Abstract syntax tree
Computer science
Computer science or computing science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems...
, an abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code
Source code
In computer science, source code is text written using the format and syntax of the programming language that it is being written in. Such a language is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source...
written in a programming language
Programming language
A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and/or to express algorithms precisely....
. Each node of the tree denotes a construct occurring in the source code. The syntax is 'abstract' in the sense that it does not represent every detail that appears in the real syntax. For instance, grouping parentheses are implicit in the tree structure, and a syntactic construct such as an if-condition-then expression may be denoted by a single node with two branches.
This makes abstract syntax trees different from concrete syntax trees, traditionally called parse tree
Parse tree
A concrete syntax tree or parse tree or parsing treeis an ordered, rooted tree that represents the syntactic structure of a string according to some formal grammar. In a parse tree, the interior nodes are labeled by non-terminals of the grammar, while the leaf nodes are labeled by terminals of the...
s, which are often built by a parser as part of the source code translation and compiling
A compiler is a computer program that transforms source code written in a programming language into another computer language...