3v3 Soccer
3v3 Soccer is a variety of soccer (association football) played between two teams. Each team may only have 3 players on the field at a time (hence providing the name, "3 v 3", "3 versus 3", or "3 on 3"). This style of soccer is more commonly referred to as a "small-sided" game, as compared to a full game with larger teams. The field used is smaller than a regulation soccer pitch, instead it typically is 30 yards wide by 40 yards long, although these dimensions vary quite a bit when the game is played indoors due to the varied styles and sizes of indoor pitches. It uses a much smaller goal than fullsided soccer. In most 3v3 there is no keeper, although one variant, 3v3 Micro Soccer, does use a keeper.
"3v3 Soccer" is claimed to be the fastest growing form of soccer in the World. Its greatest popularity is in the United States, where hundreds, and perhaps thousands of Tournaments take place each year, however it is also now begun to catch on in many other countries. Nike helped to popularize it with its international Joga3 Joga Bonito Tour back in 2006, in which teams qualified at local events around the World, culminating in a big 3v3 World Cup played in Brazil.
It is a much faster paced, and higher scoring game than traditional full sided soccer. The speed of the attack, the use of triangulation, and the strategies bring aspects of Hockey into the game. The quick shift from one end of the field to the other after a goal is scored, or upon loss of possession is reminiscent of Basketball. It requires the blending of individual skills with teamwork.
Its gain in popularity is largely because every member of the team gets equal playing time, and equal touches on the ball. All players on the field are a part of the play. Because of the speed of the game, and the fact that players are constantly in motion, there are frequent substitutions. A typical player may be rotated on six times or more in one game. There are no permanently assigned positions as there are in full sided soccer, giving each team member equal status and equal importance. This helps to develop individual skills.
Currently there are Four major tours in the United States, Colorado based Kick-it 3v3 (used to be called Got Milk 3v3) ,Utah based 3v3 Live, Florida based Challenge3v3 and 3v3 World Tour, a 3v3 soccer tour that offers a 3v3 ranking system. There is also a new California based US 3v3 Soccer is promoting 3v3 soccer throughout California and the West. Canada also finally has its own home grown tour attempting to promote 3v3 there. Ontario based Ultimate 3 on 3 Soccer is the first Canadian based 3v3 Soccer Tour.
"3v3 Soccer" is claimed to be the fastest growing form of soccer in the World. Its greatest popularity is in the United States, where hundreds, and perhaps thousands of Tournaments take place each year, however it is also now begun to catch on in many other countries. Nike helped to popularize it with its international Joga3 Joga Bonito Tour back in 2006, in which teams qualified at local events around the World, culminating in a big 3v3 World Cup played in Brazil.
It is a much faster paced, and higher scoring game than traditional full sided soccer. The speed of the attack, the use of triangulation, and the strategies bring aspects of Hockey into the game. The quick shift from one end of the field to the other after a goal is scored, or upon loss of possession is reminiscent of Basketball. It requires the blending of individual skills with teamwork.
Its gain in popularity is largely because every member of the team gets equal playing time, and equal touches on the ball. All players on the field are a part of the play. Because of the speed of the game, and the fact that players are constantly in motion, there are frequent substitutions. A typical player may be rotated on six times or more in one game. There are no permanently assigned positions as there are in full sided soccer, giving each team member equal status and equal importance. This helps to develop individual skills.
Currently there are Four major tours in the United States, Colorado based Kick-it 3v3 (used to be called Got Milk 3v3) ,Utah based 3v3 Live, Florida based Challenge3v3 and 3v3 World Tour, a 3v3 soccer tour that offers a 3v3 ranking system. There is also a new California based US 3v3 Soccer is promoting 3v3 soccer throughout California and the West. Canada also finally has its own home grown tour attempting to promote 3v3 there. Ontario based Ultimate 3 on 3 Soccer is the first Canadian based 3v3 Soccer Tour.