish Republic, Second Commonwealth of Poland or interwar Poland refers to Poland between the two world wars; a period in Polish history in which Poland was restored as an independent state. Officially known as the Republic of Poland or the Commonwealth of Poland , the Polish state was...
(now Lviv
Lviv is a city in western Ukraine. The city is regarded as one of the main cultural centres of today's Ukraine and historically has also been a major Polish and Jewish cultural center, as Poles and Jews were the two main ethnicities of the city until the outbreak of World War II and the following...
, Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...
). It existed between the years 1937-1939 and was based on the Foreign Trade College (Wyższa Szkola Handlu Zagranicznego), active from 1922 till 1937.
First trade college in the city of Lwów was a 3-year, state-sponsored school, founded in 1817 and which in 1845 was named Academy of Trade. In 1875, a trade high school with Polish as the main language was opened. These institutions merged in 1922, creating the Foreign Trade College.
The Academy was based in a building constructed in the 1920s, located at 5 Bourlard Street, it also owned another building, at 10 Sakramentek Street. Its students studied foreign trade, law, geography and science of commodities. It was the only college in the Second Polish Republic which prepared its graduates for future consular services. First rector of the Academy was professor Antoni Pawlowski, followed by prof. Aleksander Doliński, prof. Henryk Korowicz
Henryk Korowicz
Henryk Korowicz – Polish economist, professor and rector of the Academy of Foreign Trade in Lwów....
and prof. Stanisław Ruziewicz. Both Korowicz and Ruziewicz were killed in the Massacre of Lviv professors. Also, specialists from both Lwów Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic National University is the largest scientific university in Lviv. Since its foundation in 1844, it was one of the most important centres of science and technological development in Central Europe. In the interbellum period, the Polytechnic was one of the most important technical...
and the Jan Kazimierz University
Lviv University
The Lviv University or officially the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is the oldest continuously operating university in Ukraine...
lectured at the Academy. The school ceased to exist in September 1939, following the joint Nazi and Soviet attack on Poland.
- A. Redzik, Szkic z dziejów szkolnictwa wyższego we Lwówie, Niepodległość i Pamięć, nr 24, 2006, s. 93-109.
- R. Domaszkiewicz, Akademia Handlu Zagranicznego we Lwowie 1939-1945, [w:] Lwowskie Środowisko naukowe w latach 1939-1945. O Jakubie Karolu Parnasie, pod red. Ireny Stasiewicz - Jasiukowej, wyd. 4, Warszawa 1993, s. 99-108;