1983 European Formula Two season
The 1983 European Formula Two
season was contested over 11 rounds. 14 different teams, 39 different drivers, 10 different chassis and 3 different engines competed.
Race 11 originally scheduled over 48 laps, but shortened after a re-start due to an accident in the first corner.
|- valign="top"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%;"
|- valign="top"
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Driver
!valign="middle"| Pts
! 1
Jonathan Palmer
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
! 68
! 2
Mike Thackwell
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
! 51
! 3
Beppe Gabbiani
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 39
! 4
Philippe Streiff
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
! 25
! 5
Christian Danner
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
! 21
! 6
Jo Gartner
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 17
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
! 14
! 7
Alessandro Nannini
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
! 11
! 8
Thierry Tassin
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
! 11
! 9
Stefan Bellof
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #ffffff"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
! 9
! 10
Kenny Acheson
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 6
! 11
Pierluigi Martini
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
! 6
! 12
Roberto Del Castello
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 4
! 13
Guido Daccò
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 14
Philippe Alliot
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 15
Alain Ferté
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #ffffff"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 16
Kazuyoshi Hoshino
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
! 3
! 17
Fulvio Ballabio
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| NC
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
! 3
! 18
Dave Scott
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 16
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
! 3
! 19
Enrique Mansilla
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 2
! 20
Lamberto Leoni
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 1
! 21
Frank Jelinski
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 1
! 22
Rolf Biland
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
! 1
! 23
Fredy Lienhard
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
! 1
! 24
Michel Ferté
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
! 1
! —
Richard Dallest
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —
Oscar Larrauri
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 0
! —
Pierre Petit
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —
Tomas Kaiser
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —
Enzo Coloni
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —
Emilio de Villota
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
! 0
! —
Derek Daly
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 0
! —
Didier Theys
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 0
! —
Bartl Stadler
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
! 0
! —
Pierre Chauvet
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —
Aldo Bertuzzi
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 0
! —
Patrick Nève
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
! 0
! —
Paolo Barilla
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| NC
! 0
! —
Peter Stütz
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —
Beat Jans
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Driver
!valign="middle"| Pts
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|-align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Place !! Name !! Country !! Team !! Chassis !! Engine !!
!! Total Points
| 1 ||align="left"| Jonathan Palmer
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
||align="left"| Ralt
||align="left"| Honda || - || 4 || 9 || (3) || 6 || 4 || (4) || 9 || 9 || 9 || 9 || 9 || 68
| 2 ||align="left"| Mike Thackwell
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
||align="left"| Ralt
||align="left"| Honda || 6 || 6 || 4 || - || 4 || - || 9 || 6 || - || 4 || 6 || 6 || 51
| 3 ||align="left"| Beppe Gabbiani
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| 9 || 9 || - || 9 || 9 || - || - || - || - || 3 || - || - || 39
| 4 ||align="left"| Philippe Streiff
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
||align="left"| BMW
|| 2 || - || - || - || 2 || - || 3 || 4 || - || 6 || 4 || 4 || 25
| 5 ||align="left"| Christian Danner
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| 4 || - || 6 || 4 || - || 2 || - || 2 || - || - || 3 || - || 21
| 6 ||align="left"| Jo Gartner
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || 3 || - || - || 9 || - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 14
| 7 ||align="left"| Thierry Tassin ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || 3 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 3 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 11
| ||align="left"| Alessandro Nannini
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || 2 || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 3 || 11
| 9 ||align="left"| Stefan Bellof
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
|| 3 || - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || 9
| 10 ||align="left"| Kenny Acheson
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 6
| ||align="left"| Pierluigi Martini
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || 6
| 12 ||align="left"| Alain Ferté
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 2 || - || - || - || - || - || 4
| ||align="left"| Roberto Del Castello ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 4 || - || - || - || 4
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Guido Daccò
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Lola ||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || || || || ||rowspan=2| 4
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| || || || || || || || || 3 || - || - || -
| ||align="left"| Philippe Alliot
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || 2 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 2 || - || 4
| 16 ||align="left"| Kazuyoshi Hoshino
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 3 || - || - || - || - || 3
| ||align="left"| Dave Scott ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 2 || 3
| ||align="left"| Fulvio Ballabio
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 1 || 3
| 19 ||align="left"| Enrique Mansilla
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 1 || - || 2
| 20 ||align="left"| Lamberto Leoni
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Frank Jelinski
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Rolf Biland
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Fredy Lienhard
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Michel Ferté
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
||align="left"| BMW
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || 1
|first column of every race ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 10 ||= grid position
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|second column of every race ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||= race result
R10=retired, but classified NC=not classified R=retired NS=did not start NQ=did not qualify DIS(3)=disqualified after finishing in third position
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|-align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
| Place || Name || Country || Team || Chassis || Engine ||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|
| 1 ||align="left"| Jonathan Palmer
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
||align="left"| Ralt
||align="left"| Honda ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF" width="20"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1
| 2 ||align="left"| Mike Thackwell
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
||align="left"| Ralt
||align="left"| Honda ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2
| 3 ||align="left"| Beppe Gabbiani
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9
| 4 ||align="left"| Philippe Streiff
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3
| 5 ||align="left"| Christian Danner
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10
| 6 ||align="left"| Jo Gartner
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 17 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7
| 7 ||align="left"| Thierry Tassin ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Alessandro Nannini
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4
| 9 ||align="left"| Stefan Bellof
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| DIS(3) ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| 10 ||align="left"| Kenny Acheson
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Pierluigi Martini
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| 12 ||align="left"| Alain Ferté
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| DIS(1) ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Roberto Del Castello ||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Mint Engineering ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS
|rowspan=3| ||rowspan=3 align="left"| Guido Daccò
||rowspan=3 align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
||align="left"| Merzario
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 15 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Lola ||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| ||align="left"| Philippe Alliot
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| 16 ||align="left"| Kazuyoshi Hoshino
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Dave Scott ||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Mint Engineering ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R16 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Fulvio Ballabio
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
||align="left"| Merzario
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NC ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6
| 19 ||align="left"| Enrique Mansilla
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
|rowspan=2| 20 ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Lamberto Leoni
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Frank Jelinski
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Rolf Biland
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Fredy Lienhard
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Michel Ferté
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Richard Dallest ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
||align="left"| Merzario
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8
| - ||align="left"| Oscar Larrauri
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| - ||align="left"| Pierre Petit ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Tomas Kaiser
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Enzo Coloni ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| - ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Emilio de Villota
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Derek Daly
||align="left"| ||align="left"| McMahon Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| Hart
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Didier Theys
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Bartl Stadler ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Pierre Chauvet ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
|rowspan=4| - ||rowspan=4 align="left"| Aldo Bertuzzi ||rowspan=4 align="left"| ||align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Toleman
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 15 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS
| - ||align="left"| Patrick Nève
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Paolo Barilla
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| Minardi
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NC ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Peter Stütz ||align="left"| ||align="left"|private entry ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Beat Jans ||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
||align="left"| BMW
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
European Formula Two Championship
The European Formula Two Championship was a Formula Two motor racing series that was held between 1967–84. The races were held across Europe, and were contested both by drivers aiming to compete in Formula One in the future as well as current Formula One drivers wishing to practice...
season was contested over 11 rounds. 14 different teams, 39 different drivers, 10 different chassis and 3 different engines competed.
Race No | Track | Country | Date | Laps | Distance | Time | Speed | Winner | Pole Position | Fastest Lap |
1 | Silverstone Silverstone Circuit Silverstone Circuit is an English motor racing circuit next to the Northamptonshire villages of Silverstone and Whittlebury. The circuit straddles the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire border, with the current main circuit entry on the Buckinghamshire side... |
March 20, 1983 | 47 | 4.719=221.793 km | 1'08:30.71 | 194.200 km/h | Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
Dave Scott | Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983... |
2 | Thruxton Thruxton Circuit Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing.... |
April 4, 1983 | 55 | 3.598=197.890 km | 1'03:54.06 | 195.828 km/h | Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
3 | Hockenheim Hockenheimring The Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg is an automobile racing track situated near the town of Hockenheim in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, located on Bertha Benz Memorial Route. Amongst other motor racing events, it biennially hosts the Formula One German Grand Prix... |
April 10, 1983 | 30 | 6.797=203.910 km | 1'02:25.22 | 196.015 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Lamberto Leoni Lamberto Leoni Lamberto Leoni is a former racing driver from Italy. He participated in five Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, failing to qualify for three of them... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
4 | Nürburgring Nürburgring The Nürburgring is a motorsport complex around the village of Nürburg, Germany. It features a modern Grand Prix race track built in 1984, and a much longer old North loop track which was built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains. It is located about... |
April 24, 1983 | 9 | 20.83=187.47 km | 0'58:46.44 | 191.398 km/h | Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
Christian Danner Christian Danner Christian Danner is a former race car driver from Germany.The son of well-known car safety expert Max Danner, Christian started motor-racing in the Renault 5 cup... |
Christian Danner Christian Danner Christian Danner is a former race car driver from Germany.The son of well-known car safety expert Max Danner, Christian started motor-racing in the Renault 5 cup... |
5 | Vallelunga | May 8, 1983 | 65 | 3.2=208.0 km | 1'14:59.60 | 166.415 km/h | Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
Beppe Gabbiani Beppe Gabbiani Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points... |
6 | Pau | May 22, 1983 | 73 | 2.834=206.882 km | 1'45:18.65 | 114.792 km/h | Jo Gartner Jo Gartner Jo Gartner was a Formula One and sports car endurance driver from Austria. After a successful junior formula career, including wins in Formula 2. He participated in eight Formula One Grands Prix for Osella, debuting on 6 May 1984, scoring no points... |
Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983... |
Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983... |
7 | Jarama Circuito Permanente Del Jarama The Circuito del Jarama , formerly known as Circuito Permanente del Jarama is a race course in Madrid, Spain which has hosted nine Formula One Spanish Grand Prix.... |
June 12, 1983 | 65 | 3.400=221.000 km | 1'28:50.80 | 145.383 km/h | Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
8 | Donington Park Donington Park Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship... |
June 26, 1983 | 70 | 3.150=220.20 km | 1'16:39.02 | 172.602 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
9 | Misano | July 24, 1983 | 58 | 3.488=202.304 km | 1'09:37.74 | 174.327 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Philippe Alliot Philippe Alliot Philippe Alliot is a former racing driver who participated in Formula One from to and from to . He raced for RAM, Ligier, Larrousse and McLaren.... |
Philippe Alliot Philippe Alliot Philippe Alliot is a former racing driver who participated in Formula One from to and from to . He raced for RAM, Ligier, Larrousse and McLaren.... |
10 | Pergusa-Enna Autodromo di Pergusa The Autodromo di Pergusa is an automobile and motorcycle circuit that encircles the only Sicilian natural lake, Pergusa Lake. The circuit is also known as Enna-Pergusa, as the lake is located near the city of Enna.... |
July 31, 1983 | 45 | 4.95=222.75 km | 1'10:11.30 | 190.416 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Mike Thackwell Mike Thackwell Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He... |
Alessandro Nannini Alessandro Nannini Alessandro "Sandro" Nannini is a former racing driver from Italy. He is the younger brother of rock-singer Gianna Nannini.-Biography:... |
11 | Zolder Zolder The Circuit Zolder, also known as Circuit Terlaemen, is an undulating motorsport race track in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium.Built in 1963, Zolder hosted the Formula One Belgian Grand Prix on 10 separate occasions in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the 1980 Belgian motorcycle Grand Prix. The F1 circus... |
August 21, 1983 | 46 | 4.262=196.052 km | 1.13:30.27 | 167.75 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
12 | Mugello Mugello Circuit Mugello Circuit is a race track in the Mugello region of Italy near Florence. Its length is . It has 15 turns and a long straight.Grand Prix motorcycle racing host an annual event here . Also, the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters hold an annual event. The track is property of Scuderia Ferrari which... |
September 4, 1983 | 42 | 5.245=220.290 km | 1'14:58.38 | 179.466 km/h | Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Jonathan Palmer Jonathan Palmer Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983... |
Race 11 originally scheduled over 48 laps, but shortened after a re-start due to an accident in the first corner.
Drivers' Championship
{||- valign="top"
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!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Driver
Silverstone Circuit
Silverstone Circuit is an English motor racing circuit next to the Northamptonshire villages of Silverstone and Whittlebury. The circuit straddles the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire border, with the current main circuit entry on the Buckinghamshire side...
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....
The Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg is an automobile racing track situated near the town of Hockenheim in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, located on Bertha Benz Memorial Route. Amongst other motor racing events, it biennially hosts the Formula One German Grand Prix...

The Nürburgring is a motorsport complex around the village of Nürburg, Germany. It features a modern Grand Prix race track built in 1984, and a much longer old North loop track which was built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains. It is located about...



Circuito Permanente Del Jarama
The Circuito del Jarama , formerly known as Circuito Permanente del Jarama is a race course in Madrid, Spain which has hosted nine Formula One Spanish Grand Prix....

Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

Autodromo di Pergusa
The Autodromo di Pergusa is an automobile and motorcycle circuit that encircles the only Sicilian natural lake, Pergusa Lake. The circuit is also known as Enna-Pergusa, as the lake is located near the city of Enna....

The Circuit Zolder, also known as Circuit Terlaemen, is an undulating motorsport race track in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium.Built in 1963, Zolder hosted the Formula One Belgian Grand Prix on 10 separate occasions in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the 1980 Belgian motorcycle Grand Prix. The F1 circus...

Mugello Circuit
Mugello Circuit is a race track in the Mugello region of Italy near Florence. Its length is . It has 15 turns and a long straight.Grand Prix motorcycle racing host an annual event here . Also, the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters hold an annual event. The track is property of Scuderia Ferrari which...

!valign="middle"| Pts
! 1

Jonathan Palmer
Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
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! 68
! 2

Mike Thackwell
Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
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! 51
! 3

Beppe Gabbiani
Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points...
|bgcolor="#FFFFBF"| 1
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|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 39
! 4

Philippe Streiff
Philippe Streiff is a former racing driver from France. He participated in 55 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on October 21, 1984...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
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! 25
! 5

Christian Danner
Christian Danner is a former race car driver from Germany.The son of well-known car safety expert Max Danner, Christian started motor-racing in the Renault 5 cup...
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
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|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
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|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
! 21
! 6

Jo Gartner
Jo Gartner was a Formula One and sports car endurance driver from Austria. After a successful junior formula career, including wins in Formula 2. He participated in eight Formula One Grands Prix for Osella, debuting on 6 May 1984, scoring no points...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
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|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
! 14
! 7

Alessandro Nannini
Alessandro "Sandro" Nannini is a former racing driver from Italy. He is the younger brother of rock-singer Gianna Nannini.-Biography:...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
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! 11
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! 9

Stefan Bellof
Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #ffffff"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
! 9
! 10

Kenny Acheson
Kenneth Henry Acheson is a British former racing driver who participated during the 1983 and 1985 Formula One seasons for the RAM team. He completed only one of his three race starts, finishing in 12th position in the 1983 South African Grand Prix...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 6
! 11

Pierluigi Martini
Pierluigi Martini is an Italian former racing driver.He participated in 124 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 9, 1984 substituting for Ayrton Senna at the Toleman team...
|bgcolor="#DFDFDF"| 2
! 6
! 12

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#FFDF9F"| 3
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 4
! 13

Guido Daccò
Guido Daccò was an Italian race car and motorcycle racer from Limbiate. He began motorcycle racing in 1969 and from 1980-1984 he raced in Formula 2. He then drove in the 1985 24 Hours of Le Mans and began racing in Formula 3000. In 1988 he moved to the United States to drive in the Indy Lights...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 14

Philippe Alliot
Philippe Alliot is a former racing driver who participated in Formula One from to and from to . He raced for RAM, Ligier, Larrousse and McLaren....
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 15

Alain Ferté
Alain Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the elder brother of Michel Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Alain Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #ffffff"| DSQ
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 4
! 16

Kazuyoshi Hoshino
is a former racing driver and businessman from Japan.Hoshino's nickname was . He won the Japanese motocross national championships in the 90cc and 125cc classes for Kawasaki in 1968 before switching to cars as a Nissan factory driver in 1969....
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 4
! 3
! 17

Fulvio Ballabio
Fulvio Ballabio is a race car driver born in Milan, Italy. He raced in Formula 2 in 1983, in Formula 3000 in 1986 and 6 starts in CART from 1987 to 1989 for Dick Simon Racing and Dale Coyne Racing...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| NC
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
! 3
! 18

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 16
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 5
! 3
! 19

Enrique Mansilla
Enrique Mansilla is an Argentine former racing driver born in San Pablo. He was a fierce rival and teammate of Ayrton Senna in British Formula Ford 1600 in 1981. In 1982 he drove in British Formula Three for West Surrey Racing, nearly winning the championship despite much of his funding...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 2
! 20

Lamberto Leoni
Lamberto Leoni is a former racing driver from Italy. He participated in five Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, failing to qualify for three of them...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 1
! 21

Frank Jelinski
-Career:After karting, Jelinski moved to the German Formula Three Championship in 1978 and European Formula Super Vee in 1979 finishing 4th. In 1980 he won the German F3 championship and finished 13th in the European championship. He repeated his German F3 championship in 1981. He moved to Formula...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 1
! 22

Rolf Biland
Rolf Biland is a Swiss former sidecar racer. He is known not only for his seven FIM Sidecar World Championships and 81 Grand Prix wins, but for his experimentation and innovation with new types of machine, like the Seymaz, the BEO and the LCR. His success was not limited to Grand Prix tracks, as...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
! 1
! 23

Fredy Lienhard
Fredy Lienhard, Sr. is a Swiss racing driver.In 1968 Lienhard founded Lista Racing and throughout the 1970s and 1980s he competed in Formula Vee and Formula Two. In 1993 and 1994 he moved to sports car racing competing in a Lola Can-Am car in Interserie division 2...
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
! 1
! 24

Michel Ferté
Michel Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the younger brother of Alain Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Michel Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989....
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"| 6
! 1
! —

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —

Oscar Larrauri
Oscar Rubén Larrauri is a racing driver from Argentina. He participated in 21 Formula One Grands Prix, all with the struggling EuroBrun team, debuting on April 3, 1988...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 7
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 0
! —

Pierre Petit
Pierre Lanith Petit was a French photographer born in Aups, in Provence. He learned photography in Paris 'with' or better under orders of André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri in the 77 employees workshop...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 10
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —

Tomas Kaiser
Tomas Kaiser is a Swedish former racing driver from Saelen.Kaiser began his career racing Formula Fords. In 1979 he raced in the European Formula Three Championship and British Formula Three Championship. In 1980 he finished fourth in the Swedish Formula Three Championship and competed in 1 race...
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 8
! 0
! —

Emilio de Villota
Emilio de Villota Ruíz is a former racing driver from Spain, born in Madrid. He participated in 15 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, debuting on 2 May 1976...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
! 0
! —

Derek Daly
Derek Daly is a former racing driver from the Republic of Ireland. He won the 1977 British Formula Three Championship, and competed as a professional racing driver for 17 years participating in 64 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on April 2, 1978. He scored a total of 15...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 0
! —

Didier Theys
Didier Theys is an Belgian sports car driver. He is a two-time overall winner of the 24 Hours of Daytona ; a winner of the 12 Hours of Sebring ; the Sports Racing Prototype driver champion of the Grand-American Road Racing Association and the winner of the 24 Hours of Spa...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 9
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 11
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 12
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="#FFCFCF"| DNQ
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 15
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 13
|bgcolor="white"| DNS
! 0
! —

Patrick Nève
Patrick Marie Ghislain Pierre Simon Stanislas Nève de Mévergnies is a former racing driver from Belgium. He participated in 14 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 16 May 1976. He scored no championship points....
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| 14
! 0
! —

Paolo Barilla
Paolo Barilla is a former Formula One driver who raced for the Minardi team. Paolo is one of the heirs of the vast Barilla pasta empire.Barilla started racing in 1975 and won the Italian 100cc karting title in 1976...
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"| NC
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
! —

|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"| Ret
! 0
!valign="middle"| Pos
!valign="middle"| Driver
Silverstone Circuit
Silverstone Circuit is an English motor racing circuit next to the Northamptonshire villages of Silverstone and Whittlebury. The circuit straddles the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire border, with the current main circuit entry on the Buckinghamshire side...
Thruxton Circuit
Thruxton Circuit is a motor racing circuit located near the village of Thruxton in Hampshire, England which is used to host a number of motorsport events including British Touring Cars and Formula 3 racing....
The Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg is an automobile racing track situated near the town of Hockenheim in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, located on Bertha Benz Memorial Route. Amongst other motor racing events, it biennially hosts the Formula One German Grand Prix...

The Nürburgring is a motorsport complex around the village of Nürburg, Germany. It features a modern Grand Prix race track built in 1984, and a much longer old North loop track which was built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains. It is located about...



Circuito Permanente Del Jarama
The Circuito del Jarama , formerly known as Circuito Permanente del Jarama is a race course in Madrid, Spain which has hosted nine Formula One Spanish Grand Prix....

Donington Park
Donington Park is a motorsport circuit near Castle Donington in Leicestershire, England.Originally part of the Donington Hall estate, it was created as a racing circuit during the pre-war period when the German Silver Arrows were battling for the European Championship...

Autodromo di Pergusa
The Autodromo di Pergusa is an automobile and motorcycle circuit that encircles the only Sicilian natural lake, Pergusa Lake. The circuit is also known as Enna-Pergusa, as the lake is located near the city of Enna....

The Circuit Zolder, also known as Circuit Terlaemen, is an undulating motorsport race track in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium.Built in 1963, Zolder hosted the Formula One Belgian Grand Prix on 10 separate occasions in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the 1980 Belgian motorcycle Grand Prix. The F1 circus...

Mugello Circuit
Mugello Circuit is a race track in the Mugello region of Italy near Florence. Its length is . It has 15 turns and a long straight.Grand Prix motorcycle racing host an annual event here . Also, the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters hold an annual event. The track is property of Scuderia Ferrari which...

!valign="middle"| Pts
For every race points were awarded: 9 points to the winner, 6 for runner up, 4 for third place, 3 for fourth place, 2 for fifth place and 1 for sixth place. No additional points were awarded. The best 9 results count. One driver had a point deduction, which are given in .{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|-align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Place !! Name !! Country !! Team !! Chassis !! Engine !!

| 1 ||align="left"| Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Ralt
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Honda || - || 4 || 9 || (3) || 6 || 4 || (4) || 9 || 9 || 9 || 9 || 9 || 68
| 2 ||align="left"| Mike Thackwell
Mike Thackwell
Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Ralt
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Honda || 6 || 6 || 4 || - || 4 || - || 9 || 6 || - || 4 || 6 || 6 || 51
| 3 ||align="left"| Beppe Gabbiani
Beppe Gabbiani
Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| 9 || 9 || - || 9 || 9 || - || - || - || - || 3 || - || - || 39
| 4 ||align="left"| Philippe Streiff
Philippe Streiff
Philippe Streiff is a former racing driver from France. He participated in 55 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on October 21, 1984...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives was a small French racecar constructor that competed in various racing categories over a period of thirty years, including Formula One from to ....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| 2 || - || - || - || 2 || - || 3 || 4 || - || 6 || 4 || 4 || 25
| 5 ||align="left"| Christian Danner
Christian Danner
Christian Danner is a former race car driver from Germany.The son of well-known car safety expert Max Danner, Christian started motor-racing in the Renault 5 cup...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| 4 || - || 6 || 4 || - || 2 || - || 2 || - || - || 3 || - || 21
| 6 ||align="left"| Jo Gartner
Jo Gartner
Jo Gartner was a Formula One and sports car endurance driver from Austria. After a successful junior formula career, including wins in Formula 2. He participated in eight Formula One Grands Prix for Osella, debuting on 6 May 1984, scoring no points...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
Spirit (racing team)
Spirit Racing was a racing car constructor and racing team from Britain, who participated in 25 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix between and .Founded in 1981 by Gordon Coppuck and John Wickham, Spirit had a close relationship with Honda...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || 3 || - || - || 9 || - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 14
| 7 ||align="left"| Thierry Tassin ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || 3 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 3 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 11
| ||align="left"| Alessandro Nannini
Alessandro Nannini
Alessandro "Sandro" Nannini is a former racing driver from Italy. He is the younger brother of rock-singer Gianna Nannini.-Biography:...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || 2 || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 3 || 11
| 9 ||align="left"| Stefan Bellof
Stefan Bellof
Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| 3 || - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || 9
| 10 ||align="left"| Kenny Acheson
Kenny Acheson
Kenneth Henry Acheson is a British former racing driver who participated during the 1983 and 1985 Formula One seasons for the RAM team. He completed only one of his three race starts, finishing in 12th position in the 1983 South African Grand Prix...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 6
| ||align="left"| Pierluigi Martini
Pierluigi Martini
Pierluigi Martini is an Italian former racing driver.He participated in 124 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 9, 1984 substituting for Ayrton Senna at the Toleman team...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 6 || - || - || - || 6
| 12 ||align="left"| Alain Ferté
Alain Ferté
Alain Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the elder brother of Michel Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Alain Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 2 || - || - || - || - || - || 4
| ||align="left"| Roberto Del Castello ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 4 || - || - || - || 4
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Guido Daccò
Guido Daccò
Guido Daccò was an Italian race car and motorcycle racer from Limbiate. He began motorcycle racing in 1969 and from 1980-1984 he raced in Formula 2. He then drove in the 1985 24 Hours of Le Mans and began racing in Formula 3000. In 1988 he moved to the United States to drive in the Indy Lights...
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Lola ||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || || || || ||rowspan=2| 4
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| || || || || || || || || 3 || - || - || -
| ||align="left"| Philippe Alliot
Philippe Alliot
Philippe Alliot is a former racing driver who participated in Formula One from to and from to . He raced for RAM, Ligier, Larrousse and McLaren....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
Martini (cars)
Martini Cars is a constructor of Formula racing cars from France, founded by Renato "Tico" Martini in 1965, when Martini and partner Bill Knight founded the Winfield Racing School at the Magny-Cours circuit...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || 2 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 2 || - || 4
| 16 ||align="left"| Kazuyoshi Hoshino
Kazuyoshi Hoshino
is a former racing driver and businessman from Japan.Hoshino's nickname was . He won the Japanese motocross national championships in the 90cc and 125cc classes for Kawasaki in 1968 before switching to cars as a Nissan factory driver in 1969....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 3 || - || - || - || - || 3
| ||align="left"| Dave Scott ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 2 || 3
| ||align="left"| Fulvio Ballabio
Fulvio Ballabio
Fulvio Ballabio is a race car driver born in Milan, Italy. He raced in Formula 2 in 1983, in Formula 3000 in 1986 and 6 starts in CART from 1987 to 1989 for Dick Simon Racing and Dale Coyne Racing...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives was a small French racecar constructor that competed in various racing categories over a period of thirty years, including Formula One from to ....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 2 || - || - || 1 || 3
| 19 ||align="left"| Enrique Mansilla
Enrique Mansilla
Enrique Mansilla is an Argentine former racing driver born in San Pablo. He was a fierce rival and teammate of Ayrton Senna in British Formula Ford 1600 in 1981. In 1982 he drove in British Formula Three for West Surrey Racing, nearly winning the championship despite much of his funding...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 1 || - || 2
| 20 ||align="left"| Lamberto Leoni
Lamberto Leoni
Lamberto Leoni is a former racing driver from Italy. He participated in five Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, failing to qualify for three of them...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Frank Jelinski
Frank Jelinski
-Career:After karting, Jelinski moved to the German Formula Three Championship in 1978 and European Formula Super Vee in 1979 finishing 4th. In 1980 he won the German F3 championship and finished 13th in the European championship. He repeated his German F3 championship in 1981. He moved to Formula...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Rolf Biland
Rolf Biland
Rolf Biland is a Swiss former sidecar racer. He is known not only for his seven FIM Sidecar World Championships and 81 Grand Prix wins, but for his experimentation and innovation with new types of machine, like the Seymaz, the BEO and the LCR. His success was not limited to Grand Prix tracks, as...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Fredy Lienhard
Fredy Lienhard
Fredy Lienhard, Sr. is a Swiss racing driver.In 1968 Lienhard founded Lista Racing and throughout the 1970s and 1980s he competed in Formula Vee and Formula Two. In 1993 and 1994 he moved to sports car racing competing in a Lola Can-Am car in Interserie division 2...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || - || 1
| ||align="left"| Michel Ferté
Michel Ferté
Michel Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the younger brother of Alain Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Michel Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
Martini (cars)
Martini Cars is a constructor of Formula racing cars from France, founded by Renato "Tico" Martini in 1965, when Martini and partner Bill Knight founded the Winfield Racing School at the Magny-Cours circuit...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
|| - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || - || 1 || - || - || 1
Complete Overview
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"|first column of every race ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 10 ||= grid position
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|second column of every race ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||= race result
R10=retired, but classified NC=not classified R=retired NS=did not start NQ=did not qualify DIS(3)=disqualified after finishing in third position
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center"
|-align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
| Place || Name || Country || Team || Chassis || Engine ||colspan=2 align=center width="60"|

| 1 ||align="left"| Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Dr. Jonathan Charles Palmer is an entrepreneur and former racing driver from England. Educated at Brighton College, he won the 1981 British Formula Three Championship and the 1983 European Formula Two Championship. He participated in 87 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 25, 1983...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Ralt
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Honda ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF" width="20"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1
| 2 ||align="left"| Mike Thackwell
Mike Thackwell
Michael Thackwell is a former racing driver, who competed in a number of prominent racing categories, including Formula One. The second youngest driver ever to qualify for a Grand Prix, he participated in five of them, making his first start on 28 September 1980 at the Canadian Grand Prix. He...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Ralt Racing Ltd.
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Ralt
RALT was a manufacturer of single-seater racing cars, founded by ex-Jack Brabham associate Ron Tauranac after he sold out his interest in Brabham to Bernie Ecclestone. Ron and his brother had built some specials in Australia in the 1950s under the RALT name...
||align="left"| Honda ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2
| 3 ||align="left"| Beppe Gabbiani
Beppe Gabbiani
Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani is a racing driver from Italy. He participated in 17 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 1 October 1978, and scored no championship points...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9
| 4 ||align="left"| Philippe Streiff
Philippe Streiff
Philippe Streiff is a former racing driver from France. He participated in 55 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on October 21, 1984...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives was a small French racecar constructor that competed in various racing categories over a period of thirty years, including Formula One from to ....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3
| 5 ||align="left"| Christian Danner
Christian Danner
Christian Danner is a former race car driver from Germany.The son of well-known car safety expert Max Danner, Christian started motor-racing in the Renault 5 cup...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10
| 6 ||align="left"| Jo Gartner
Jo Gartner
Jo Gartner was a Formula One and sports car endurance driver from Austria. After a successful junior formula career, including wins in Formula 2. He participated in eight Formula One Grands Prix for Osella, debuting on 6 May 1984, scoring no points...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
Spirit (racing team)
Spirit Racing was a racing car constructor and racing team from Britain, who participated in 25 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix between and .Founded in 1981 by Gordon Coppuck and John Wickham, Spirit had a close relationship with Honda...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 17 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7
| 7 ||align="left"| Thierry Tassin ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Alessandro Nannini
Alessandro Nannini
Alessandro "Sandro" Nannini is a former racing driver from Italy. He is the younger brother of rock-singer Gianna Nannini.-Biography:...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4
| 9 ||align="left"| Stefan Bellof
Stefan Bellof
Stefan Bellof was a racing driver who is famous for setting the fastest lap ever on the Nordschleife configuration, at the Nürburgring, setting the time in a Porsche 956 in 1983...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| DIS(3) ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| 10 ||align="left"| Kenny Acheson
Kenny Acheson
Kenneth Henry Acheson is a British former racing driver who participated during the 1983 and 1985 Formula One seasons for the RAM team. He completed only one of his three race starts, finishing in 12th position in the 1983 South African Grand Prix...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Pierluigi Martini
Pierluigi Martini
Pierluigi Martini is an Italian former racing driver.He participated in 124 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on September 9, 1984 substituting for Ayrton Senna at the Toleman team...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 2 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| 12 ||align="left"| Alain Ferté
Alain Ferté
Alain Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the elder brother of Michel Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Alain Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| DIS(1) ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Roberto Del Castello ||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Mint Engineering ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 3 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS
|rowspan=3| ||rowspan=3 align="left"| Guido Daccò
Guido Daccò
Guido Daccò was an Italian race car and motorcycle racer from Limbiate. He began motorcycle racing in 1969 and from 1980-1984 he raced in Formula 2. He then drove in the 1985 24 Hours of Le Mans and began racing in Formula 3000. In 1988 he moved to the United States to drive in the Indy Lights...
||rowspan=3 align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 15 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Lola ||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| ||align="left"| Philippe Alliot
Philippe Alliot
Philippe Alliot is a former racing driver who participated in Formula One from to and from to . He raced for RAM, Ligier, Larrousse and McLaren....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
Martini (cars)
Martini Cars is a constructor of Formula racing cars from France, founded by Renato "Tico" Martini in 1965, when Martini and partner Bill Knight founded the Winfield Racing School at the Magny-Cours circuit...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| 16 ||align="left"| Kazuyoshi Hoshino
Kazuyoshi Hoshino
is a former racing driver and businessman from Japan.Hoshino's nickname was . He won the Japanese motocross national championships in the 90cc and 125cc classes for Kawasaki in 1968 before switching to cars as a Nissan factory driver in 1969....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 4 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Dave Scott ||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Mint Engineering ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R16 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Fulvio Ballabio
Fulvio Ballabio
Fulvio Ballabio is a race car driver born in Milan, Italy. He raced in Formula 2 in 1983, in Formula 3000 in 1986 and 6 starts in CART from 1987 to 1989 for Dick Simon Racing and Dale Coyne Racing...
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Écurie Armagnac Bigorre ||align="left"| AGS
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives was a small French racecar constructor that competed in various racing categories over a period of thirty years, including Formula One from to ....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 5 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NC ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6
| 19 ||align="left"| Enrique Mansilla
Enrique Mansilla
Enrique Mansilla is an Argentine former racing driver born in San Pablo. He was a fierce rival and teammate of Ayrton Senna in British Formula Ford 1600 in 1981. In 1982 he drove in British Formula Three for West Surrey Racing, nearly winning the championship despite much of his funding...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
|rowspan=2| 20 ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Lamberto Leoni
Lamberto Leoni
Lamberto Leoni is a former racing driver from Italy. He participated in five Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, failing to qualify for three of them...
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| 1 ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Frank Jelinski
Frank Jelinski
-Career:After karting, Jelinski moved to the German Formula Three Championship in 1978 and European Formula Super Vee in 1979 finishing 4th. In 1980 he won the German F3 championship and finished 13th in the European championship. He repeated his German F3 championship in 1981. He moved to Formula...
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Rolf Biland
Rolf Biland
Rolf Biland is a Swiss former sidecar racer. He is known not only for his seven FIM Sidecar World Championships and 81 Grand Prix wins, but for his experimentation and innovation with new types of machine, like the Seymaz, the BEO and the LCR. His success was not limited to Grand Prix tracks, as...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Fredy Lienhard
Fredy Lienhard
Fredy Lienhard, Sr. is a Swiss racing driver.In 1968 Lienhard founded Lista Racing and throughout the 1970s and 1980s he competed in Formula Vee and Formula Two. In 1993 and 1994 he moved to sports car racing competing in a Lola Can-Am car in Interserie division 2...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| ||align="left"| Michel Ferté
Michel Ferté
Michel Ferté is a professional racing driver. He is the younger brother of Alain Ferté, who is also a professional racing driver.Michel Ferté competed five seasons in Formula 3000 1985-1989....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
Martini (cars)
Martini Cars is a constructor of Formula racing cars from France, founded by Renato "Tico" Martini in 1965, when Martini and partner Bill Knight founded the Winfield Racing School at the Magny-Cours circuit...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 6 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Richard Dallest ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Team Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| Merzario
Merzario was a Formula One and Formula Two team and constructor from Italy. They participated in 39 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix but scored no championship points.-1977:...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8
| - ||align="left"| Oscar Larrauri
Oscar Larrauri
Oscar Rubén Larrauri is a racing driver from Argentina. He participated in 21 Formula One Grands Prix, all with the struggling EuroBrun team, debuting on April 3, 1988...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 7 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
| - ||align="left"| Pierre Petit ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Maurer Motorsport
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 10 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Tomas Kaiser
Tomas Kaiser
Tomas Kaiser is a Swedish former racing driver from Saelen.Kaiser began his career racing Formula Fords. In 1979 he raced in the European Formula Three Championship and British Formula Three Championship. In 1980 he finished fourth in the Swedish Formula Three Championship and competed in 1 race...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Enzo Coloni ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 8 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
|rowspan=2| - ||rowspan=2 align="left"| Emilio de Villota
Emilio de Villota
Emilio de Villota Ruíz is a former racing driver from Spain, born in Madrid. He participated in 15 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, debuting on 2 May 1976...
||rowspan=2 align="left"| ||align="left"| Gresham Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Derek Daly
Derek Daly
Derek Daly is a former racing driver from the Republic of Ireland. He won the 1977 British Formula Three Championship, and competed as a professional racing driver for 17 years participating in 64 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on April 2, 1978. He scored a total of 15...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| McMahon Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| Hart
Brian Hart Ltd.
Brian Hart Ltd., also known as Hart and Hart Racing Engines was a motor racing engine manufacturer that participated in 157 Formula One Grands Prix, powering a total of 368 entries....
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Didier Theys
Didier Theys
Didier Theys is an Belgian sports car driver. He is a two-time overall winner of the 24 Hours of Daytona ; a winner of the 12 Hours of Sebring ; the Sports Racing Prototype driver champion of the Grand-American Road Racing Association and the winner of the 24 Hours of Spa...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| BMW France ||align="left"| Martini
Martini (cars)
Martini Cars is a constructor of Formula racing cars from France, founded by Renato "Tico" Martini in 1965, when Martini and partner Bill Knight founded the Winfield Racing School at the Magny-Cours circuit...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 9 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Bartl Stadler ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Schäfer Racing ||align="left"| Maurer
Maurer Motorsport (Germany)
Maurer Motorsport was a German Formula Two racing car constructor and entrant, founded by Willy Maurer.Works and privateer Maurers competed in the European Formula Two Championship from 1980 to 1984....
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 11 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Pierre Chauvet ||align="left"| ||align="left"| Emco Sports ||align="left"| Spirit
Spirit (racing team)
Spirit Racing was a racing car constructor and racing team from Britain, who participated in 25 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix between and .Founded in 1981 by Gordon Coppuck and John Wickham, Spirit had a close relationship with Honda...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 12 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R
|rowspan=4| - ||rowspan=4 align="left"| Aldo Bertuzzi ||rowspan=4 align="left"| ||align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| Toleman
Toleman Motosport was a Formula One constructor based in the UK. It was active between 1981 and 1985 and attended 70 Grands Prix.-Origins:In the 1970s, businessmen and motorsport fans Ted Toleman and Alex Hawkridge began their involvement in various car racing formulae in the UK. Ted was also noted...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| San Remo Racing ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NQ ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 15 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 13 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"|
|align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NS
| - ||align="left"| Patrick Nève
Patrick Nève
Patrick Marie Ghislain Pierre Simon Stanislas Nève de Mévergnies is a former racing driver from Belgium. He participated in 14 Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 16 May 1976. He scored no championship points....
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Onyx Racing
Onyx (racing team)
Onyx Grand Prix was a Formula One constructor from Britain that contested the 1989 and 1990 Formula One seasons before closing its doors midway through the 1990 season.- Pre-Formula One beginnings :...
||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| 14 ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Paolo Barilla
Paolo Barilla
Paolo Barilla is a former Formula One driver who raced for the Minardi team. Paolo is one of the heirs of the vast Barilla pasta empire.Barilla started racing in 1975 and won the Italian 100cc karting title in 1976...
||align="left"| ||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| Minardi
Minardi was an automobile racing team and constructor founded in 1979 by Giancarlo Minardi. It competed in the Formula One World Championship from 1985 until 2005 with little success, nevertheless acquiring a loyal following of fans...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| NC ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Peter Stütz ||align="left"| ||align="left"|private entry ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| R ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFBBBF"| - ||bgcolor="#DFDDDF"| -
| - ||align="left"| Beat Jans ||align="left"| ||align="left"| SAR ||align="left"| March
March Engineering
March Engineering was a Formula One constructor and manufacturer of customer racing cars from the United Kingdom. Although only moderately successful in Grand Prix competition, March racing cars enjoyed much better achievement in other categories of competition including Formula Two, Formula Three,...
||align="left"| BMW
BMW in motorsport
Throughout its history, BMW cars and motorcycles have been successful in a range of motorsport activities. Mainly before World War II, BMW motorcycles were winning e.g. at the Isle of Man TT. Apart from the factory efforts, many privateer teams enter BMW road cars in Touring car racing. BMW also...
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