Shining Time Station
Shining Time Station

Shining Time Station was an American PBS spinoff of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends series, although it was co-created by Britt Allcroft. The series returned as Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales in 1997.
Matt: Mat--Matthew--M-- Matt!
Mr. Conductor: Or is it Matthew-Matt-Matthew? And you may call me Mr. Conductor. Well, you're a good worker. You know who'd like you? My friend Thomas.
Matt: Thomas lives in there with you?
Mr. Conductor: Dear me, no! Thomas is a steam engine, and he lives on the Island of Sodor. You are interested in trains, aren't you?
Matt: Yes, sir.
Mr. Conductor: Splendid. Then I'll tell you a story about my friend Thomas. You do like stories, don't you?
Matt: Oh, yeah.
Mr. Conductor: Very well. But first, I have to find my whistle. [He looks in his pockets for his whistle and finds it.] Ah! Here we go! [he blows his whistle and Thomas story begins.] Thomas is a tank engine who lives at a big station on the Island of Sodor. He's a cheeky little engine with six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpy dome.
Mr. Conductor: If you've come back to clean the windows, they haven't had a chance to get dirty!
Matt: Where'd you go before?
Mr. Conductor: Railroad work takes me everywhere, Matt. You don't spend a lot of time in one place. It's a traveling business. I was just off traveling with Edward.
Matt: Who's Edward?
Mr. Conductor: You don't know Edward?! Of course you don't know Edward! If you didn't know Thomas, how could you know Edward? I'll tell you a story about Edward. [He gets his whistle out, blows it and the story about Edward begins to start.]
Harry: There's just something about this place.
He hated it. All the cars were laughing and singing at him:
Cars are waiting in the yard
Tackling them with ease'll
Show the world what I can do
Gaily boasts the Diesel
In and out he creeps about
Like a big black weasel
When he pulls the wrong cars out
POP goes the Diesel
"Grrr!" growled Diesel, and schuttled away to sulk in the shed.
"Listen boys," the fireman called
"Here's a song for Percy:
Said Harold Helicopter to our Percy "You are slow...
Your railway is out of date and not much use to know."
But Percy and his stone cars did the trip in record time
And we beat that helicopter on our old branch line
(Mr. Conductor apparently returns right before the end of the episode to reclaim his hat. This was Ringo Starr's final appearance as Mr. Conductor (if you don't count "Tis a Gift".)
(He blow his whistle and start the "Thomas Story: Saved From Scrap".)
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
Fell in a ditch, fell in a ditch
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
All on a Monday morning.
Gordon lay in the ditch all day.
(the Evil Mr. Conductor runs over to the cut out space where he used be a picture and lies down in it)
(Mr. Conductor throws his magic dust on the Evil Mr. Conductor)
(the Evil Mr. Conductor turns back into a picture)
"Mr. Conductor: YES! Thank you, Kara. If you hadn't recognized my whistle, we'd have never gotten outta this mess!
Well, Then, What Are We Waiting For? [Blows His Whistle And The Story Starts]
He hated it. All the cars were laughing and singing at him:
"Grrr!" growled Diesel, and schuttled away to sulk in the shed.
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
Fell in a ditch, fell in a ditch
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
All on a Monday morning.
Gordon lay in the ditch all day.
A Place Unlike Any Other
Mr. Conductor: What's your name?Matt: Mat--Matthew--M-- Matt!
Mr. Conductor: Or is it Matthew-Matt-Matthew? And you may call me Mr. Conductor. Well, you're a good worker. You know who'd like you? My friend Thomas.
Matt: Thomas lives in there with you?
Mr. Conductor: Dear me, no! Thomas is a steam engine, and he lives on the Island of Sodor. You are interested in trains, aren't you?
Matt: Yes, sir.
Mr. Conductor: Splendid. Then I'll tell you a story about my friend Thomas. You do like stories, don't you?
Matt: Oh, yeah.
Mr. Conductor: Very well. But first, I have to find my whistle. [He looks in his pockets for his whistle and finds it.] Ah! Here we go! [he blows his whistle and Thomas story begins.] Thomas is a tank engine who lives at a big station on the Island of Sodor. He's a cheeky little engine with six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpy dome.
Mr. Conductor: If you've come back to clean the windows, they haven't had a chance to get dirty!
Matt: Where'd you go before?
Mr. Conductor: Railroad work takes me everywhere, Matt. You don't spend a lot of time in one place. It's a traveling business. I was just off traveling with Edward.
Matt: Who's Edward?
Mr. Conductor: You don't know Edward?! Of course you don't know Edward! If you didn't know Thomas, how could you know Edward? I'll tell you a story about Edward. [He gets his whistle out, blows it and the story about Edward begins to start.]
Harry: There's just something about this place.
Two Old Hands
- Mr. Conductor: Well I tried.
- Tanya: Remember what you told us. Keep on trying. What's that, Mr. Conductor?
- Mr. Conductor: It's a present for Thomas to cheer him up. He's been in a lot of trouble lately.
- Matt: What kind of trouble.
- Mr. Conductor: I'll tell you the story. [He spins the present and the Thomas story comes.]
- Tanya: Now we've found the cake.
- Mr. Conductor: Not quite. Where's the cake?
- Matt: What cake? Where's the cake?
- Mr. Conductor: I thought you'd never ask. Take a look down the anything tunnel.
Mapping it Out
- Schemer: Greetings everyone.
- Mr. Conductor: Well, almost everyone. So long, Matt, Tanya...and friend. When he comes, I go. The end. (disappears)
- Mr. Conductor: Don't worry, Stacy. Matt and Tanya know enough to find their way back to Shining Time Station.
- Mr. Conductor: I'm not sweet. I just want to be useful. Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well. Tell you what. You look down the anything tunnel and you'll see what I mean.
- Tanya: But that was the freight cars' fault.
- Mr. Conductor: Not really, Percy should have known better than to trust them. He should have thought twice before he decided to go exploring out there.
- Schemer: If we see a town, BOOM! we mark it down. If we don't see a town, BOOM! we don't mark it down.
- Henry: Silly things. (Bill & ben leave)
- Percy: They're not silly!
- Sir Topham Hatt: Edward must take you to the works.
- Signalman: Stop The Runaway!
Scare Dares
- Matt: Dear Cousin Dan, I can't wait for you to get here. Shining Time Station is busier than ever.
- Tanya: Dear Cousin Kara, guess what? Our grandfather Harry is transferred to Fort Farley, so Shining Time Station has a new engineer. His name is Billy Twofeathers.
- Matt: But Schemer is still Schemer, and you know what that means. And Aunt Stacy's fine, and she's really happy running the station. A man named Mr. Nicholas came to visit us at Christmas Time. Mr. Nicholas needed help at his workshop, so when he went back to his home at the North Pole, Mr. Conductor went along with him.
- Tanya: But then, Mr. Conductor's cousin arrived. There's always a Mr. Conductor living here, or else it wouldn't be Shining Time Station. See you on Halloween. Love, Tanya.
- Matt: When you get here. Your cousin, Matt.
- Mr. Conductor: Tanya Lasanya and Matt the Hatt!
Things That Go Ga-Hooga! in the Night
- Schemer: It's the real man with his head on backwards! It's the real man with his head on backwards! (screams and jumps over the desk)
- Stacy: Was that Schemer?
- Harry: I do believe it was.
- Stacy: Were his clothes on backwards?
- Harry: I do believe they were.
Promises, Promises
- Narrator: Diesel had to help the workmen clear the mess.
He hated it. All the cars were laughing and singing at him:
Cars are waiting in the yard
Tackling them with ease'll
Show the world what I can do
Gaily boasts the Diesel
In and out he creeps about
Like a big black weasel
When he pulls the wrong cars out
POP goes the Diesel
"Grrr!" growled Diesel, and schuttled away to sulk in the shed.
Just Wild About Harry's Workshop
- Narrator : Percy went off to Get some Coaches
- Sir Topham Hatt : Stop That Noise!
"Listen boys," the fireman called
"Here's a song for Percy:
Said Harold Helicopter to our Percy "You are slow...
Your railway is out of date and not much use to know."
But Percy and his stone cars did the trip in record time
And we beat that helicopter on our old branch line
Schemer's Special Club
- Mr. Conductor: Take the story of "Oliver" the New Engine." "Well, I can't give it to you unless I tell it to you?" (he blows his whistle)
- Narrator: "You think I can manage," Oliver said huffly. "Gordon knows better...He says I'm sagacious *Stacy: Herself I'm The Station Manager Stacy Jones
Bully for Mr. Conductor
- Buster: Just you wait! After I tell my dumb uncle what happened, I'll be able to draw on the walls all I want. Oh, hi Uncle J.B. I was just telling them how well you run the railroad.
The Magic is Believing
- Kara: How do you play with it?
- Mr. Conductor: It's all in the wirsts... or maybe it's the neck... Could be the arms. Sticking out your tongue helps. Now you've got it!
- Becky: Neat! How does a doll like that run? On batteries?
- Mr. Conductor: Stop it! I don't come with batteries!!
- Stacy: Do you believe in magic?
- Jake Scoop: No I only believe in what I see.
- James: What shall I do? I can't stop! Help! Help!
- Edward: We're coming! We're coming!
Is This The End?
- Mr. Conductor: Now, I think it is getting time for me to leave.
- Matt: Not yet. Please, not yet.
- Mr. Conductor: Now, let me tell you both something. (he removes his hat and dries his forehead with his hankerchief) No matter what happens, we will always be friends.
- Tanya: Promise?
- Matt: Promise?
- Mr. Conductor: It's a promise! Good-bye, now. Good-bye. (he leaves without his hat)
- Tanya: Wait! You forgot your hat.
- Matt: It's too late. Now he's gone forever.
(Mr. Conductor apparently returns right before the end of the episode to reclaim his hat. This was Ringo Starr's final appearance as Mr. Conductor (if you don't count "Tis a Gift".)
- Matt: Mr. Conductor. Did you hear the news?
- Mr. Conductor: Yes, I'm afraid I have, Matt.
- Tanya: What's wrong with Shining Time Station?
- Mr. Conductor: The railroad thinks it's old fashion.... Yes, old fashion. Just like my friend Trevor.
- Matt: What happen to Trevor?
- Mr. Conductor: (Referring to the "Saved From Scrap" story) Well, I'll tell you the story, because he has a sad beginning, but a happy ending. Maybe it can cheer us all up.
(He blow his whistle and start the "Thomas Story: Saved From Scrap".)
Tis A Gift
- Mr. Conductor: Oh! There's Midge Smoot! Don't tell her a secret. She's sure to leak it!
Stacy Forgets Her Name
- Narrator: Thomas is a tank engine who lives at a big station on the Island of Sodor.
- Stacy: Tell me, do I know you?
- Dan: Of course you know me. I'm your nephew, Dan.
- Stacy: Oh, hi. Nice to meet you, Dan. (they shake hands as Mr. Conductor appears)
- Mr. Conductor: Hi, Dan. Hello, Stacy. (Stacy looks at him)
- Stacy: AAH! A little man! (she hides behind the information desk)
- Dan: Aunt Stacy, come back! It's only Mr. Conductor! (Mr. Conductor disappears, then reappears on the information desk. Stacy reacts)
- Mr. Conductor: You don't have to be afraid of me. My name is Mr. Conductor. And I've known you since you were Dan's age. I knew your parents when they were Dan's age. I live here in the signal house on that mural.
- Mr. Conductor: (Referring to the "Thomas Gets Tricked" story) I think it's time that I told you about Thomas the Tank Engine. (Blows his whistle. Thomas Story starts.)
- Thomas: Peep Peep! Stop Stop!
- Gordon: (laughing) Hurry Hurry Hurry!
- The Coaches: You can't get away. You can't get away.
Mr. Conductor's Fourth of July
- Douglas: (in the story of "Escape") We're home!
- Oliver: (Referring about how he was scraped, almost like the Tin Man or Trevor) Well, I'm *Oliver...I'm with my brake-van, Toad. We've run out of coal, and have no more steam.
Douglas: (Wondering how he got scrapped in a confused-voice) But, what are you doing?
Oliver: Escaping!
Douglas: From What?!
Oliver: Scrap!
Narrator: Douglas shivered.
Too Many Cooks
- Matt: Mr. Conductor, how can Schemer make mistakes we still like we only did? You know sorry or anything?
- Mr. Conductor: (referring to Down the Mine) We may not learn anything. But you have learned about helping people and Gordon had learned the same thing. Lucky thing for Thomas that he did too. But let me begin at the beginning. (blows his whistle)
- Narrator: They began to sing:
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
Fell in a ditch, fell in a ditch
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
All on a Monday morning.
Gordon lay in the ditch all day.
The Mayor Runs for Re-Election
- James: What's the matter?
- Driver: The brakes are on. Leak in the pipe, most likely. You've banged the coaches enough to make a leak in anything!
- Conductor: (about the hole in one of James' coaches) How shall we mend it?
- Driver: We'll do it with newspaper and a leather bootlace.
- Conductor: But where is the bootlace coming from?
- Driver: Ask the passengers!
- Conductor: You have a leather bootlace there. Please give it to me.
- Smartly-dressed man: I won't!
- Conductor: Then I'm afraid the train will just stop where it is.
- James: (upset) Oh, dear! I wonder how long I have to stay in the shed? Will anyone ever see my red coat again?! Why did I go so fast, I made a hole in one of my coaches, that had to be mended with, of all things, a passenger's bootlace?!
Field Day
- Matt: Well, Schemer did pay for the uniforms. (Mr. Conductor appears on his baseball bat)
- Tanya: Maybe they'll look better when they're on. (Matt moves his bat, but Mr. Conductor falls, but a baseball mitt breaks his fall)
- Kara: Mr. Conductor, are you okay?
- Matt: Sorry, Mr. Conductor. I didn't see you there. (Mr. Conductor gets back on his feet, unharmed)
- Mr. Conductor: Oh, that's all right, Matt. Yes, Kara, I'm as right as rain. I landed as a soft pop fly I might say.
- Percy: I say, Toby. That Harold, that stuck-up whirly-bird thing, says I'm slow and out of date! Just let him wait! I'll show him!!
- Mr. Conductor: Yes that's a good move. I've got 'em now. Oh, so that's a plan eh? We'll just see about that.
- Becky: Who is he playing that game?
- Billy: Maybe by himself.
- Tanya: And that one too.
- Billy: Something like that you never do.
- Mr. Conductor: My that was clever. I was expecting that. You win, thank you. Good game thank you. There's nothing like playing a game against a skillful of warm. But wouldn't you be out playing baseball?
- Kara: The game's not for a while yet.
- Dan: And then there's a way we're gonna lose.
- Becky: Yeah.
- Mr. Conductor: (referring to Thomas and Bertie's Great Race.) Well you certainly will with that attitude. Imagine of Thomas had felt like in that of a famous race against Bertie.
- Kara: Did Thomas win?
- Becky: Tell us Mr. Conductor.
- Mr. Conductor: I will. (blows his whistle softer.)
- Bertie: Well done, Thomas! That was fun! But to beat you over that hill, I should have to grow wings and be an aeroplane.
- Schemer: Baseball's a dumb game!
Mr. Conductor's Movie
- James: (In a sympathetic-voice) That's the 3rd load of coal you've had today, Gordon. Some might say you're being rather greedy.
- Gordon: I'm an important engine. Important engines need plenty of coal, but I doubt if you would understand that, James.
- Henry: I always worked hard enough for 2. I deserve another tender.
- Duck: Henry, would you like my tenders?
- Henry: Yours?! What have you got to do with tenders?!
- Stacy: Ladies and gentlemen, cast and friends, Shining Time Station is proud to present... Oh. Mr. Conductor, what's your title?
- Mr. Conductor: Producer/director.
- Stacy: No, no, no, no. I mean, the title of the movie.
- Mr. Conductor: Oh. "A Little Light Madness".
- Stacy: ...Proud to present, "A Little Light Madness", starring... starring everyone.
Double Trouble
- Mr. Conductor: He's not me!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Yes, I am!
- Mr. Conductor: I'm much taller!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: No, you're not!
- Mr. Conductor: You're fatter, though.
- Evil Mr. Conductor: No, I'm not! We're the same!
- Mr. Conductor: We're not the same at all!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Yes, we are!
- Mr. Conductor: No, we're not!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Yes, we are!
- Mr. Conductor: I can prove it! That cutout fits my outline perfectly. It won't fit yours.
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Will too!
- Mr. Conductor: Will not!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Will too!
- Mr. Conductor: Be my guest!
(the Evil Mr. Conductor runs over to the cut out space where he used be a picture and lies down in it)
- Evil Mr. Conductor: You'll see that I'm you, then you'll know that it's true.
(Mr. Conductor throws his magic dust on the Evil Mr. Conductor)
- Mr. Conductor: GOTCHA!
(the Evil Mr. Conductor turns back into a picture)
- Billy: Magic? Hmm. We'd better have a talk with Mr. Conductor.
- Stacy, Dan, Becky, and Kara: Mr. Conductor?!
- Billy: Mmm-hmm.
- Mr. Conductor: Twins can be confusing you know, just like Ben and Bill.
- Dan: Who are they?
- Mr. Conductor: Did I Ever told you about Ben and Bill. Or was it Bill and Ben? Hmm, I could never remember. Maybe you could tell them apart.
- Ben: Car Stealer!
- Narrator: This Went on and on until the diesel's eyes nearly popped out.
- Boco: (very frantic) Stop!! You're making me giddy!
- Duck: You don't understand, Donald, how much Sir Topham Hatt relies on me.
- Donald: Och, aye?
- Duck: I'm Great Western and I...
- Donald: Quack, quack, quack!
- Duck: What?!
- Donald: Ye hear. Quack, quack, ya go! Sounds like you're an egg layer. Now wheesht, and let an engine sleep!
- Duck: Quack yourself!
Mr. Conductor's Evil Twin
- Evil Mr. Conductor: I won't go back! Not this time! A broken promise is not a crime.
- Kara: Well, then, I'll tell on you.
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Tell. Go ahead. They'll just get angry and send you to bed.
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Candy is dandy, but never to eat.
- Candy is dandy for smashing with feet.
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Now I've got you, my cheerful twin!
- It's you or me, and I shall win!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Stick him quick! He'll get away!
- Mr. Conductor: Wait! I'm me! He's not!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: Stick him with that gluey pot!
- Kara: Which one of you's Mr. Conductor?!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: ME!
- Mr. Conductor: ME!
- Kara: Your whistle!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: My whistle?!
- Mr. Conductor: My whistle!
- Evil Mr. Conductor: NO!!!!
"Mr. Conductor: YES! Thank you, Kara. If you hadn't recognized my whistle, we'd have never gotten outta this mess!
Is Anybody There?
(Schemer sees Mayor Flopdinger glaring at him and remembers something)- Schemer: Hello, everyone, we got a special birthaday announcement for the mayor; it's the mayor's birthday today-
- Mayor Flopdinger: No, it's not my birthday, it's my wife's birthday!
- Schemer: I'm sorry, it's his wife's birthday- her name is Tuna Melt, and she's crispy on the outside, and she's soft on the inside. That's her name, and-
- Mayor Flopdinger: Her name is Twylene! Hello, Twylene, dear. It's me, Twylene, yes, your husband!
- James: Hello, Percy. So you've found a scarf eh? But legs go in trousers, not funnels!
- Mr. Conductor: (referring to A Scarf for Percy) Well, cheer up. It won't turned bad on what will happened to Percy.
Billy Saves the Day
- Mr. Conductor: Everyone has something special to offer, but you never know it unless you give them a chance to show you.
Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
- Narrator: "Never mind James," said Toby. "They're only joking." "Huh!" said James. But Toby just smiled.
- Mr. Conductor: Look! J.B. King is about to announce the winner. Good Luck.
- Mr. King: And the winner is... "Peep Peep Peep?" (Jukebox band say peep repeatedly)
- Billy: I like the sound of that.
- Mr. Conductor: I don't think it matters on what will collect. To all of it was not straw.
- Kara and Becky: Straw?
- Mr. Conductor: (referring to Woolly Bear) Haven't I told you about the time Percy ended up with a big straw collection and didn't wanted it? (The girls shook their heads.) No? Well then I'll tell you now. (Blows the Whistle)
Fortune Teller Schemer
- Dan: Mr. Conductor, does Thomas ever get patience?
- Mr. Conductor: (referring to Thomas and the Conductor.) Indeed he did. Like the time he left his conductor right behind! We conductors don't want to be left behind.
- Thomas: How can I run my line properly if Henry is always late?! He doesn't realize that Sir Topham Hatt depends on me!
- Thomas: Where have you been, lazy bones?!
- Henry: Oh, dear. My system is out of order. No one understands my case. You don't know what I suffer!
- Thomas: Rubbish! You're too slow! You need exercise.
- Thomas: Peep, Peep! WHERE IS THE CONDUCTOR!?!
- Annie and Clarabel: [sobbing] We've left him behind.
- Mr. Conductor: [Refering To A Cow On The Line]
Well, Then, What Are We Waiting For? [Blows His Whistle And The Story Starts]
- Henry: What this a cow? I'll soon settle her. Be off! Be off!
- Cow: Moo!
- Henry: I don't want to hurt her.
- Schemer: The Machine just? It's who!?.. and the.. and the great as El Schemo?!
- Mr. Conductor: What do you want, El Schemo?
- Schemer: It's a, it's a talking machine! Well, what do you know about that; Tell us the future, O talking machino!
- Mr. Conductor: You can't see the future, nor can I! No one can see the future!
- Schemer: It's the, it's the machine! It has a sense of humor! I appreciate your sense of humor! Let us all laugh! Ha ha ha ha!
- Mr. Conductor: You told these people lies to get their money. Shame on you.
- Schemer: Well, I made a few guesses that didn't work out so well, but...
- Mr. Conductor: You twisted around my messages. Your predictions are all wrong. You are a phony.
- Schemer: No! No! Well, I mean, what about Ginny's tomatoes? Ginny's tomatoes?
- Mr. Conductor: Are you kidding? That was a coincidence!
- Woman: That is the last time I spend one cent in your arcade! You phony!
Stacy Cleans Up
- James: What's that, Duck? Are you afraid of bees? They're only insects, after all. So don't let that buzzbox diesel tell you different.
- Duck: His name is Boco, and he didn't. We...
- James: I wouldn't care if hundreds were swarming around! I'd just blow smoke and make them buzz off!
- Duck: Buzz, buzz, buzz.
- Narrator: They didn't notice till too late that they had left all their coaches behind. They tried everything to get rid of the bees! First they spun on the turntable to no avail. They tried washing them of but the bees clung harder to James' warm boiler. Then they tried smoking them off by going through a long tunnel but still the bees wouldn't go away.
- Dan: Well I reckon the garbage fly like honey bee. I haven't bees like James, bees only stung when they're angry. Garbage flies like dirty smell.
Yabba, Yabba, Yabba!
- Narrator: Diesel had to help the workmen clear the mess.
He hated it. All the cars were laughing and singing at him:
- Cars are waiting in the yard
- Tackling them with ease'll
- Show the world what I can do
- Gaily boasts the Diesel
- In and out he creeps about
- Like a big black weasel
- When he pulls the wrong cars out
- POP goes the Diesel
"Grrr!" growled Diesel, and schuttled away to sulk in the shed.
- Narrator: Diesel thinkining he could get away with his bad behavior was ruder than ever. Next day he was shunting freight cars full of China Clay. He banged the cars so harder and into the buffers. The buffers weren't sacure The silly cars were sunk.
Bad Luck Day at Shining Time Station
- Schemee: ( looks at the sign) Lucky Duck Pond?
- Narrator: They began to sing:
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
Fell in a ditch, fell in a ditch
Silly old Gordon fell in a ditch
All on a Monday morning.
Gordon lay in the ditch all day.
The Joke's on Schemer
- Gordon: It's not fair!
- Edward: What isn't fair?
- Gordon: Letting branch line diesels pull Main Line trains!
- Edward: Never mind, Gordon. I'm sure Boco will let you pull his cars sometime.
- Gordon: I won't pull Boco's dirty cars! I won't run on branch lines.
- Edward: Why not? It would be a nice change.
- Gordon: Sir Topham Hatt would never approve. Branch lines are vulgar!
Sweet and Sour
- Midge: Kids, we'll see ya at the garden party.
- (she turns to Schemer)
- Midge: As for you, Schemer, if you ever, ever, EVER try, or even THINK of trying, or consider, pulling such a stunt again, I personally will bring every member of the Friends of the Flowering Cactus Ladies' Auxillary down here to picket your arcade! And that is no JOKE!
- (She and the ladies drop Schemer to the floor, then marched out of the station)
- Schemer: Wait a minute. "Friends of the Flowering Cactus Ladies' Auxillary"?! My mommy is in that group!
- (he and Schemee run quickly out of the station)
- Schemer: Hey, Midge! (screams) MIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Douglas: Anyone would think that Donald had had his accident on purpose. I hear tell about an engine and some tar wagons.
- James: Shut up! It's not funny.
- Douglas: Well, well, well! Surely, James, it wasn't you. Ya didn't say.
- Narrator: James didn't say. He slouched sulkily away.
- James: Help me up the hill! Please! These freight cars are playing tricks!
- Douglas: We'll show them!
Mr. Conductor Gets Left Out
- Bill: I was here first!
- Ben: But you're in my way! You'll have to back up again!
- Bill: I won't!
- Ben: You will!
- Bill: I WON'T!
Schemer Alone
- Mr. Conductor: Well, I'm here to work. What's our first step?
- Billy: Uh, your first step, Mr. Conductor, is to watch your step. That shelf hasn't been... (the shelf comes off, and Mr. Conductor slides down)
- Billy: ...nailed in.
- Stacy: Mr. Conductor, are you all right?
- Mr. Conductor: All right?! I appear for work and fall off a shelf? I've had better jobs, I'll tell ya.
Mysterious Stranger
- Gordon: What has happened to me?! I feel so weak!
- Gordon's driver: You burst your safety valve. You can't pull the train anymore!
- Gordon: Oh, dear! We were going so nicely, too! And look! There's Henry laughing at me!
- Narrator: Everyone came to see Gordon.
- Sir Topham Hatt: Humph! These big engines are always causing me trouble! Send for another engine at once!
How the Station Got Its Name
- Narrator: The policeman pointed to Thomas.
- Policeman: Where's your cowcatchers?
- Narrator: He Asked.
- Thomas: But I don't catch cows, sir.
- Policeman: Don't be funny!
- Narrator: Snapped the Policeman. He looked at Thomas's wheels.
- Policeman: No sideplates either.
- Narrator: He wrote in his notebook.
- Policeman: Engines going on public roads must have their wheels covered and a cowcatcher in front. To protect people and animals from being dragged under the wheels if they stray onto the line. You haven't so you're dangerous.
- Driver: Rubbish!
- Narrator: Said Thomas's driver.
- Driver: We've been along here hundreds of times and there has never had an accident.
- Policeman: That makes it worse.
- Narrator: The policeman answered. He wrote REGULAR LAW BREAKER in his book. Thomas puffed sadly away.
Finders Keepers
- Freight Cars: Go On! Go On!
- Thomas: And by the way...
- Thomas: Those buffers don't look very safe to me.
- Narrator: The last load poured down.
- Thomas: Help! Help!!!! Get Me Out!
- Freight Cars: On! On! On!
- James: I've got to stop! I've GOT to stop!!!
- Toby: Look here, Percy. Whatever is that dirty object?
- Percy: That's James. Didn't you know?
- Toby: It's James' shape. But James is a splendid red engine and you never see his paint dirty.
And the Band Played Off
- Signalman: Hello, Thomas. What are you doing here?
- Thomas: I'm pulling a train. Can't you see?
- Signalman: Where are your coaches then?
- Thomas: WHY BLESS ME! If we haven't left them behind.
- Thomas: I spend my time pulling coaches about ready for YOU to take out on journeys!
- Narrator: The other engines laughed.
- Thomas: Why can't I pull passenger trains, too?!
- Gordon: You're too impatient. You'd be sure to leave something behind.
- Thomas: Rubbish! I'll show you!
- Narrator: One night, he and Henry were alone. Henry was ill. The men worked hard, but he didn't get better.
- Sir Topham Hatt: What are you doing here, Thomas?
- Thomas: I brought Edward's freight cars.
- Sir Topham Hatt: Why did you come so fast?
- Thomas: I didn't mean to. I was pushed.
Ring in the Old
- Bridget: Is it electric?
- Toby: Whooooosh!!!
- Stephen: Sssh! You've offended him.
- Toby: Nobody wants me.
- Toby's Driver: Wake up, Toby! The mail has just arrived and there's a letter from the Stout Gentleman. Maybe it's good news.
- Sir Topham Hatt: I'm sorry, Driver. It's no use arguing with policemen. We will have to make those cowcatcher things for Thomas, I suppose.
- Thomas: Everyone will laugh, sir. They'll say I look like a tram.
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