4B may refer to :
  • "4B" (song), a song by Terminaator from Minu väike paradiis
  • 4B (Interbank network), an Interbank network
    Interbank network
    An interbank network, also known as an ATM consortium or ATM network, is a computer network that connects the ATMs of different banks and permits these ATMs to interact with the ATM cards of non-native banks....

See also

  • Long March 4B
    Long March 4B
    The Long March 4B , also known as the Chang Zheng 4B, CZ-4B and LM-4B is a Chinese orbital carrier rocket. Launched from Launch Complex 1 at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre, it is a 3-stage rocket, used mostly to place satellites into low Earth and sun synchronous orbits...

    , a Chinese orbital carrier rocket
  • Oflag IV-B Koenigstein
    Oflag IV-B Koenigstein
    Oflag IV-B Koenigstein was a Nazi POW camp for Allied officers during World War II. It was located in Königstein Fortress near the town of Königstein in Saxony....

    , a German prisoner of war camp
  • Stalag IV-B
    Stalag IV-B
    Stalag IV-B was one of the largest prisoner of war camps in Germany during World War II. Stalag is an abbreviation of the German noun "Stammlager". The main camp was located 8km NE of the town Mühlberg in Brandenburg, just east of the Elbe river and about 30 miles north of Dresden...

    , a German prisoner of war camp
  • B4 (disambiguation)
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