Able-bodied Adults Without Dependents
The term Able-bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) refers to low income working adults in the United States who do not have dependents. The 1996 welfare law (P.L. 104-193) set categorical requirements for food stamp participation. Among these were restrictions on legal alien
Alien (law)
In law, an alien is a person in a country who is not a citizen of that country.-Categorization:Types of "alien" persons are:*An alien who is legally permitted to remain in a country which is foreign to him or her. On specified terms, this kind of alien may be called a legal alien of that country...

 participation and participation by low income persons without dependents. The latter (formerly eligible based solely on low income) were made ineligible for food stamps
Food Stamp Program
The United States Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , historically and commonly known as the Food Stamp Program, is a federal-assistance program that provides assistance to low- and no-income people and families living in the U.S. Though the program is administered by the U.S. Department of...

 if they received food stamps for 3 months during the preceding 3 years without working or participating in a work program for at least 20 hours a week, or without participating in a workfare
Workfare is an alternative model to conventional social welfare systems. The term was first introduced by civil rights leader James Charles Evers in 1968; however, it was popularized by Richard Nixon in a televised speech August 1969...

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