Dawn of the Dead (1978 film)
Dawn of the Dead (1978 film)

Dawn of the Dead followed by Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead, is a prominent zombie horror film. In 2004, a remake film under the same name was created.
Old Priest
- Many have died, last week, on these streets. In the basement of this building, you will find them. I have given them the last rites, now, you do what you will. You are stronger than us... But soon, I think they be stronger than you. When the dead walk, señores, we must stop the killing... or lose the war.
Dr. Foster
- Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!
- You're not running a talk show here, Mr. Berman! You can forget pitching an audience the moral bullshit they want to hear!
Dr. Millard Rausch
- The normal question, the first question is always, "Are these cannibals?" No, they are not cannibals. Cannibalism in the true sense of the word implies an intraspecies activity. These creatures cannot be considered human. They prey on humans. They do not prey on each other; that's the difference. They attack and they feed only on warm human flesh. Intelligence? Seemingly little or no reasoning ability, but basic skills remain a more... remembered behaviours of ah, normal life. There are reports of these creatures using tools. But even these actions are the most primitive; the use of tools as bludgeons and so forth. I might point out that even animals will adopt the use of tools in this manner. These creatures are nothing but pure, motorized instinct. We must not be lulled by the concept that these are our family members or our friends. They are not. They will not respond to such emotions.
- They MUST be destroyed ON SIGHT!
- [after shooting a zombie that almost bit him] You bastards, you bastards! We got 'em, didn't we? We got this, man! We got this by the ass!
- Wooley's gone apeshit, man!
- I've seen half-a-dozen guys in my unit get bitten by those things. None of them lasted more than... three days.
- How the Hell come we stick these low-life bastards in these big-ass hotels anyway? Shit, man! This is better than I got!
- We're still pretty close to Johnstown. Those rednecks are probably enjoying this whole thing.
- [sarcastically] I would have made you all coffee and breakfast but I don't have my pots and pans.
- [on a TV set, Dr. Millard Rausch argues with a TV reporter about doomsday scenarios] It's really all over...isn't it?
- [over the truck radios]
- Peter: You look my size when you're sitting in the truck.
- Roger: What I wanna know is how we ended up in the same force, what with you being so tall and all.
- Peter: They told me it was a midget force. They needed somebody to look up to!
- [looking at the zombies in the mall]
- Francine: What are they doing? Why do they come here?
- Stephen: Some kind of instinct. Memory, of what they used to do. This was an important place in their lives.
- [hearing the zombies pounding against the shopping mall's glass doors]
- Francine: They're still here.
- Stephen: They're after us. They know we're still in here.
- Peter: They're after the place. They don't know why, they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here.
- Francine: What the hell are they?
- Peter: They're us, that's all, when there's no more room in hell.
- Stephen: What?
- Peter: Something my granddad used to tell us. You know Macumba? Voodoo. My granddad was a priest in Trinidad. He used to tell us, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth."
- Roger: You'll take care of me when I go, won't you, Peter?
- Peter: Rest, man. Save your strength.
- Roger: I don't want to be walkin' around... like THAT!... Peter... PETER?
- Peter: I'm here, man!
- Roger: Don't do it until you are sure I am coming back! I'm gonna try... not to... I'm gonna try... not to... come back. I'm gonna try... not to...
- [Peter handles a very expensive rifle]
- Peter: Ain't it a crime.
- Stephen: What?
- Peter: The only person who could miss with this gun is the sucker with the bread to buy it.
- Roger: We've just got to wait a little longer before we move.
- Peter: No, there's always a chance of some of them stayin' up on the balcony.
- Roger: We can handle that; we can break through.
- Peter: If any of them see us, or hear us, they'll just follow us on up. It's no good.
- Roger: We sure as hell can outrun 'em. We can load up what we can and get the hell out.
- Peter: I'm thinkin' maybe we've got a good thing going here. Maybe we shouldn't be in such a hurry to leave.
- Roger: Oh, man...
- Peter: If we could get back up there without them catchin' on, we could hole up for a while, at least long enough to catch a breath, check out the radio, see what's happening.
- [while flying in the helicopter]
- Stephen: We've got to find more fuel. Maybe closer to Cleveland.
- Roger: No. We've got to stay out of the big cities. If they're anything like Philly, We may never get out alive.
- Peter: We may never get out of anyplace alive. We almost didn't get out of here.
- Roger: We're gettin' out of here fine. As long as there's not to many of those things around, we can handle them easy.
- Peter: Yeah, well it wasn't one of those things that nearly blew me away.
- Roger: We gotta stay in the sticks! There's bound to be more of those little private airports upstate.
- Stephen: There's the locks along the Allgheny. There's fuel stations there, state and private owned.
- Roger: No, those are probably still manned. We don't need those hassles either.
- Stephen: They're just out after scavengers and looters.
- Peter: Oh, you got papers for this limousine?
- Stephen: I've got GON I.D., and so does Fran.
- Peter: Right, and we're up here doin' traffic reports? Wake up, sucker! We're thieves and we're bad guys. That's exactly what we are. We gotta find our own way.
- Roger: Come on, Martinez.
- Wooley: Yeah, Martinez! Show your greasy little Puerto Rican ass so I can blow it right off!
- [Cocks his gun]
- Wooley: Blow ALL their asses off! Low-life bastards! Blow ALL their low-life Puerto Rican and Nigger asses right off!
- Roger: Aww God! Oh, Jesus Christ!
- Peter: What is it?
- Roger: My bag! I left my goddamn bag in the other truck!
- Peter: [stops driving the truck] All right trooper, you better screw your head on.
- Roger: [hyped tone] Yeah, yeah, yeah, c'mon, c'mon c'mon, let's go!
- Peter: [grabbing him by the collar] I mean it! Now you're not just playin' with your life, you're playin' with mine! Now... are you straight?
- Roger: [subdued tone] Yeah.
- Roger: Peter, where are you?
- Peter: I'm right here, man.
- Roger: Hey, we did it, didn't we? We whipped 'em, didn't we?
- Peter: That's right, man.
- Roger: Didn't we... Didn't we whip 'em?
- Peter: We sure did, buddy. We whipped 'em. We whipped 'em good!
- Roger: [shouting triumphantly] We whipped 'em and we got it ALL!
- [discovering a collection of zombies in the basement of a tenement building]
- Roger: Why did they keep them here?
- Peter: 'Cause they still believe there's respect in dying.
- [about to run a gauntlet of zombies]
- Roger: Whad'ya think? Bag it or try for it?
- Peter: You game?
- Roger: I need lighter fluid.
- Peter: You got it.
- [removing a can from a Civil Defense carton]
- Francine Parker [dejectedly]: Spam!
- Roger: You bring a can opener?
- Francine: No, I guess I didn't.
- Roger: Then don't knock it, it's got it's own key.
- [running through a department store after evading a horde of zombies]
- Roger: Well, we're in, but how the hell are we gonna get back?
- Peter: Who the hell cares! Let's go shopping!
- Roger [looking in a display case]: Watches! Watches!
- Peter: Wait a minute man, let's just get the stuff we need! I'll get a television and a radio.
- Roger: Ooohh, ooohh, lighter fluid! And chocolate! Chocolate!
- [he runs down a clothing aisle]
- Roger: Hey, how about a mink coat!
- Peter: Why not?
- David Emge .... Stephen
- Ken Foree .... Peter
- Scott H. Reiniger .... Roger
- Gaylen Ross .... Francine
- David Crawford .... Dr. Foster
- David Early .... Mr. Berman
- Richard France .... Dr. Milliard Rausch
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