Bing Xin (1900–1999) was one of the most prolific writers of 20th-century Chinese literature. She is known for her philosophy of love and optimism.
- 假如生命是无趣的,我怕有来生,假如生命是有趣的,今生已是满足的了
- English: If life is boring, I fear that there is a next life. If life is fun, the current life is already satisifactory.
- Bygone 往事 (1922)
- 有了爱就有了一切
- Literal English: There is love, there is everything.
- Meaning: Love makes everything possible.
- Life motto and the title of one of her books
- 生命从八十岁开始
- English: Life begins at eighty.
- 世界上若没有女人,这世界至少要失去十分之五的真、十分之六的善、十分之七的美
- English: If there are no women in the world, this world will lose at least five-tenth of Truth, six-tenth of Benevolence, and seven-tenth of Beauty.