Yellow Submarine
Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine (1968) is an animated film designed to present The Beatles music set to various images. It was directed by George Dunning and written by Al Brodax and Jack Mendelsohn.
Ringo Starr
- Liverpool can be a lonely place on a Saturday night, and this is only Thursday morning.
Jeremy Hillary Boob, Ph.D -- the Nowhere Man
- Yes! Ah, "yes" is a word with a glorious ring! A true universal, euphonious thing! Engenders embracing and chasing of blues! The very best word for the whole world to use!
- John: Hey, Jeremy, must you always talk in rhyme?
- Jeremy: Ha-ha! If I spoke prose, you'd all find out,
- I don't know what I talk about!
- Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo!
- So little time so much to know!
- Paul: Hey, fellas, look!
- Jeremy: (writing with his foot) The footnotes for my 19th book! This is my standard procedure for doing it, and while I compose it, I'm also reviewing it!
- George: A Boob for all seasons.
- Paul: How can he lose?
- John: Were your notices good?
- Jeremy: It's my policy never to read my reviews!
- Ringo: I wonder what would happen if I pull this lever.
- Young Fred: You musn't do that!
- Ringo: I can't help it, I'm a born Lever-puller.
- Paul: Look, it's a school of whales.
- Ringo: They look a little bit old for school.
- Paul: University then.
- Ringo: University of whales.
- John: They look like drop-outs to me.
- George: Hey! There's a Cyclops!
- Paul: Can't be. It's got two eyes.
- John: Must be a "bicycle-ops" then.
- Ringo: There's another one.
- John: A whole "'cyclopedia"!
- Young Fred: All right, then. Let's get this vessel shipshape.
- Ringo: I kind of like it the way it is. Submarine shape.
- The forces of good! The forces of evil!
- It's all in the mind, y'know.
- Nothing is real.
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