Suikoden II
Suikoden II
"He's insane. He's a wolf raised on the smell of fire and the taste of blood. He can't be trusted." (referring to Luca Blight)
Rina "Nothing. We just had an "adult" conversation."
Apple: "That thing is a lion?"
Viktor [looking around]: "Flik's not here yet."
[Flik enters]
Flik: "Sorry. I got held up."
Viktor: "Where were you? Busy pursuing that little brat Nina?"
Flik [angrily approaching Viktor]: "Don't make me sick! It's she who's pursuing me! She stole my bandanna and washed it! It took me all morning to find it!!!"
Viktor: "Ha ha ha ha ha! It's like you have a wife already!"
Flik: "You'll pay for that, Viktor."
Clive: "Howling Voice, flash of thunder from the gods!"
Elza: "Cursed Voice that separates Life from Death!"
Clive: "Right here, right now, these Guns want to shed blood."
Elza: "They want to feast on souls!"
Clive: "Listen you cursed Guns!"
Elza: "We are it!"
Clive: "The final blast to signal war!!!"
Shu: I had to throw away 'the book.' You read it too many times...

- "You cannot seperate the world into "people" and "monsters". Taking a life in battle may have meaning, but this is murder."
- "Riou....her spirit will return to the Great Forest. That's where we're all going..."
- "I beg of you...please protect Miklotov."
- "We are no longer Knights, but we still possess our hearts and our skills. Surely they will aid you."
- "Luca Blight is a tough opponent...we're all going to have to be tougher."
- "I told you to take care of your toys." to Viktor
- "Why do you hurry into death?! Surely living is better!!" [referring to Teresa]
- "You have some thing great within you, and i don't mean that rune of yours"
- "Time changes people hearts..." to Anita [referring to Odessa]
- "Even if things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, you simply have to accept them and move on. Understand?"
Jowy Atreides
- "Riou. Do you... want my carrots?"
- "Cut the Blight line once and for all, or there will always be fanatics who'll try to revive the Highland Kingdom. After all, sometimes hope can drive people to madness...Let's make our war the last war ever to plague this land..."
- "A glorious hero defeats an evil King...the people will talk and sing about your heroic rise to fame and forget the horrors and the sins of war...the defeated soldiers will feel comforted by the fact that they were defeated by a hero, and deceived by an evil king..."
- "This is where our journey began. You and I walked the along the same path for so long together, but this is where they began to diverge. But, I have no regrets. But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the City-State and assasinate Lady Anabelle...you and I were alot alike...we were both aiming for the same thing..."
- "Peace is a beautiful thing... even if it comes... at the end of a long, brutal war....."
- "So don't forget, Pilika. Enjoy the moments you have together, because nothing lasts forever. Okay?"
- "Power? Am I looking for power? Ever since the first day I saw you... I somehow knew that we would be friends... I was never lonely because you were there.. it felt like those days would last forever... we walked along the same paths because... we chose Life and Death together... I believed in you... always... because we shared so much..."
- "Riou and I haven't betrayed this country. This country has betrayed us. I won't forgive this."
Kiba Windamier
- "To lead, you must first die in your mind. Let go of life, and embrace it!!!"
- "You murdered your own king and sire and still you dare speak so! He was my true lord you little bastard!!!!"
- "It is a warrior's shame to change masters, but I'll take that shame."
- "War is a tragic thing. It makes men into beasts. Many irreplacable antiques have been destroyed by the fires of war. That is no less of a tragedy..."
- "The storms of Fate cause misery for many and few will be able to calm them once they start."
Leon Silverburg
- "We're forgotton in times of peace. But, when war looms, people remember we exist."
- "Listen you little punk. History doesn't flow, it moves. By leaps and bounds! Sometimes it must be pushed along by men like us along the way."
- "You want something from me, kid? Ho ho...Come back in a few years and I'll be happy to teach you some things."
Luca Blight
- "DIE PIG!"
- "I don't care about breeding. A sword doesn't need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp."
- "Fear is a stupid emotion..."
- "Let me tell you something. There are weak men and strong men in this world. The strong men take everything and the weak men die. That's how the world was designed. Now I will show you how it works, weaklings!!!"
- "HAHAHAHAHA You LITTLE punk. Kid you've got balls I've give you that. Would you like me to remove your head from your shoulders with this blade?" - to Jowy
- "Riou, right here, right now, I am gonna separate your little puny head from your little puny body"
- "Just below the surface, I see the darkess inside you."
- "To end this war? That's a fairy tale...it's a foolish child's dream. Even if you kill me and defeat Highland, you won't have peace! You'll have a defeated country screaming for our vengeance."
- "You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!"
- "I've chopped hundreds, thousands of necks. I can do it with my eyes closed!"
- "It took hundreds to kill me but I killed humans by the thousands. I am sublime!!! I am the true face of evil!!!!" (last words)
- "Breaking a pledge...breaking a pledge of loyalty is a Knight's highest disgrace. But...But I am...I am...I AM!!! I AM a human first and a Knight second!!! I don't need your title! I resign myself to your disgrace! But I will never forgive you!!! I can never look idly by while lives are being thrown away!!!"
- "I'll be more use than that BEAR-man over there..." (referring to Viktor)
- “You’re coming with us one way or another, Nanami.”
- "To L'Renouille!"
- "Thanks for last night..." - To Humphrey
- "What's wrong, you bum?" - To Rikimaru
- "I won't fight you" - To Jowy
- "Even so I can't..." - To Jowy
- "Finesse? You make it sound like cooking!"
- "When this war is over I don't want an scourched land. I want a land that I can live on"
- "That Ayda chick is a little unfriendly but I like the rough type"
- "Hey that Eilie is pretty cute. What do you think Riou? Do you like her? If not then...."
- "Every lie contains the truth, and every truth contains a lie..."
- "Listen Up. Follow my orders and do as I say and we can defeat the Highland Army. Don't believe in me and you're the loser. If you want to win, don't question me again. If you can't do that, I'll consider you an obstacle that needs to be removed."
- "Rulers change, borders change, countries change, but money is a constant. In fact, nothing better for business than a good war."
- "Unlike you, I don't think I'm some sort of God where I can use people like pawns!"
- "I had to throw away 'the book.' You read it too many times..." to Leon
- "Yes, I’m going to get a lot of use out of that clever mouth of yours." to Fitcher
- "If it means protecting you, I'll do whatever is necessary." to Riou
Star Dragon Sword
- "You sure know how to treat a man."
- "Impudent Bloodsucker!"
- "Useless bag of flesh!"
Tai Ho
- "Fighting is like gambling, if it looks like you're going to lose, ya just run away."
- "I go anywhere the wind blows and the dice rolls."
- "Hey Neclord! Time to cash in your chips!"
- "Heh, I'll make sure you never make that stupid grin again! I'll chop you up! Grind you up! Cut you into pieces! Dry you on the sun! Bury you to the ground! Piss on you! Then I'll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then... and then... in any case, I'll never forgive you!!" - to neclord
"He's insane. He's a wolf raised on the smell of fire and the taste of blood. He can't be trusted." (referring to Luca Blight)
- "It's funny, but I love to do laundry. It makes me feel good to make something dirty clean again."
- Jowy "Rina... what did you do to him?"
Rina "Nothing. We just had an "adult" conversation."
- Viktor:"By the great Lion on our flag!"
Apple: "That thing is a lion?"
- Shu: "Good day, Lord Riou. It seems everyone's here."
Viktor [looking around]: "Flik's not here yet."
[Flik enters]
Flik: "Sorry. I got held up."
Viktor: "Where were you? Busy pursuing that little brat Nina?"
Flik [angrily approaching Viktor]: "Don't make me sick! It's she who's pursuing me! She stole my bandanna and washed it! It took me all morning to find it!!!"
Viktor: "Ha ha ha ha ha! It's like you have a wife already!"
Flik: "You'll pay for that, Viktor."
- Elza: "Howling Voice, shadow upon the ground!"
Clive: "Howling Voice, flash of thunder from the gods!"
Elza: "Cursed Voice that separates Life from Death!"
Clive: "Right here, right now, these Guns want to shed blood."
Elza: "They want to feast on souls!"
Clive: "Listen you cursed Guns!"
Elza: "We are it!"
Clive: "The final blast to signal war!!!"
- Leon: You forgot Rule #1 in 'the book.' Don't put yourself in danger.
Shu: I had to throw away 'the book.' You read it too many times...
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