Final Destination
Final Destination

Final Destination is a March 1980 film about a teenage boy who had a vision of a plane crashing and was able to get some of his friends off in time. However, the survivors start to die off one by one in mysterious ways.
Most People Have Dreams. For Alex, This Is Real. (Taglines)
- Directed by James Wong. Written by Jeffrey Reddick, Glen Morgan and James Wong.
Alex Browning
- [After Carter asks who's next] You think it's gonna make it easier to know, Carter? [Everyone looks at him] It's not. It's gonna make it fuckin' harder.
- [yelling at Death] You tried to capitalize but I caught you, you fuck! Yeah, I can beat you. Not forever, but I've got this cabin rigged to beat you now!
Carter Horton
- We blow half a day in Paris, all because Browning had a bad fucking dream?
- As far as I know, this shit can circle around and get us all again. But for right now, I'm the safest fucker in the world, because you're still NEXT.
- I'm never gonna die!
- Tod Waggner: Let's go take a shit.
- Alex Browning: Why can't you go take a shit by yourself?
- Tod Waggner: Listen, okay? Listen. Say you're on the plane, all of a sudden your body wants that airplane food out. You go to torque a wicked cable and right after you walks in Krista or Blake. Now, do you want them to associate you with that watery sting in their eye, that reflective gag at the back of their throat?
- Alex Browning: [describing his premonition] I saw it. Like, I don't know, I just saw it. I saw it on the runway, I saw it take off. I saw out my window. I saw the ground. And–and the cabin starts to shake, right? And the left side blows up and the whole plane just explodes! And it was so real, just how everything happens, you know?
- Tod Waggner: You've been on a lot of planes that blew up?
- Clear Rivers: Almost autumn.
- Alex Browning: It's only the end of June.
- Clear Rivers: Yeah, but everything's always in transition. If you focus, even now, just one week into summer, you can almost feel autumn coming. [turns toward Alex] Kinda like being able to see the future.
- [In the morgue]
- Clear Rivers: This gives me a rush!
- Alex Browning: What? This place?
- Clear Rivers: Doing something I'm not supposed to.
- Alex Browning: Ms. Lewton, I—
- Val Lewton: Don't talk to me, you scare the hell out of me.
- Bludworth: In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps and no escapes.
- Tod Waggner: [Reading his memorial speech] We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun, or that death could arrive this same afternoon — this afternoon which is so certain, and which has every hour filled in advance.
- Terry: I'm moving on, Carter. And if you want to waste your life beating the shit out of Alex every time you see him then! You can just drop fucking dead. [Gets hit by a bus, killing her]
- Billy Hitchcock: [Wondering who is next to die] Please tell me I'm gonna get to see the Jets win the Super Bowl!
- Billy Hitchcock: [Repeated Line] Carter, you dick!
- Most People Have Dreams. For Alex, This Is Real.
- Death Doesn't Take No For An Answer.
- No Accidents. No Coincidences. No Escapes. You Can't Cheat Death.
- Devon Sawa - Alexander Chance Browning
- Ali Larter - Clear Rivers
- Kerr Smith - Carter Horton
- Tony Todd - William Bludworth
- Kristen Cloke - Ms. Valerie Lewton
- Seann William Scott - Billy Hitchcock
- Chad Donella - Tod Waggner
- Amanda Detmer - Terry Chaney
- Daniel Roebuck - Agent Weine
- Roger Guenveur Smith - Agent Schreck
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