4-Dimethylaminophenylpentazole, is an unstable, explosive compound that contains the rare pentazole
Pentazole is an aromatic chemical molecule consisting of a five-membered ring with all nitrogen atoms, one of which is bonded to a hydrogen atom. It has a molecular formula of HN5. Its SMILES structure is...

 ring, which is composed of five nitrogen atoms. The electron donating effect
Polar effect
The Polar effect or electronic effect in chemistry is the effect exerted by a substituent on modifying electrostatic forces operating on a nearby reaction center...

 of the 4-dimethylamino substituent on the phenyl ring makes this compound one of the more stable of the phenylpentazoles. At room temperature, its chemical half-life is only a few hours, although storage is possible at cryogenic temperatures. The compound was first prepared in 1956 along with other substituted phenylpentazoles. Studies have been conducted on various other derivatives, though necessarily limited by the instability of these compounds. Some more highly substituted derivatives, such as 2,6-dihydroxy-4-dimethylaminophenylpentazole, are slightly more stable but conversely, more difficult to make. Current research has focused on forming transition metal
Transition metal
The term transition metal has two possible meanings:*The IUPAC definition states that a transition metal is "an element whose atom has an incomplete d sub-shell, or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub-shell." Group 12 elements are not transition metals in this definition.*Some...

 complexes of these pentazole derivatives, as the pentazole ring should be stabilised by bonding to the metal centre.
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