A Sidewalk Astronomer
A Sidewalk Astronomer (2005) is a documentary film
Documentary film
Documentary films constitute a broad category of nonfictional motion pictures intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record...

 about former Vedanta monk and amateur astronomer
Amateur astronomy
Amateur astronomy, also called backyard astronomy and stargazing, is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the night sky , and the plethora of objects found in it, mainly with portable telescopes and binoculars...

 John Dobson
John Dobson (astronomer)
John Lowry Dobson is a popularizer of amateur astronomy. He is most notable for being the promoter of a design for large, portable, low-cost Newtonian reflecting telescopes that bears his name, the Dobsonian telescope. The design is considered revolutionary since it allowed amateur astronomers to...

. The film follows Dobson to state parks, astronomy clubs, and downtown streets as he promotes awareness of astronomy through his on personal style of sidewalk astronomy
Sidewalk astronomy
Sidewalk or Street Corner Astronomy refers to the activity of setting up a telescope in an urban setting on a for profit or non-profit basis as an entertainment or for public education.-Overview:...

. The documentary includes voice overs by Dobson himself promoting his unorthodox views on religion and cosmology
Cosmology is the discipline that deals with the nature of the Universe as a whole. Cosmologists seek to understand the origin, evolution, structure, and ultimate fate of the Universe at large, as well as the natural laws that keep it in order...



  • Produced and directed: Jeffrey Fox Jacobs
  • Director of photography: Jeffrey Fox Jacobs
  • Editor: Jeanne Vitale
  • Music: John Angier
  • Release: Jacobs Entertainment Inc
  • Running time: 78 minutes
  • This film is not rated


Shown at: Tribecca Film Festival 2005 ; Singapore Film Festival 2005; Maine Film Festival 2005; Avignon Film Festival 2005 ; Green Mountain Film Festival
Green Mountain Film Festival
The first Green Mountain Film Festival took place in Montpelier, Vermont in 1997. In March 1999, a second festival was held and it has been an annual March event ever since. In 2010 the festival was extended to include a series of satellite screenings in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.The program focuses...


Taiwan Sidewalk Astronomer => familystar

External links

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