1963 in Denmark


  • Monarch – HM Frederik IX
  • Prime minister – Jens Otto Krag
    Jens Otto Krag
    Jens Otto Krag was a Danish politician. He was Prime Minister from 1962 to 1968 and again from 1971 to 1972....


  • 7 April – Fredrik Lundin
    Fredrik Lundin
    Frederik Lundin is a Danish jazz saxophonist, composer and bandleader. Frank Lundin founded his own jazz quartet in 1981 and since then he has been one of the most expressive and used saxophoners in Danish jazz....

    , jazz saxophonist
  • 14 July – Jan Mølby
    Jan Mølby
    Jan Mølby is a Danish former international footballer who spent much of his professional football career at English club Liverpool.- Club career :...

    , football player, football coach
  • 3 October – Niels Lan Doky
    Niels Lan Doky
    Niels Lan Doky is a Danish jazz pianist and record producer.-Biography:He was born in Copenhagen of a Danish mother and Vietnamese father. His father worked as a doctor, but was also a classically trained guitarist so guitar was Niels's first instrument...

    , jazz pianist, record producer
  • 26 December – Lars Ulrich
    Lars Ulrich
    Lars Ulrich is a Danish drummer, and one of the founding members of the American thrash metal band Metallica. He was born in Gentofte, Denmark to an upper-middle class family. A tennis player in his youth, Ulrich moved to Los Angeles, California at age sixteen to pursue his training; though rather...

    , drummer, co-founder of Metalica

See also

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