Taito Waradi
Taito Waradi

Taito Waradi is the President of the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Unless otherwise stated, all quotes on this page have been gleaned from the Fiji Times Online.
Unless otherwise stated, all quotes on this page have been gleaned from the Fiji Times Online.
Comments on the government's proposed Reconciliation and Unity Commission
- "There are two sides to reconciliation; the law aspect and the moral values. Unless there is improvement for both, changes will not come by easily." (15 May 2000)
- "No amount of legislation can guarantee lasting peace and stability if the people it is supposed to serve are not spiritually and emotionally prepared to live by them (moral values) and where necessary defend them with their lives when it is breached." (18 May 2000)
- "Basic moral values must therefore first be internalised in the hearts and minds of its people before we can hope to enforce legislation reflecting these values. We cannot begin to observe man-made laws if we do not have any moral values to start off with in the first place." (18 May 2000)
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