The Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan
- De profundis clamo ad te, domine. (Roughly Translated) Out of the depths I cry unto thee, O Lord.
- "Some magic's real."
- Teenage 70's Ghost: Hey, come on! I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun. (Turns to show a huge bloody gaping hole in the back of his head)
- Closet Ghost: Is someone out there? Open this door, please! Come on. I can't breathe! If you can hear me, open this door... I swear on my life I didn't take the master's horse! OPEN THIS DOOR, OR I'LL BREAK THROUGH IT AND GRAB YOU!
- Motherly Ghost: DINNER IS NOT READY! (shows scars of slit wrists). YOU CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE NEDDY! YOU'RE A TERRIBLE HUSBAND!
- Stanley Cunningham: Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in this country. A lot of generations have lived here and died here. Almost any place you go in this city has a history and a story behind it. Even this school and the grounds it sits on. Can anyone guess what this building was used for a hundred years ago, before you went to this school, before I went to this school? Yes, Cole?
- Cole Sear: They used to hang people here.
- Stanley Cunningham: No, uh, that, mm-mm, that's not correct. Uh, where'd you hear that?
- Cole Sear: They'd pull the people in, crying and kissing their families goodbye. People watching would spit at them.
- Stanley Cunningham: Uh, Cole, this, this building was a legal courthouse. Laws were passed here. Some of the very first laws of this country. This whole building was full of, uh, lawyers, uh, lawmakers.
- Cole Sear: They were the ones that hanged everybody.
- Cole: She wanted me to tell you...
- Cole's Mother: Cole, please stop...
- Cole: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were like an angel. She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?
- Cole's Mother: Do I make her proud?
- Cole: I see dead people.
- Malcolm: In your dreams? (Cole shakes his head no)
- Malcolm: While you're awake? (Cole nods)
- Malcolm: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?
- Cole: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.
- Malcolm: How often do you see them?
- Note: the bolded line is ranked #44 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.
- Cole: You know the accident up there?
- Lynn: Yeah.
- Cole: Someone got hurt.
- Lynn: They did?
- Cole: A lady. She died.
- Lynn: Oh, my god. What, you can see her?
- Cole: Yes.
- Lynn: Where is she?
- Cole: Standing next to my window.
- Lynn: Cole, you're scaring me.
- Cole: They scare me too sometimes.
- Lynn: They?
- Cole: Ghosts.
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