Sesame Street
Sesame Street

Sesame Street is an educational television program designed for preschoolers, and is recognized as a pioneer of the contemporary standard which combines education and entertainment in children's television shows. Sesame Street is well known for the inclusion of the Muppet characters created by the legendary puppeteer Jim Henson. More than 4,000 episodes of the show have been produced in forty seasons, which distinguishes it as one of the longest-running shows in television history.
Cookie Monster
- Cookie Monster (to tune of Elmo's World theme): La la la la, la la la la, Cookie World. La la la la, la la la la, Cookie World. Me love me cookies, yeah, me cookies too. that was amazing
Episode 1839
- Big Bird: Oh, hi Gordon!
- Gordon: Oh, hi Big Bird.
- Big Bird: Nice day, isn't it?
- Gordon: Yeah, very nice. Big Bird?
- Big Bird: Hmmm?
- Gordon: Why are you doing that?
- Big Bird: What?
- Gordon: That.
- Big Bird: Oh.
- Gordon: With your head between your legs.
- Big Bird: Oh, because.
- Gordon: Because why?
- Big Bird: Just because.
- Gordon: You're walking with your head between your legs, just because? Uh, can't you give me a better reason than just because?
- Big Bird: Well, I guess I could try, but I don't think I could come up with a better reason.
- Gordon: Yeah, I understand.
- Big Bird: You know what I'm gonna do now?
- Gordon: What?
- Big Bird: This. (makes a weird move) De-do. De-do. De-do. De-do. De-do. De-do. De-do.
- (Gordon laughs and does the exact same thing)
- David: Look, look, I'm tellin' you, she's a great candidate! She says that she's against big spending, big business, and inflation. She says when she gets into office, there'll be enough money for government, social programs, and the space program.
- Bob: Hey, sounds great. What's her name?
- Gordon: Alice in Wonderland.
- (everyone else laughs)
- Gordon Robinson: Sally, you've never seen a street like Sesame Street. Everything happens here. You're gonna love it!
- The very first line spoken on the very first episode from November 1969
- Alistair Cookie: Good evening, and welcome to Monsterpiece Theater.
- Unidentified 1981 episode
- Kermit the Frog: It's not easy being green.
- Ernie: Rubber Ducky, you're the one.
You make bathtime lots of fun.
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.
- Ernie: The statue knows "Rubber Ducky", Bert.
- Unidentified 1981 episode
- Cookie Monster: Me do anything for cookie!
- Grover: It is I, your furry pal, Grover!
- Fat Blue: Ah, what a beautiful day! I really should come here more often. It's much nicer to have lunch here in the park where there aren't any waiters! [Grover suddenly comes in, playing a guitar.] Oh no...
- Grover: Ha-ha, yes, it is I, Grover!
- Fat Blue: The very waiter I was hoping to get away from!
- Grover: Uh, excuse me sir, but I am not a waiter.
- Fat Blue: Well of course you are; you waited on me hundreds of times!
- Grover: No, but today is my day off, and on my day off, I am a writer and singer of songs!
- Fat Blue: Of all the benches in all the parks in the world, I had to pick this one!
- Grover: I looooove making music! And I looooove singing! La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! And I looooove to find words that sound the same, words that rhyme! Sir, would you care to make a request?
- Fat Blue: I certainly would.
- Grover: Oh good!
- Fat Blue: Go away! And let me have my lunch.
- Grover: Hmm. Well, that is two requests actually, but I will be glad to oblige. [starts playing and singing]
- Go away, take a ride, take a walk!
- Do not stay, I have no time to talk!
- Yesterday I could pass for some fun,
- But today I must ask you to run!
- Go away, make it far,
- Go away, take the car,
- Don't delay, please just scram,
- Do not play where I aaaaammm!
- Go away, make it far--
- Fat Blue: THAT'S ENOUGH!!
- Grover: Oh! Well you are right; that is enough of "Go Away!" And now, a little tune I like to call, "Let Me Have My Lunch!" [starts playing again]
- Fat Blue: Ugh...
- Grover: This is the vamp, I love this part! You can tap your foot if you like.
- [singing] Let me have my lunch,
- Yes I'm eager for a bite!
- Let me have my lunnnnch,
- 'Cause it's such a pretty sight!
- There you go, sir! Two beautiful songs with many cute rhymes. Like, um, like "away" and "a-play" and "stay", and uh, "bite", "bite" and "sight", yes, and then there was "walk" and "talk", and, uh, "far" and "car", and "scram" and--
- Fat Blue: Yes yes yes, that's just swell!
- Grover: Swell indeed! In fact, all the rhyming has made me quite hungry for my lunch.
- Fat Blue: Ugh, take mine!
- Grover: Oh, that is very kind of you, sir. But what about your lunch?
- Fat Blue: Well, I was thinking of that restaurant where you work!
- Grover: Oh, but sir, I will not be there!
- Fat Blue: Ah, exactly! [walks off]
- Grover: Wait, sir! I shall play for you while you eat! [gives chase]
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