1485 in literature


  • Leon Battista Alberti - De Re Aedificatoria
    De Re Aedificatoria
    De re aedificatoria is a classic architectural treatise written by Leon Battista Alberti between 1443 and 1452. Although largely dependent on Vitruvius' De architectura, it was the first theoretical book on the subject written in the Italian Renaissance and in 1485 became the first printed book on...

    (first printed book on architecture)
  • Joseph Albo
    Joseph Albo
    Joseph Albo was a Jewish philosopher and rabbi who lived in Spain during the fifteenth century, known chiefly as the author of Sefer ha-Ikkarim , the classic work on the fundamentals of Judaism.-Early life:Albo's birthplace is generally assumed to be Monreal, a town in Aragon...

     - Sefer ha-Ikkarim
    Sefer ha-Ikkarim
    Sefer ha-Ikkarim is a fifteenth century work by rabbi Joseph Albo, a student of Crescas. It is an eclectic, popular work, whose central task is the exposition of the principles of Judaism....

    (posthumously published)
  • Sir Thomas Malory
    Thomas Malory
    Sir Thomas Malory was an English writer, the author or compiler of Le Morte d'Arthur. The antiquary John Leland as well as John Bale believed him to be Welsh, but most modern scholars, beginning with G. L...

     - Le Morte d'Arthur
    Le Morte d'Arthur
    Le Morte d'Arthur is a compilation by Sir Thomas Malory of Romance tales about the legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, and the Knights of the Round Table...


  • October 1 - Johannes Dantiscus, Polish poet and bishop (d. 1548)
  • probable - Hanibal Lucić
    Hanibal Lucic
    Hanibal Lucić or Annibale Lucio was a Croatian Renaissance poet and playwright.- Biography :He was born to a Croatian noble family of Antun and Goja in Hvar, where he spent most of his life. Early in his youth, he was a judge and later became a lawyer of the Hvar municipality...

    , Croatian poet and playwright (d. 1553)


  • October 27 - Rodolphus Agricola
    Rodolphus Agricola
    Rodolphus Agricola was a pre-Erasmian humanist of the northern Low Countries, famous for his supple Latin and one of the first north of the Alps to know Greek well...

    , humanist writer (b. 1443)
  • date unknown - Diebold Schilling the Elder
    Diebold Schilling the Elder
    Diebold Schilling the Elder was the author of several of the Swiss illustrated chronicles, the "Berner Schilling of 1483, the "Spiezer Schilling" , and the "Zürcher Schilling" of 1484....

    , chronicler
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