1897 in art


  • Paul Gauguin
    Paul Gauguin
    Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was a leading French Post-Impressionist artist. He was an important figure in the Symbolist movement as a painter, sculptor, print-maker, ceramist, and writer...

     - Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
    Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
    Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? is one of Paul Gauguin's most famous paintings. Gauguin inscribed the original French title in the upper left corner: D'où Venons Nous / Que Sommes Nous / Où Allons Nous. The inscription the artist wrote on his canvas has no question mark, no...

  • Jean-Jacques Henner
    Jean-Jacques Henner
    Jean-Jacques Henner was a French painter, noted for his use of sfumato and chiaroscuro in painting nudes, religious subjects, and portraits....

     - Portrait of Mlle Fouquier
  • Camille Pissarro
    Camille Pissarro
    Camille Pissarro was a French Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter born on the island of St Thomas . His importance resides in his contributions to both Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, as he was the only artist to exhibit in both forms...

     - Boulevard Montmartre
  • Maurice Prendergast
    Maurice Prendergast
    Maurice Brazil Prendergast was an American Post-Impressionist artist who worked in oil, watercolor, and monotype...

     - Summer Visitors
  • Ogata Gekkō
    Ogata Gekko
    was a Japanese painter and woodblock print artist of the ukiyo-e genre.Gekkō's work was originally closely based upon that of Kikuchi Yōsai; an he was inspired by Hokusai, creating a series of one hundred prints of Mount Fuji...

     - Ryu sho ten (Published 1898)


  • 17 January - Charles Ragland Bunnell
    Charles Ragland Bunnell
    Charles Ragland Bunnell , was an American painter, printmaker, and muralist. He moved to Colorado Springs in 1915 and was thereafter associated with that city. As a WPA artist from 1934 to 1941 he executed many commissioned murals in a sturdy, somewhat abstracted figurative style...

    , painter.
  • 21 January - René Iché
    René Iché
    For the town in Morocco see Iche, MoroccoRené Iché was a 20th century French sculptor.-Life and work:...

    , sculptor.
  • 16 March - Antonio Donghi
    Antonio Donghi
    Antonio Donghi was an Italian painter of scenes of popular life, landscapes, and still life.-Biography:Born in Rome, he studied at the Instituto di Belle Arti...

    , painter.
  • 22 June - Albert Renger-Patzsch
    Albert Renger-Patzsch
    Albert Renger-Patzsch was a German photographer associated with the New Objectivity.Renger-Patzsch was born in Würzburg and began making photographs by age twelve. After military service in the First World War he studied chemistry at Dresden Technical College...

    , photographer.
  • 26 June - Victor Servranckx
    Victor Servranckx
    Victor Servranckx was a Belgian abstract painter and designer.He was born in Diegem and studied from 1913–1917 at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. There, in 1916, he met René Magritte, with whom he wrote "Pure Art: A Defence of the Aesthetic" in 1922. His style was influenced by...

    , painter.
  • 19 August - Roman Vishniac
    Roman Vishniac
    Roman Vishniac was a Russian-American photographer, best known for capturing on film the culture of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe before the Holocaust. A complete archive of his work now rests at the International Center of Photography....

    , Russian American
    Russian American
    Russian Americans are primarily Americans who traces their ancestry to Russia. The definition can be applied to recent Russian immigrants to the United States, as well as to settlers of 19th century Russian settlements in northwestern America which includes today's California, Alaska and...

     photographer (d.1990
    1990 in art
    -Events:*18 March – Twelve paintings, collectively worth from $100 to $300 million, are stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, Massachusetts by 2 thieves posing as police officers...

  • 23 September - Paul Delvaux
    Paul Delvaux
    Paul Delvaux was a Belgian painter, associated with Surrealism, famous for his paintings of female nudes.-Biography:...

    , Belgian
    Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

    Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

    1994 in art
    -Events:*12 February – Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" is stolen in Oslo .*8 April – Michelangelo's Universal Judgement is reopened to public after 10 years of restorations.-Awards:...



  • June 7 - Victor Mottez
    Victor Mottez
    Victor-Louis Mottez was a French fresco painter, painter and portraitist.-Life:He was born in Lille. His father was passionate about art and was himself a painter. Sent to Paris with a pension for some years, Victor was recalled due to the poor state of his father's finances and his studies were...

    , French fresco and portrait painter (b. 1809
    1809 in art
    -Works:*John Constable – Malvern Hall*Caspar David Friedrich – Mönch am Meer*Jacques-Louis David – Sappho and Phaon*Henry Raeburn – Mrs Spiers-Births:...

  • October 5 - Sir John Gilbert
    John Gilbert (painter)
    Sir John Gilbert was an English artist, illustrator and engraver.-Biography:He was born in Blackheath, Surrey, and taught himself to paint. Skilled in several media, he gained the nickname, "the Scott of painting"...

    , painter (b. 1817
    1817 in art
    -Works:*François Joseph Bosio – Hyacinth Awaiting His Turn*John Constable – Flatford Mill-Births:*January 29 – John Callcott Horsley, painter *February 15 – Charles-François Daubigny, painter...

  • November 18 Henry Doulton
    Henry Doulton
    Sir Henry Doulton was an English businessman, inventor and manufacturer of pottery, instrumental in developing the firm of Royal Doulton....

    , potter (b. 1820
    1820 in art
    -Events:*April 8 - The Venus de Milo is discovered on the island of Melos .-Works:*William Blake – The Ghost of a Flea*John Constable – Harwich Lighthouse*Bertel Thorvaldsen – The Lion of Lucerne...

  • date unknown
    • Ādams Alksnis
      Adams Alksnis
      Ādams Alksnis was a Latvian painter.Many of his works are displayed in the Latvian National Museum of Art.-External links:*...

      , Latvia
      Latvia , officially the Republic of Latvia , is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia , to the south by Lithuania , to the east by the Russian Federation , to the southeast by Belarus and shares maritime borders to the west with Sweden...

      n painter (b. 1864
      1864 in art
      -Works:*Richard Dadd - The Fairy Feller's Masterstroke*Henri Fantin-Latour - Homage to Delacroix*Édouard Manet**Les Anges au tombeau du Christ, Le Christ mort aux anges...

    • Charles Edward Boutibonne
      Charles Edward Boutibonne
      Charles Edward Boutibonne was a French painter of the academic classicism school....

      , French Classicist painter (b. 1816
      1816 in art
      -Births:*February 22 – Thomas Gambier Parry, artist and art collector *March 18 – Antonio Salviati, glassmaker *May 24 – Emanuel Leutze, painter * date unknown**Paul Emile Chappuis, photographer -Deaths:...

    • Owon
      Jang Seung-eop , was a painter of the late Joseon Dynasty in Korea. His life was dramatized in the award-winning 2002 film Chi-hwa-seon directed by Im Kwon-taek. He was one of the few painters to hold a position of rank in the Joseon court.Growing up as an orphan, Owon learned painting while...

       (Jang Seung-eop), Korean painter (b. 1843
      1843 in art
      -Events:*August – Richard Dadd, taken to the country by his family to recover from a mental breakdown, murders his father.*John Ruskin's Modern Painters is published.-Births:*March 3 – Aleksander Sochaczewski, Polish painter...

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