ALA-LC romanization for Russian
The ALA-LC Romanization tables for Slavic alphabets is a set of standards for romanization
In linguistics, romanization or latinization is the representation of a written word or spoken speech with the Roman script, or a system for doing so, where the original word or language uses a different writing system . Methods of romanization include transliteration, for representing written...

 of texts in various writing systems used in North American libraries and publications. The latest version was published by the American Library Association & Library of Congress in 1997. This article is about the ALA-LC method of transliteration
Transliteration is a subset of the science of hermeneutics. It is a form of translation, and is the practice of converting a text from one script into another...

 of Russian-language text from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet
Latin alphabet
The Latin alphabet, also called the Roman alphabet, is the most recognized alphabet used in the world today. It evolved from a western variety of the Greek alphabet called the Cumaean alphabet, which was adopted and modified by the Etruscans who ruled early Rome...


The formal, unambiguous version of the system requires some diacritics and two-letter tie characters which are often omitted in practice.

ALA-LC also publishes tables for the transliteration of many other languages.
Special provision Examples
А (а) A (a) None Азов = Azov
Тамбов = Tambov
Б (б) B (b) None Барнаул = Barnaul
Кубань = Kubanʹ
В (в) V (v) None Владимир = Vladimir
Ульяновск = Ulʹi͡anovsk
Г (г) G (g) None Грозный = Groznyǐ
Волгодонск = Volgodonsk
Д (д) D (d) None Дзержинский = Dzerzhinskiǐ
Нелидово = Nelidovo
Е (е) E (e) None Елизово = Elizovo
Чебоксары = Cheboksary
Ё (ё) Ë (ë) None Ёлкин = Ëlkin
Озёрный = Ozërnyǐ
Ж (ж) Zh (zh) None Жуков = Zhukov
Лужники = Luzhniki
З (з) Z (z) None Звенигород = Zvenigorod
Вязьма = Vi͡azʹma
И (и) I (i) None Иркутск = Irkutsk
Апатиты = Apatity
Й (й) Ĭ (ĭ) None Йошкар-Ола = Ǐoshkar-Ola
Бийск = Biǐsk
К (к) K (k) None Киров = Kirov
Енисейск = Eniseǐsk
Л (л) L (l) None Ломоносов = Lomonosov
Нелидово = Nelidovo
М (м) M (m) None Менделеев = Mendeleev
Каменка = Kamenka
Н (н) N (n) None Новосибирск = Novosibirsk
Кандалакша = Kandalaksha
О (о) O (o) None Омск = Omsk
Красноярск = Krasnoi͡arsk
П (п) P (p) None Петрозаводск = Petrozavodsk
Серпухов = Serpukhov
Р (р) R (r) None Ростов = Rostov
Северобайкальск = Severobaǐkalʹsk
С (с) S (s) None Сковородино = Skovorodino
Чайковский = Chaǐkovskiǐ
Т (т) T (t) None Тамбов = Tambov
Мытищи = Mytishchi
У (у) U (u) None Углич = Uglich
Дудинка = Dudinka
Ф (ф) F (f) None Фурманов = Furmanov
Уфа = Ufa
Х (х) Kh (kh) None Хабаровск = Khabarovsk
Прохладный = Prokhladnyǐ
Ц (ц) None Цимлянск =
Ельцин =
Ч (ч) Ch (ch) None Чебоксары = Cheboksary
Печора = Pechora
Ш (ш) Sh (sh) None Шахтёрск = Shakhtërsk
Мышкин = Myshkin
Щ (щ) Shch (shch) None Щёлково = Shchëlkovo
Ртищево = Rtishchevo
Ъ (ъ) ʺ This letter does not occur in the beginning of a word. Подъездной = Podʺezdnoǐ
Ы (ы) Y (y) This letter does not occur in the beginning of words of Russian origin. Ыттык-Кёль = Yttyk-Këlʹ
Тында = Tynda
Ь (ь) ʹ This letter does not occur in the beginning of a word. Тюмень = Ti͡umenʹ
Э (э) Ė (ė) None Электрогорск = Ėlektrogorsk
Радиоэлектроника = Radioėlektronika
Ю (ю) I͡U (i͡u) None Юбилейный = I͡Ubileǐnyǐ
Ключевская = Kli͡uchevskai͡a
Я (я) I͡A (i͡a) None Якутск = I͡Akutsk
Брянск = Bri͡ansk

External links

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