1965 in Afghanistan
See also: 1964 in Afghanistan
, other events of 1965, and 1966 in Afghanistan.
In foreign affairs Afghanistan maintains its position of nonalignment, receiving aid from, and cultivating friendly relations with, Communist as well as non-Communist countries. Along with Pakistan, Afghanistan adjusts its boundary with Communist China. The improvement of relations with Pakistan continues, and although toward the end of 1964 the loya jirga (the traditional Grand Council of the nation, superseded under the new constitution) passed a formal resolution in favour of the creation of Pakhtunistan, the violent propaganda that had offended Pakistan so seriously died down. Trade between the two countries greatly increases, as does the flow of visitors and tourists. When war between India and Pakistan breaks out in the autumn, Afghanistan maintains a friendly neutrality and does not add to Pakistan's difficulties.
1964 in Afghanistan
See also: 1963 in Afghanistan, other events of 1964, and 1965 in Afghanistan.-----July 1, 1964:Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, president of Pakistan, visits Kabul briefly where he meets with King Mohammad Zahir...
, other events of 1965, and 1966 in Afghanistan.
In foreign affairs Afghanistan maintains its position of nonalignment, receiving aid from, and cultivating friendly relations with, Communist as well as non-Communist countries. Along with Pakistan, Afghanistan adjusts its boundary with Communist China. The improvement of relations with Pakistan continues, and although toward the end of 1964 the loya jirga (the traditional Grand Council of the nation, superseded under the new constitution) passed a formal resolution in favour of the creation of Pakhtunistan, the violent propaganda that had offended Pakistan so seriously died down. Trade between the two countries greatly increases, as does the flow of visitors and tourists. When war between India and Pakistan breaks out in the autumn, Afghanistan maintains a friendly neutrality and does not add to Pakistan's difficulties.