Shetland Amenity Trust
Shetland Amenity Trust

Massoud Barzani has been the president of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region since 2005.
Turkey and PKK
- I am not an enemy of Turkey; I am a friend of the Turkish people
- I do not accept the language of threatening and blackmailing from the government of Turkey.
- The Turks have tried military operations in the last 23 years. Now, it's time for the Turkish people to ask their military what they did in the last 23 years, and why they didn't solve it.
- If Turkey came up with a peaceful initiative and the PKK rejects that, then all the Kurdistanis will take up a position against the PKK.
Kurdish nation
- [Declaration of a state] is the legitimate right of the Kurdish nation. This goal should be realized, but without resorting to violence.
On Israel's right to exist
- I am against driving Israel into the sea. This policy is wrong, illogical, and unreasonable. Why annihilate a people?
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