1706 in art


  • Engraver Sebastien Le Clerc
    Sebastien Le Clerc
    Sébastien Le Clerc was an etcher and engraver from Lorraine, who worked in Paris specializing in subtle reproductive engravings of paintings...

     is granted the title of cavaliere Romano by the Pope.


  • Jan Brokoff
    Jan Brokoff
    Jan Brokoff, also known as Johann Brokoff, was a baroque-era sculptor and carver.Brokoff was of German origin, born in Spišská Sobota, today in Slovakia, then in Royal Hungary, and later working and living in Bohemia...

     - Statue of St Joseph, on the Charles Bridge
    Charles Bridge
    The Charles Bridge is a famous historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century...

     in Prague (later replaced)


  • January 3 – Johann Caspar Füssli
    Johann Caspar Füssli
    Johann Caspar Füssli was a Swiss portrait painter.He was born in Zurich to Hans Rudolf Füssli, who was also a painter, and Elisabeth Schärer....

    , portrait painter (d. 1782
    1782 in art
    -Births:* March 24 – Orest Kiprensky, Russian portraitist in the Age of Romanticism * April 7 – Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey – sculptor * May 16 – John Sell Cotman – English artist of the Norwich school especially watercolours...

  • January 28 – John Baskerville
    John Baskerville
    John Baskerville was an English businessman, in areas including japanning and papier-mâché, but he is best remembered as a printer and typographer.-Life:...

    , typographer and craftsman (d. 1775
    1775 in art
    -Events:*Construction of the Cluj-Napoca Bánffy Palace, now the National Museum of Art Cluj-Napoca.-Paintings:*John Trumbull – The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill-Births:...

  • February 12 – Johann Joseph Christian
    Johann Joseph Christian
    Johann Joseph Christian was a German Baroque sculptor and woodcarver. His masterworks are considered to be the choir stalls in Zwiefalten Abbey and Ottobeuren Abbey....

    , German Baroque
    Baroque sculpture
    Baroque sculpture is the sculpture associated with the Baroque cultural movement, a movement often identified with the existence of important Baroque art and architecture in non-absolutist and Protestant states.-Course:...

     sculptor and woodcarver
    Woodworking is the process of building, making or carving something using wood.-History:Along with stone, mud, and animal parts, wood was one of the first materials worked by early humans. Microwear analysis of the Mousterian stone tools used by the Neanderthals show that many were used to work wood...

     (d. 1777
    1777 in art
    -Births:*January 2 – Christian Daniel Rauch, sculptor *January 7 – Lorenzo Bartolini, Italian sculptor *March 9 – Aleksander Orłowski, Polish painter and sketch maker, pioneer of lithography in the Russian Empire...

  • March 4 – Lauritz de Thurah
    Lauritz de Thurah
    Laurids Lauridsen de Thurah, known as Lauritz de Thurah , was a Danish architect and architectural writer. He became the most important Danish architect of the late baroque period...

    , Danish architect (d. 1759
    1759 in art
    -Works:*Giambettino Cignaroli – Death of Cato*Thomas Gainsborough – Self-portrait-Births:*January 21 – François Baillairgé, Canadian artist of woodworking, wood-carving, and architecture...

  • March 12 - Johan Pasch
    Johan Pasch
    Johan Pasch was a Swedish painter. He was court painter to the Swedish court from 1748 onwards and hovintendent from 1758 onwards. He was the brother of Lorens Pasch the Elder and uncle to Lorens Pasch the Younger and Ulrika Pasch, all three of whom were also painters.One of his most notable...

    , Swedish painter (d. 1769
    1769 in art
    -Works:*Christopher Hewetson – Busts of Charles Townley and Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn*Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Self Portrait-Births:*April 3 – Josiah Wedgwood II, pottery owner, son of Josiah Wedgwood...

  • March 23 – Anna Maria Barbara Abesch
    Anna Maria Barbara Abesch
    Anna Maria Barbara Abesch was a Swiss reverse glass painter and the daughter of Johann Peter Abesch.Abesch was the first professional reverse glass painter in Switzerland...

    , Swiss reverse glass painter
    Reverse painting on glass
    Reverse painting on glass is an art form consisting of applying paint to a piece of glass and then viewing the image by turning the glass over and looking through the glass at the image. Verre Églomisé is a commonly used term to refer to the art of cold painting and gilding on the back of glass...

     (d. 1773
    1773 in art
    -Events:*Francisco Goya marries Josefa Bayeu.*Ulrika Pasch elected in to the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts-Births:*December 9 – Marianne Ehrenström, Swedish writer, singer, painter, pianist, culture personality, and memorialist *date unknown...

  • June 15 – Johann Joachim Kaendler
    Johann Joachim Kaendler
    Johann Joachim Kändler was the most important modelleur of the Meissen porcelain manufacture.Kändler was born in Fischbach near Dresden, Germany. After apprenticing at the sculptor Thomae in Dresden, he became assistant of Johann Jakob Kirchner at Meissen porcelain, and succeeded him as...

    , German modeller of Meissen porcelain
    Meissen porcelain
    Meissen porcelain or Meissen china is the first European hard-paste porcelain that was developed from 1708 by Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus. After his death that October, Johann Friedrich Böttger, continued his work and brought porcelain to the market...

     in a rococo
    Rococo , also referred to as "Late Baroque", is an 18th-century style which developed as Baroque artists gave up their symmetry and became increasingly ornate, florid, and playful...

     style (d. 1775
    1775 in art
    -Events:*Construction of the Cluj-Napoca Bánffy Palace, now the National Museum of Art Cluj-Napoca.-Paintings:*John Trumbull – The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill-Births:...

  • date unknown
    • Simon François Ravenet
      Simon François Ravenet
      Simon François Ravenet was a French engraver.He was born in Paris, where he studied engraving under Jacques-Philippe Le Bas before moving to London in 1750, where he founded a school of line engraving and is credited with the revival of engraving in England. He died in London...

      , French
      French people
      The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

       engraver (d. 1774
      1774 in art
      -Births:* February 17 – Raphaelle Peale, considered the first professional American painter of still-life * September 5 – Caspar David Friedrich, Romantic painter * Pierre-Narcisse Guérin – French painter...

    • George Michael Moser
      George Michael Moser
      George Michael Moser was a renowned artist and enameller of the 18th century, father of celebrated floral painter Mary Moser, and, with his daughter, among the founder members of the Royal Academy in 1768.-Biography:...

      , Swiss-born enameller (d. 1783
      1783 in art
      -Works:* Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun – Portrait of Marie Antoinette-Births:*January 2 – Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, Danish painter *February 10 – Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, Russian painter, engraver and silhouettist...



  • January 10 - Luisa Roldán
    Luisa Roldán
    Luisa Ignacia Roldán , called La Roldana, was a Spanish sculptress of the Baroque Era. She is the first woman sculptor documented in Spain....

    , Spanish sculptress (b. 1652
    1652 in art
    -Paintings:* Carel Fabritius - A View of Delft; the painting showing use of exaggerated perspective.-Births:*February 13 - Anton Domenico Gabbiani, Italian painter born in Florence...

  • May 17 - Jean-Pierre Rivalz
    Jean-Pierre Rivalz
    Jean-Pierre Rivalz was a French painter.Rivalz was born at Labastide-d'Anjou, in the diocese of Saint-Papoul. A pupil of Ambroise Frédeau, in 1667 he was made an architect to the city of Toulouse. In 1666 he married Perette de Caillavel, by whom he had ten children, including the painter Antoine...

    , French painter (b. c.1625)
  • August 10 – Lorenzo Vaccaro
    Lorenzo Vaccaro
    Lorenzo Vaccaro was an Italian late-Baroque sculptor. He worked in a formalized restrained style.He was born in Naples, the son of a lawyer. He apprenticed with Cosimo Fanzago and Dionisio Lazzari. He was a close friend of Francesco Solimena...

    , Italian sculptor (b. 1655)
  • September 26 – Onofrio Gabrieli
    Onofrio Gabrieli
    Onofrio Gabrieli was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born in Gesso, near Messina, and had his initial studies in Messina under Antonio Alberti detto Barbalonga. He then moved to Rome, where he worked in the studios of Nicolas Poussin and Pietro da Cortona...

    , Italian painter (b. 1619
    1619 in art
    -Events:-Births:*February 24 - Charles Le Brun, painter *April 2 - Onofrio Gabrieli, Italian painter *May - Philips Wouwerman, Dutch painter *June - Jan Victors, Dutch painter of subjects from the Bible...

  • November 16 – Gottfried Schalken, Dutch painter (b. 1643
    1643 in art
    -Paintings: *Alonzo Cano – Ideal portrait of a Spanish King-Births:*date unknown**Giovanni Battista Buonocore, Italian painter **Filippo Gherardi – Italian painter of frescoes...

  • date unknown
    • Ambrogio Besozzi
      Ambrogio Besozzi
      Ambrogio Besozzi was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born in Milan where his first training was with Gioseffo Danedi, il Montalto. He is also known as Giovanni Ambrogio Besozzi. Assisted Ciro Ferri in Rome with work in quadratura and decoration. He returned to Milan, then Turin. He...

      , Italian painter (b. 1648
      1648 in art
      -Paintings:* Claude Lorrain - The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba; Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah; Landscape with Dancing Figures ; Landscape with Paris and Oenone...

    • Ippolito Galantini
      Ippolito Galantini (painter)
      Ippolito Galantini was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Genoa and also known as il Cappucino and il prete Genovese. He became a Capuchin monk. He was a pupil of the painter Giovanni Battista Stefaneschi. Among his pupils were Giovanna Fratellini and Bernardo Strozzi.-References:...

      , Italian painter and monk (b. 1627
      1627 in art
      -Events:* The Fontana della Barcaccia in Rome is engineered by Gian Lorenzo Bernini with help from his father.-Works:*Rembrandt**The Flight to Egypt **The Gold Weigher**St. Paul in Prison-Births:...

    • Luo Mu
      Luo Mu
      Luo Mu was a painter, poet and prose writer born in Jiangxi. He spent most of his life in the capital Nanchang. He was noted for his landscape paintings, especially of mountains, and for what would be termed the "The JiangXi Style"...

      , Chinese
      Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

       painter, poet and prose writer (b. 1622
      1622 in art
      -Paintings:* Artemisia Gentileschi – Portrait of a Condottiero* Frans Hals – Marriage Portrait of Isaac Massa en Beatrix van der Laen* Pieter Lastman – The Angel and the Prophet Balaam-Births:...

    • Jacques Prou
      Jacques Prou
      Jacques Prou was a French Academic Baroque sculptor, a product of the Academy system overseen by Charles Le Brun. Trained in the Academy school in Paris,...

      , French Academic sculptor (b. 1655
      1655 in art
      -Paintings:*Nicholas Poussin - St. Peter Healing a Sick Man*Rembrandt - The Polish Rider*Vermeer - Christ in the House of Martha and Mary-Births:...

    • Carlo Sacchi
      Carlo Sacchi
      Carlo Sacchi was an Italian painter of the baroque period.He was born in Pavia and trained with a painter by the name of Rossi in Milan, then traveled to Rome before settling in Venice. There he imitated a style recalling Paolo Veronese. He was also an engraver. Sacchi died in Pavia.-References:...

      , Italian painter and engraver (b. 1617
      1617 in art
      -Events:*Kanō Tan'yū becomes an official artist of the Tokugawa shogunate.*Lucas Vorsterman joins the workshop of Peter Paul Rubens, soon becoming Rubens's primary engraver.-Works:*Peter Paul Rubens - Adoration of the Magi*Diego Velázquez - The Lunch...

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