Thomas Southerne Irish dramatist, was born at Oxmantown, near Dublin, in 1660, and entered Trinity College, Dublin in 1676. Two years later he was entered at the Middle Temple, London.
- Ambition is an idol on whose wings
Great minds are carry'd only to extreme;
To be sublimely great, or to be nothing.
- Pity's akin to love.
- Oroonoka, Act ii, scene 1. Compare: "Of all the paths [that] lead to a woman's love / Pity's the straightest", Beaumont and Fletcher, The Knight of Malta, Act i, scene 1.
- Of the king's creation you may be; but he who makes a count ne'er made a man. 2
- Sir Anthony Love, Act ii, scene 1. Compare: "I weigh the man, not his title; 't is not the king's stamp can make the metal better", William Wycherley, The Plaindealer, Act i. scene 1.