Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji (26 August 1929 – 6 October, 2004), born Harbhajan Singh Puri, also known as Yogi Harbhajan, Yogi Bhajan, and Siri Singh Sahib, was a charismatic spiritual leader and successful entrepreneur who was prominent in promoting Sikhism and Kundalini yoga.
- Everyone is master of his own destiny. Those who do not know how to be commanded do not know how to command. Temptation is the law of Maya (illusion). One who can withstand it knows the law of life: assess your 1) stamina 2) potential 3) basic flexibility, and know where your emotions are.
- Remark (23 June 1972), as quoted in Transitions to a Heart Centered World : Through the Kundalini Yoga and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan (1988) by Guru Rattana and Ann M. Maxwell, p. 107
- Leave the result to God. From God you have come and unto God you shall go. In between is a temporary passage through time and space. But you are never subject to time and space — you just pass through it. With Guru's blessing, you'll find the guide and the guidance.
- Remark (14 July 1975), as quoted in Transitions to a Heart Centered World : Through the Kundalini Yoga and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan (1988) by Guru Rattana and Ann M. Maxwell, p. 134
- Life is like a movie. You go to a movie, give them your money and they give you a seat and start the film for you. Between eating popcorn and drinking Coca cola, you fall asleep. Now, you didn't pay your $5.00 to sleep in that chair did you? In exactly the same way, through previous karma, life is gained here. It is paid for! (You have earned it!) With Guru's grace, you did the Bhakti, and then God granted you a human body. It is earned, paid for and the title is clear. You can make it or mar it. It's your business. You've paid the money and now you are seated at the opera and the performance has begun. If you sleep and snore through it, who cares?
- Remark (14 July 1975), as quoted in Transitions to a Heart Centered World : Through the Kundalini Yoga and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan (1988) by Guru Rattana and Ann M. Maxwell, p. 107
- Take new values : Leave behind a legend to be followed by those who follow you. Be a yogi — don't be an ordinary person.
- Remark (9 January 1978), as quoted in Transitions to a Heart Centered World : Through the Kundalini Yoga and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan (1988) by Guru Rattana and Ann M. Maxwellm, p. 107
- If you can't see God in All, You can't see God at All.
- As quoted inKundalini Yoga : The Flow of Eternal Power (1998) by Shakti Pawha Kaur Khalsa; also in Education as Transformation : Religious Pluralism, Spirituality, and a New Vision for Higher Education in America (2000) by Victor H. Kazanjian and Peter L. Laurence
- Happiness comes out of contentment, and contentment always comes out of service.
- As quoted in Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom : A Collection of 10, 000 Powerful Quotations (2003) by Andy Zubko, p. 71
The Eight Human Talents (2001)
- Quotes of Yogi Bhajan from The Eight Human Talents : Restore the Balance and Serenity within You with Kundalini Yoga (2001) by Gurmukh, and Cathryn Michon
- Everybody is a candle, true. But not everybody is lit.
- You can literally wake up another person with your glow. When you are with somebody, that person should feel comfortable.
- Not to recognize the effect of the aura is the greatest tragedy. Your radiant power has more power to repel negativity than anything your brain can think of.
- A true spiritual man is one who lives for Infinity, and whose presence creates peace. If your presence doesn't work, nothing works.
- People lie. Auras never lie.
- Not to recognize the effect of the aura is the greatest tragedy.
- Your shallowness or greatness of the soul shows up in your aura.
- The entire human psyche is part of the entire universal electromagnetic field and it is nurtured by that frequency and that touch.
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