Letters from Iwo Jima
Letters from Iwo Jima

Letters from Iwo Jima is a 2006 American war movie directed by Clint Eastwood, featuring Battle of Iwo Jima and describes this battle mainly from the Japanese point of view. It is a companion film to Flags of Our Fathers.From the director of Flags of our Fathers comes the completion of the Iwo Jima saga (taglines)
- [When the Allied forces fire on him] Why are you always messing with me. It's got to be a joke!
- [Convincing Shimizu not to kill himself] We can die here, or we can continue fighting. Which would better serve the emperor?
- [Letter to his wife] We soldiers dig. We dig all day. This is the hole that we will fight and die in. Am I digging my own grave?
- [About Nishi's romancing skills] There are rumors about his womanizing...But there are no women left to woo.
- [In response to a soldier saying death is honorable] Kashiwara died of honorable dysentery.
- There is no use for a dead soldier.
- Damn this island! The Americans can have it.
Lieutenant Colonel Takeshi Nishi
- Do what is right because it is right.
- If you want my honest opinion, General, the best thing to do would be to sink this island to the bottom of the sea.
- I'm tired of sharing this cave with all of you, I'm a one-man show from now on.
- [moments before shooting himself] I'm sorry, Okubo.
Lieutenant Okubo
- [to Nishi befoêre he commits suicide] It has been a great honor to serve under you.
- [after finding the dead bodies of Shimizu and another prisoner] (sadly) Let this be a lesson to anyone else who wants to surrender.
- Don't waste a bullet. Not one.
Colonel Adachi
- I have failed to hold Suribachi. Permit me to die with my men!
- It's inevitable that people will die.
Lieutenant Ito
- It was your duty to hold your position until death, you should have died with your fellow troop members. You are a disgrace.
- Don't hide here like rats, come out of your caves and attack!
- We will take back Suribachi, with or without Kuribayashi.
- I won't go back, I've had enough of cave fighting. You men are now under command of Lieutenant Colonel Nishi. [Strapping explosive to himself] I'll throw myself under a tank, I'll destroy one of their machines!
- [Waiting in vain for the American tanks to run over him] Where are you, American tanks? Come and get me!
Lieutenant Fujita
- [reading letter] From headquarters. We regret that we are unable to send reinforcementss to Iwo at this time. We earnestly hope you will fight honorably and die for your country.
- The Fleet of Americans have left from Saipan.
Admiral Ohsugi
- [Referring to Kuribayashi] This one is trouble.
- This is ridiculous, why waste time digging all these tunnels? They are all going to die anyway!
- Kuribayashi belongs behind a desk, not fighting a war.
Captain Tanida
- [Before the soldiers commit suicide by holding hand grenades against their chests] Men, we are honorable soldiers of the Emperor. Don't ever forget that. The only way left for us is to die with honor. This is our fate, to find our place at Yasukuni Shrine. I'll see you there. Banzai! Banzai! Banzai! [The men repeat 'banzai' each time he says it] Soldiers, farewell! [Shoots himself]
- [To Saigo when he fails to hit the target during shooting practice] Do you call yourself an Imperial soldier?.
- My six year old son can shoot better!
- Here is the uniform of the American medic. Study it. Many Americans will risk their lives to save this one.
- Captain Iwasaki: [punching Shimizu] If you can't even shoot a dog, you will never be able to handle the Reds!
- Captain Iwasaki:You must always be stern, Shimizu. Never show any mercy. If you do, people will take advantage of you.
- Sam: [To Nishi] You somebody famous?
- Hashimoto: There should be an outlet near here- [An American flamethrower sets him on fire]
- Kanda:You're deserting, aren't you? [Shimizu's face falls] If you are, take me with you. I've had enough of this war.
- Major General Hayashi: How are we to fight?
- Lieutenant Colonel Oiso: We will make a run for Motoyama. There is no cover for 2 kilometers, it will be every man for himself. See you on the other side. If not on this earth, then in the next world.
- General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: Everything happens in threes.
- General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: A good officer uses his head, not his whip.
- Lieutenant Okubo: Shall I finish him off?
Nishi: No. Treat him.
Lieutenant Okubo: But, sir -
Nishi: Okubo, you would expect the same, wouldn't you? Endo, treat him.
Medic Endo: We are low on morphine as it is.
Shimizu: Sir, the Americans would not treat a wounded Japanese soldier.
Nishi: Son, have you ever met one? Treat him. [Shimizu is lost for words]
- Nishi: This is a picture of me and my horse champion.
Sam: [Sam smiles and chuckles] No kidding. Oklahoma, it's where I'm from.
Nishi Takeichi.
Sam Sam. [Both men shake hands]
- General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: [Tadamichi turns up in time to stop Ito from beheading Saigo and Shimizu] I don't want you to kill my soldiers needlessly. Put down your sword. Put it down!
[Ito sheathes his katana and salutes]
General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: What's going on here?
Lieutenant Ito: These men ran from Suribachi.
General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: Lt. Ito, I gave the order that all survivors retreat to the north caves.
Lieutenant Ito: I am very sorry, General. It's just... Suribachi... has fallen.
[Tadamichi rushes to a cave opening and sees Mount Suribachi from a distance, with a U.S flag raised on the summit]
- From the director of Flags of our Fathers comes the completion of the Iwo Jima saga
- The battle of Iwo Jima seen through the eyes of the Japanese soldiers.
- From Clint Eastwood, director of Flags of Our Fathers, the battle of Iwo Jima seen through the eyes of the Japanese soldiers.
- From the director of "Flags of our Fathers" comes the story of the battle for Iwo Jima told through the eyes of the Japanese soldiers.
Actor | Role |
Ken Watanabe | Army Lt. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi |
Kazunari Ninomiya | Army Private First Class Saigo |
Tsuyoshi Ihara | Army Lt. Colonel/Baron Takeichi Nishi |
Ryo Kase | Army Superior Private Shimizu |
Shido Nakamura | Navy Lieutenant Ito |
Hiroshi Watanabe | Army Lieutenant Fujita |
Takumi Bando | Army Captain Tanida |
Yuki Matsuzaki | Army Private First Class Nozaki |
Takashi Yamaguchi | Army Private First Class Kashiwara |
Eijiro Ozaki | Army Lieutenant Okubo |
Nae Yuuki | Hanako (Saigo's wife) |
Nobumasa Sakagami | Admiral Ohsugi |
Akiko Shima | Lead Woman (Patriotic Women's Assoc.) |
Lucas Elliott | Sam (wounded American Marine) |
Mark Moses | American Officer (in a flashback) |
Roxanne Hart | Officer's wife |
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