Abraxas (moth)
Abraxas is a genus of moth
A moth is an insect closely related to the butterfly, both being of the order Lepidoptera. Moths form the majority of this order; there are thought to be 150,000 to 250,000 different species of moth , with thousands of species yet to be described...

 in the family Geometridae.


  • Abraxas adilluminata
    Abraxas adilluminata
    Abraxas adilluminata is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas albiplaga
    Abraxas albiplaga
    Abraxas albiplaga is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from southern Sulawesi....

    (Warren, 1894)
  • Abraxas albiquadrata
    Abraxas albiquadrata
    Abraxas albiquadrata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1897. It is known from Ceram and Bacan....

    (Warren, 1897)
  • Abraxas antinebulosa Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas breueri
    Abraxas breueri
    Abraxas breueri is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Stüning and Hausmann in 2002. It is known from Mindanao in the Philippines.The wingspan is 33-40 mm....

    Stüning & Hausmann, 2002
  • Abraxas capitata
    Abraxas capitata
    Abraxas capitata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from India ....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas celidota
    Abraxas celidota
    Abraxas celidota is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Wehrli in 1931. It is known from western China....

    Wehrli, 1931
  • Abraxas consputa
    Abraxas consputa
    Abraxas consputa is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Bastelberger, 1909
  • Abraxas cupreilluminata Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas degener
    Abraxas degener
    Abraxas degener is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas disrupta
    Abraxas disrupta
    Abraxas disrupta is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Khasia Hills in India....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas expectata
    Abraxas expectata
    Abraxas expectata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1902. It is known from Australia....

    Warren, 1902
  • Abraxas flavimacula
    Abraxas flavimacula
    Abraxas flavimacula is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1896. It is known from Australia....

    (Warren, 1896)
  • Abraxas flavisinuata
    Abraxas flavisinuata
    Abraxas flavisinuata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Japan.The wingspan is 34-44 mm....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas fletcheri
    Abraxas fletcheri
    Abraxas fletcheri is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas formosilluminata
    Abraxas formosilluminata
    Abraxas formosilluminata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Inoue in 1984. It is known from Japan and Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas fulvobasalis
    Abraxas fulvobasalis
    Abraxas fulvobasalis is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from south-eastern Siberia, northern China and Japan.The wingspan is 17-23 mm....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas gephyra
    Abraxas gephyra
    Abraxas gephyra is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by West in 1929. It is known from Luzon in the Philippines....

    West, 1929
  • Abraxas grossulariata
    Abraxas grossulariata
    Abraxas grossulariata is a moth of the family Geometridae, native to Europe and North America. Its distinctive speckled colouration has given it a common name of Magpie Moth...

    – The Magpie (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Abraxas illuminata
    Abraxas illuminata
    Abraxas illuminata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Sikkim and Darjeeling in India, as well as China and Taiwan.The wingspan is about 47 mm....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas incolorata
    Abraxas incolorata
    Abraxas incolorata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Java....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas intermedia
    Abraxas intermedia
    Abraxas intermedia is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1888. It is known from Subathu in India....

    Warren, 1888
  • Abraxas interpunctata
    Abraxas interpunctata
    Abraxas interpunctata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1905. It is known from Sula Island....

    Warren, 1905
  • Abraxas intervacuata
    Abraxas intervacuata
    Abraxas intervacuata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1896. It is known from Borneo, Java and Sulawesi....

    (Warren, 1896)
  • Abraxas invasata
    Abraxas invasata
    Abraxas invasata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1897. It is known from Borneo.The habitat consists of lower and upper montane regions. The species mostly flies by day but may also come to light at night....

    Warren, 1897
  • Abraxas karafutonis Matsumura, 1925
  • Abraxas labraria
    Abraxas labraria
    Abraxas labraria is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Guenée in 1857. It is known from Java....

    Guenée, 1857
  • Abraxas latifasciata
    Abraxas latifasciata
    Abraxas latifasciata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from south-eastern Siberia, eastern China and Japan.The wingspan is 30-39 mm....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas martaria
    Abraxas martaria
    Abraxas martaria is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Guenée in 1857. It is known from northern India....

    Guenée, 1857
  • Abraxas membranacea
    Abraxas membranacea
    Abraxas membranacea is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas metamorpha
    Abraxas metamorpha
    Abraxas metamorpha is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1893. It is known from Sikkim in India....

    Warren, 1893
  • Abraxas miranda
    Abraxas miranda
    Abraxas miranda is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Butler in 1878. It is known from Japan.The wingspan is 18-26 mm....

    Butler, 1878
  • Abraxas niphonibia
    Abraxas niphonibia
    Abraxas niphonibia is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Wehrli in 1935. It is known from Japan, Korea and the Kuriles.The wingspan is 14-20 mm....

    Wehrli, 1935
  • Abraxas notata
    Abraxas notata
    Abraxas notata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from the Nilgiri Hills in India....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas pantaria
    Abraxas pantaria
    Abraxas pantaria, known commonly as the Light Magpie or Spotted Ash Looper is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Linnaeus in 1767. It is found in the Mediterranean andis common in Portugal and Spain...

    – Light Magpie (Linnaeus, 1767)
  • Abraxas parvimiranda Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas paucinotata
    Abraxas paucinotata
    Abraxas paucinotata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Tibet, the Khasi Hills and Darjeeling....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas persimplex Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas picaria
    Abraxas picaria
    Abraxas picaria is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Moore in 1868. It is known from Bengal....

    Moore, [1868]
  • Abraxas placata Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas privata
    Abraxas privata
    Abraxas privata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Bastelberger in 1905. It is known from Sumba and Timor....

    Bastelberger, 1905
  • Abraxas punctifera
    Abraxas punctifera
    Abraxas punctifera is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Walker in 1865. It is known from the Aru Islands....

    (Walker, [1865])
  • Abraxas pusilla
    Abraxas pusilla
    Abraxas pusilla is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Butler in 1880. It is known from Darjeeling in India....

    Butler, 1880
  • Abraxas satoi Inoue, 1972
  • Abraxas sinopicaria
    Abraxas sinopicaria
    Abraxas sinopicaria is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Wehrli in 1934. It is known from Sichuan in China....

    Wehrli, 1934
  • Abraxas sporocrossa
    Abraxas sporocrossa
    Abraxas sporocrossa is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Turner in 1922. It is known from Australia....

    Turner, 1922
  • Abraxas stictotaenia Wehrli, 1932
  • Abraxas stresemanni
    Abraxas stresemanni
    Abraxas stresemanni is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Rothschild in 1915. It is known from Ceram....

    Rothschild, 1915
  • Abraxas subhyalinata
    Abraxas subhyalinata
    Abraxas subhyalinata is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Röber in 1891. It is known from Flores and Borneo....

    Röber, 1891
  • Abraxas submartiaris Wehrli, 1932
  • Abraxas suffusa
    Abraxas suffusa
    Abraxas suffusa is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from Tibet....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas suspecta
    Abraxas suspecta
    Abraxas suspecta is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from China.There are four generations per year.The larvae feed on Euonymus japonicus. The species overwinters as a pupa....

    (Warren, 1894)
  • Abraxas sylvata
    Abraxas sylvata
    The Clouded Magpie is a moth of the family Geometridae that was named by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli in 1763.-Description:...

    – Clouded Magpie (Scopoli, 1763)
  • Abraxas symmetrica
    Abraxas symmetrica
    Abraxas symmetrica is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Warren in 1894. It is known from the Khasia Hills in India....

    Warren, 1894
  • Abraxas taiwanensis
    Abraxas taiwanensis
    Abraxas taiwanensis is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas tenellula
    Abraxas tenellula
    Abraxas tenellula is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas tenuisuffusa Inoue, 1984
  • Abraxas triseriaria
    Abraxas triseriaria
    Abraxas triseriaria is a species of moth belonging to the family Geometridae. It was described by Herrich-Schäffer in 1855. It is known from Bunna, Sumatra and Java....

    Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]
  • Abraxas wilemani
    Abraxas wilemani
    Abraxas wilemani is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in Taiwan....

    Inoue, 1984
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