Abildgaard is a Danish surname
A surname is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name. In many cases, a surname is a family name. Many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name"...

 and may refer to:
  • Søren Abildgaard
    Søren Abildgaard
    Søren Pedersen Abildgaard was a Danish naturalist, writer and illustrator. He was born in Flekkefjord in Norway and died in Copenhagen in Denmark....

     (1718–1791), Danish naturalist
  • Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard
    Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard
    Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard , Danish artist, was born in Copenhagen, the son of Søren Abildgaard, an antiquarian draughtsman of repute, and Anne Margrethe Bastholm.- Training as an artist :...

    (1743–1809), Danish painter
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