Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnell

Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell, Jr. (born February 20, 1942) is a Republican United States Senator from Kentucky.
- I think the testimony obviously ought to be sworn testimony. And we ought to go all the way into this and take as much time as we can to reassure the American people that this sort of thing’s not going to happen again in the future.
- Fox News Sunday (June 16, 1996)
- With regard to White House officials, it will be up to the President to decide frankly whether and when and under what circumstances members of his [own White House staff] testify.
- Fox News Sunday (April 1, 2007)
- There was no involvement whatsoever.
- on WHAS-11, denying his office's spreading lies to the media about Graeme Logan, a brain-damaged recipient of S-CHIP funds, and his family, despite recovery of subject email (see below); October 19, 2007; Countdown
- Bloggers have done a little digging and turned up that the Dad owns his own business (and the building it's in), seems to have some commercial rental income and Graeme and a sister go to a private school that, according to its website, costs about $20k a year -- for each kid.
- e-mail containing false and personal information, from Mitch McConnell aide to the media, swiftboating brain-damaged 12-year-old Graeme Logan, to protect Bush's effective reduction of S-CHIP program by hundreds of thousands of children; Countdown, October 16, 2007
- Nobody is happy about losing lives but, remember, these are not draftees. These are full-time professional soldiers.
- December 7, 2007 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22221245/
Quotes About McConnell
- Republicans like Kentucky's Mitch McConnell were quick to defend Rice with trivia. (MCCONNELL): Her parents aptly named her Condoleezza, after the Italian musical term "con colcezza," which is a direction to play "with sweetness". (STEWART): Her last name is a starchy side dish, often served with beans. I vote 'yes'!
- Jon Stewart, on McConnell's odd defense of Rice's nomination to replace Colin Powell as Secretary of State; The Daily Show; January 26, 2005; http://kydem.blogspot.com/2005/01/they-said-it-not-me.html http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0501/27/ltm.01.html
- In the Senate yesterday, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Democrats of breaking their promise to confirm a number of presidential judicial nominations. To punish the Dems, McConnell used Senate rules to waste virtually the whole day having the Senate clerk read the bill under consideration, a global warming bill, allowed -- all 491 pages of it. Why? A Republican lobbyist leaked an internal GOP strategy memo to the Democrats (quote): "The GOP very much wants to have this fight, engage in it for a prolonged period, and then make it as difficult as possible to move off the bill." Why? (quote) "The focus is much more on making political points than in amending the bill, changing the baseline text for any future debate, or effecting policy." Making not policy but political points the goal of Mr. Bush's party: and you thought they weren't good at anything.
- MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, during his daily Bush scandal segment; June 5, 2008; http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3719710/
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