Star Trek: Enterprise
Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise originally simply titled Enterprise, is a science-fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe. It follows the adventures of the crew of the pre-Federation Enterprise (NX-01), the first human-built vessel to achieve Warp 5.
Enterprise was a prequel to the other Star Trek series and movies. (The pilot episode, "Broken Bow", took place in 2151, ten years before the founding of the Federation and about halfway between the events shown in the movie Star Trek: First Contact and the original Star Trek series.)
Enterprise was a prequel to the other Star Trek series and movies. (The pilot episode, "Broken Bow", took place in 2151, ten years before the founding of the Federation and about halfway between the events shown in the movie Star Trek: First Contact and the original Star Trek series.)
Broken Bow, Part I [1.01]
- [observing an unconscious Klingon pilot.]
- Admiral Leonard: He's a Kling-ot.
- Tos: A Kling-on.
- Archer: Where'd he come from ?
- Commander Williams: Oklahoma.
Broken Bow, Part II [1.02]
- [referring to the new phase pistol.]
- Reed: There are two settings : stun and kill. It would be best not to confuse them.
- T'Pol: You both could be killed.
- Archer: Am I sensing concern? Last I checked that's considered a emotion.
- T'Pol: If anything happens to you, the Vulcan High Command will hold me responsible.
Strange New World [1.04]
- Trip: Where did you put the phase pistols ?
- Travis: You're going to shoot a bug ?
- Trip: I'm just going to stun it.
Unexpected [1.05]
- Phlox: Tell me, did your visit to the Xyrillian ship involve any... uh... romance ?
- Trip: What ?
- Phlox: Were you intimate with anyone ?
- Trip: Doc, I was over there to repair a warp reactor. What are you talking about ?
- Phlox: Seems you did a little more than repair work.
- Trip: Meaning ?
- Phlox: This is a nipple.
- Trip: I beg your pardon ?
- Phlox: Ah, ah, the blastocyst is located between the sixth and seventh intercostals.
- Trip: What the hell are you talking about ?
- Phlox: I'm not quite sure congratulations are in order, Commander, but you're pregnant.
Breaking the Ice [1.08]
- [on learning that Tucker has mistakenly decoded one of her private messages.]
- T'Pol: You read my letter ?
- Trip: Believe me, I don't feel very good about it.
- T'Pol: I have more letters in my quarters : would you like to read those as well ?
Sleeping Dogs [1.15]
- [after boarding a damaged Klingon ship and finding several Klingons unconscious on the bridge.]
- Hoshi: Shouldn't we try to help them ?
- T'Pol: They don't want our help.
- Hoshi: How do you know ?
- T'Pol: They're Klingons.
- [the Klingon Captain waking up in sickbay.]
- Bu'kaH: I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire.
- Archer: From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do.
Shuttlepod One [1.16]
- [Lt. Reed and Cmdr. Tucker have drunk a whole bottle of bourbon, and are talking about Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol.]
- Reed: I think she's pretty.
- Trip: Oh, God.
- Reed: You ever noticed her bum ?
- Trip: What ?
- Reed: Her bum. She's got an awfully nice bum.
- Trip: [toasts] To Subcommander T'Pol.
- Reed: Awfully nice.
- Trip: It can laugh all it wants, the galaxy's not getting any of our bourbon.
Two Days and Two Nights [1.25]
- [Mayweather has broken his leg on an alien planet and returned to the ship.]
- T'Pol: Why didn't you let them finish treating you on the surface?
- Travis: Have you ever been to an alien hospital?
- T'Pol: Yes, in San Francisco.
- Trip: You think this is my fault ?
- Reed: You were willing to follow two strange aliens into a basement.
- Trip: Gorgeous aliens. Don't forget they were gorgeous.
- Reed: They were male.
- Trip: Not at first.
Precious Cargo [2.11]
- [while in the escape pod, Trip tastes the food Kaitaama discovered in a storage locker.]
- Kaitaama: Is it edible ?
- Trip: Depends how hungry you are.
- Kaitaama: Is your entire species so ill mannered ?
- Trip: Nope. Just me.
Cease Fire [2.15]
- Archer: No offense, but my ears are less likely to draw fire then yours.
- Soval: [to T'Pol] What is their fixation with our ears ?
- T'Pol: I believe they are envious.
- Trip: I don't like pushing the engines at 110%.
- T'Pol: They are rated for 120.
- Trip: My underwear's flame-retardant, but it doesn't mean I want to set fire to myself to prove it.
Judgement [2.19]
- Kolos: My father was a teacher... my mother, a biologist at the university. They encouraged me to take up the law. Now, all young people want to do is take up weapons as soon as they can hold them. They're told there's honor in victory, any victory, but what honor is there in a victory over a weaker opponent? [...] We were a great society not so long ago when honor was earned through integrity and acts of true courage, not senseless bloodshed.
Horizon [2.20]
- [discussing about Travis parent's cargo ship.]
- T'Pol: The Earth cargo ship Fortunate. Y-class freighter. Maximum speed: warp one point eight. Crew complement: twenty-three.
- Travis: Not counting newborn babies.
- Archer: Ensign ?
- Travis: I grew up on a J-class, a little smaller but the same basic design. And one thing I can tell you is that at warp one point eight, you've got a lot of time on your hands between ports. That's how my parents wound up with me.
- T'Pol: Do you have any helpful information on this vessel beyond its recreational activities ?
Bounty [2.25]
- T'Pol: There's no need to be restrained by human morality.
Anomaly [3.02]
- [Trip is looking for an another treatment to his insomnia.]
- Phlox: There is Alderberan mud leeches.
- Trip: What the hell am I supposed to do with those?
- Phlox: Place one on your chest and one on your abdomen an hour before going to bed. Their secretions act as a natural sedative. Oh, uh, please be careful to sleep on your back. If you roll over, you might anger them.
- Trip: Maybe an hour a night with T'pol isn't so bad.
The Forge [4.07]
- [T'Pol and Archer discuss the lost writings of Surak, the father of Vulcan logic.]
- T'Pol: Over the centuries, his followers made copies of his teachings.
- Archer: Let me guess — with the originals lost, whatever's left is open to interpretation.
- T'Pol: You find this amusing?
- Archer: I find it familiar.
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