1831 English cricket season
The 1831 English cricket season saw Ned Wenman
Ned Wenman
Edward Gower Wenman was an English cricketer in the mid-19th century.Coming to eminence in 1831, he was a key member of the great Kent team of the 1840s and generally rated one of the best wicket-keepers of the period...

 come to prominence. He was basically an all-rounder but he became best known as the wicket keeper in the great Kent team of the 1840s.

First-class matches

1831 match list

Leading batsmen

Ned Wenman
Ned Wenman
Edward Gower Wenman was an English cricketer in the mid-19th century.Coming to eminence in 1831, he was a key member of the great Kent team of the 1840s and generally rated one of the best wicket-keepers of the period...

 was the leading runscorer with 144 @ 16.00

Other leading batsmen were: W Ward, T Beagley, HR Kingscote, J Broadbridge

Leading bowlers

William Lillywhite
William Lillywhite
Frederick William Lillywhite was a famous English cricketer during the game's roundarm era...

 was the leading wicket-taker with 40

Other leading bowlers were: J Broadbridge, EG Wenman, F Pilch, G Sussum, J Cobbett

Annual reviews

  • Arthur Haygarth
    Arthur Haygarth
    Arthur Haygarth was a noted amateur cricketer who became one of cricket's most significant historians....

    , Scores & Biographies, Volume 2 (1827–1840), Lillywhite, 1862
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