Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

- A friend of mine had this great theory about the Teletubbies, that it's preparing us for being mindless. And getting us ready for living in an underground world. When they build the underground world because we can no longer breathe the air that it will look like Teletubbie land.
- As strange as movie making is, doing love scenes for the first time with someone you've never even said hello to does work in terms of having a fresh quality to a relationship.
- I don't know, I like to go on really different types of dates. Going someplace new or some new part of the city, something that's not your average thing. Something where you just go have an adventure together.
- I guess you have to be really open to your acting partners and believe in the story.
- I have a certain curiosity for life that drives me and propels me forward.
- I once made a - it was supposed to be a 30 minute - bean salad that took me like 6 hours.
- I was just like 'Yeah, bring it on!,' I mean I'd never had a director say that to me, where, you know, he wanted to bring me down two months early and just totally immerse [me] in the culture and, you know, so I went down and right away; tennis, ballet, swing, I would play piano, I took art classes, horseback riding, just did the run of it, I just felt like a little debutante; I had to go here and I had my whole datebook...I'd never had a datebook in my life and I definitely needed one on this film, so by the time I started I'd just felt like I'd already been living that for two months.
- On living on location prior to filming The Notebook and her reaction to director Nick Cassavetes]
- I want to try a lot of things that I haven't tried. You know, I did a thriller (Red-Eye) after this, because it was so different and it was a genre I hadn't worked in yet. Then I did a beautiful family ensemble drama. And next? I don't know. I might go off to do a small independent in New York. I'm not sure. The quality of material is important, but, basically, I'm open to anything. I like to stay open to anything.
- I want to work with great directors and try not to put too much pressure on myself and just read things for the story and recognize when I'm drawn to something for the right reasons and try to maintain some sanity.
- I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.
- I've sort of heard that "it" girl thing, but not really. Hearing it from a few people doesn't solidify it in my mind and I wouldn't know how to solidify that title. It's so elusive and what does it mean, I don't know?
- It takes a lot of time, commitment and a choice. I've chosen this path, but it's not to say I'm not open to love or whatever comes my way. You never close doors.
- The craziest thing I've ever done to get a guy's attention? I admit I stalked someone. I showed up at a restaurant where I knew the guy worked, and we were actually good friends and had lost touch, and I pretended that I didn't know he worked there. And then ran into him and, "Oh my God, you work here? I had no idea." It's the most manipulative thing I've done in my entire life, but it all worked out very well, so I have no regrets.
- The most romantic thing, a lovely boy bought me a dress once. He got my measurements, actually they were from The Notebook (2004) and I had them sitting somewhere, and he found them and bought me this dress, tailor-made, this beautiful little black cocktail dress. And I thought that was very, very classy.
- Yeah. I still live in Canada, so it's not quite the same. And when I'm in L.A., I'm in a car; you don't have the contact with the public. It's not so bad. It's still pretty much the same. I still feel pretty normal-ish.
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