Atlantic semi-deciduous forests
Atlantic semi-deciduous forests

Friday Night Lights (2006-) is an award winning American television serial drama adapted by Peter Berg, Brian Grazer and David Nevins from a book of the same name. The series details events surrounding the Dillon Panthers, a high school football team based out of fictional Dillon, Texas. The show uses this small town backdrop to address many of the issues that face contemporary Middle America.
Pilot [1.01]
- Julie: Moby Dick is actually the perfect metaphor for this town. The cold black sea representing the season in all its uncertainties. The magical white whale is the Holy Grail.
- Real Estate Agent: I am tellin' you, room in the bathroom is what has saved more marriages than Oprah and Dr. Phil combined.
- Tim: Here's to God and football and, ten years from now, Street, good friends livin' large in Texas. Texas forever buddy, Street.
- Jason: Texas forever.
- Radio: Feed the dogs, spit the fire, lock up your daughters. Turn on the radio, sit down, and shut up 'cause it is game time, people!
- Coach Taylor: Give all of us gathered here tonight the strength to remember that life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable and we will all at some point in our lives fall; we will all fall. We must carry this in our hearts…that what we have is special. That it can be taken from us and that when it is taken from us we will be tested…we will be tested to our very souls. We will now all be tested. It is these times…it is this pain that allows us to look inside ourselves.
Eyes Wide Open [1.02]
- Coach Taylor: I’ll tell you somethin’. I know you didn’t want me to step foot in your house tonight. I’ll tell you somethin’ else and don’t you ever forget this. You should feel proud. You should feel real proud.
- Matt: Yes, sir.
- Coach Taylor: This is all yours for the takin’. Depends on how much you want it. It’s yours for the takin’. The other night you played for a few minutes. Tomorrow, four quarters. You can’t be distracted by anything. You’re gonna have a lot of distractions. You’re gonna have our fans, their fans. You got the band. You got the cheerleaders with their pretty young-shaped legs bouncing up and down. You got a job to do. Nothing else.
- Coach Taylor: Saracen. I need you to work a little bit harder. You need to learn this offense, son. You need to know this offense in your mind, in your body. You need to know this offense so well that your children are gonna know this offense in their own DNA. Do you understand me? Do you understand?
- Matt: Yes sir
- Coach Taylor: All right, go on.
- Buddy Garrity: Best case scenario, Jason's probably out for a month. You know, it's probably a lot longer then that. But, uh, we need a plan for Friday night. Heck we--Heck, we need a plan for the rest of the season is what we need, Eric. So tell me, you think little Matt Saracen can get it done?
- Coach Taylor: I guess we're fixin' to find out.
- Tyra: What are you, a shrink?
- Mama Williams: Oh, I'd be nice. I work at Planned Parenthood. You probably haven't seen the last of me.
Wind Sprints [1.03]
- Jason: Stop! My legs are never gonna get better….ever.
- Lyla: But there are cases, lots of cases--
- Jason: And those cases aren’t me. All right? I don’t even have full use of my hands. I’ll be lucky if I get that back. Alright, I can’t even put my own shoes on and off. How can you not see that? What the hell is wrong with you?
- Lyla: I’m just trying to help you.
- Jason: Yeah, well, you’re not helping. You wanna help then stop pretending that everything is OK.
- Lyla: Why are you getting so mad?
- Jason: Because every night when I go to sleep, I dream that I can walk again. And every morning, I wake up, and I have to accept it all over again. And then you walk in here, all smiles and acting like nothing’s wrong and it’s killing me! So get this through your head. My life as we knew it—over.
- Lyla: Don’t say that, Jason.
- Jason: Football--over. Notre Dame, going pro, all that--gone. You and me? We’re not getting married. So, I need you to do something for me, all right? Get out. Get out!! Don’t just look at me, go!
- Lyla: I’ll be back tomorrow for when they transfer you to the rehab facility.
- Coach Taylor: Wind sprints, up and down the hill. Let’s go. Let’s go. (whistle blows) If you think you’re champions because you wear the Panther uniform. You’re wrong! If you think you’re champions because they give you a piece of pie at the diner. You’re wrong! Champions don’t complain! Champions don’t give up! Let’s go Coach. Send ’em out. [whistle blows] Champions don’t give up! Champions don’t complain! Champions give 200%. You’re not champions until you’ve earned it!
- Coach Taylor: Execution! Where the hell’s the execution out there?! Huh? My God, we ought to be beating these bums by 40 points! Riggins, you’re supposed to be one of the toughest guys in the district. They are handing your ass to you, son! You better get your head in the game. Smash…north, south, north, south. You want to dance with these boys out there; you invite them to the prom!
- Lyla: Tim? Hey. Uh, we’re having a prayer meeting for Jason this afternoon. You wanna come?
- Tim: What are we going to pray for, Lyla? A new spine for Jay?
- Lyla: Tim, I know you don’t do anything you don’t want to do, and I guess that’s fine, but don’t insult me.
- Tyra: You know, you’re such a big tough guy. You can’t even go see Jason in the hospital. I mean, damn it, Tim, grow a set, why don’t you. ‘Cause we both know that’s what this is all about.
- Tim: Hey, Tyra. How’s Smash? Was he good? Did you have a nice time?
- Tyra: Nothing happened. Not really. Besides, don’t pretend like you haven’t slept with half the Rally Girls.
- Tim: We sure do have something special here, Tyra.
- Tyra: Yeah, you know maybe you’re right. Maybe I am wasting my time. ‘Cause you are just another mediocre football player who’s gonna grow up to drink himself to death. Maybe we should just end this right now.
- Tim: See you around then.
- Tyra: I am serious, Tim. Are you listening to me? If I get in that car right now I’m never coming back. Do you understand?
- Tim: I get it.
- Tyra: That’s it? We’re breaking up for real and that’s all you have to say. That was great.
Who's Your Daddy [1.04]
- Tyra: Um…Look. I know we were never close buddies and I can only image the load of fake crap that you’ve had to put up with from people you hardly even know, and I am so not doing that. I just um--I came by to tell you how sorry I am that Tim hasn’t been in to see you. He wants to. Although, he won’t admit it, but he just can’t do it.
- Jason: Yeah, why is that?
- Tyra: He’s scared.
- Jason: Oh, he’s scared. Yeah, well that’s Tim for you.
- Tyra: Sure is. Well…
- Jason: Well..thanks for coming.
- Tyra: Yeah, yeah.
- Jason: And you tell Tim whenever he’s ready he can come on by.
- Tyra: Jason…I’m really sorry. No, I mean…Something like this shouldn’t happen to a good person like you. [kisses Jason on the cheek]
- Coach Taylor: You got a girlfriend?
- Matt: Uh, no, sir.
- Coach Taylor: Do you have someone you’re interested in?
- Matt: Uh…sort, sort of
- Coach Taylor: Sort of. Forget about sort of. You know what? Take her out. You understand me?
- Matt: Sir?
- Coach Taylor: Dinner, movies, get her in the backseat of your car. I don’t care, whatever, but I’m telling you, you need to get loose out there. You’re wound up tighter then a rubber band out there, son.
- Matt: Yes, sir.
- Coach Taylor: Good. So tomorrow, you come to practice loose and focused.
- Matt: Loose and focused. Yes, sir
- Coach Taylor: Get out of here.
- Matt: Yes..yes, sir, sorry. Thanks coach.
- Coach Taylor: You’re welcome.
- Lyla: Hey, we need to talk. [pulls Tim into an empty classroom] I’ve been having these feelings. Like a flood of feelings.
- Tim: Me too.
- Lyla: For Jason, Tim. What, what happened with us came from all these feelings about Jason and what he’s going through. I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Do you understand?
- Tim: Yeah.
- Lyla: What I’m saying is, I don’t feel anything for you, okay. That wasn’t even me that night. That was--I don’t even know who that was but it will never happen again. No one can ever know about it and it meant nothing. Do you understand me, Tim?
- Tim: Yeah.
- Lyla: I hate myself for the other night. I just hope I don’t go straight to hell. I really do.
- Coach Taylor: [to his wife, about Matt] I think I told that kid to get our daughter in the backside of a car.
- Coach Taylor: I gotta tell y'all something. I'm pissed at these boys from Arnett Mead. I know you're pissed, too. Let's get one thing straight, right now. This ends here. There's not gonna be any retaliation. There's gonna be no getting back. Rivalry week ends now. Tell you what we are gonna do, we're going to take this energy that we have and we're gonna take this anger that we have and we're gonna use it to kick their ass where it counts, on the field. Is that understood?
- Team: Yes sir.
- Coach Taylor: Who are we?
- Team: Dillon Panthers.
- Coach Taylor: Who are we?
- Team: Dillon Panthers!!
- Coach Taylor: All right, let's have a good practice now.
Git 'Er Done [1.05]
- Tami: Can I help you make the decision?
- Coach Taylor: Sure, go ahead. Make the decision. What's your decision? Make the call.
- Tami: Start Saracen.
- Coach Taylor: Start Saracen? I cannot start Matt Saracen.
- Tami: Start Voodoo.
- Coach Taylor: I don't want to start Voodoo.
- Tami: Start me.
- Coach Taylor: [laughs] I would love to start you.
- Lyla: Tim, just don’t do this okay?
- Tim: Do what?
- Lyla: Pretend that you’re interested in my school work. It’s obvious that you’re not, that you’re just trying to--
- Tim: Have a conversation, Lyla? Yeah, I thought we may want to try and do that sometime.
- Lyla: Okay. What do you want to talk about Tim? The fact that you’re sleeping with your paralyzed best friend’s girlfriend. Is that what you want to talk about, Tim? No, I don’t think we’re going to be doing a lot of talking.
- Julie: So, do you think you’re gonna start?
- Matt: Uh..I don’t know. Well, that’s the coach’s decision. You know, whatever he decides, I’m there for. But I’ve been working hard so I’m ready, I feel good about it. I just---you know whatever he feels is best for the team, that’s—that’s what I’m ready to do, so…
- Julie: Dude, you need to chill out. I’m not ESPN.
- Ray 'Voodoo' Tatum: I’m not here to make friends. This ain’t my home. This ain’t my school. It never will be.
- Coach Taylor: Yeah?
- Ray 'Voodoo' Tatum: I don’t like the food here, the music, the weather. I can definitely do without everybody going on and on about the great state of Texas. I’m here to get noticed, get recruited and get my ass to LSU. And you? You just trying to scrape by. Trying to win some games, keep your job. You and me are an arranged marriage. Nothing more. Now you seen what I can do. You wanna start Saracen you go right ahead.
- Coach Taylor: You know what I heard once? I heard that a daughter is supposed to be a comfort and a blessing to her father.
- Julie: Texas isn’t even a state. Technically it’s a Republic. It'd be nice to live somewhere that’s actually a part of this planet.
El Accidente [1.06]
- Coach Taylor: I think sometimes that for anyone to do what I do, it is damn near impossible to not sell your soul just a little bit down the river.
- Jason: Took you long enough to get here, man.
- Tim: My truck ain’t running. We’re putting in this four-barrel carb. I hitched a ride, man. Sorry.
- Jason: I’m guessing you know what this is about.
- Tim: I do?
- Jason: Yeah, of course you do. You wanna call yourself my best friend and you haven’t shown up but once since I’ve been in here. Six weeks, man. Six weeks. Let me go ahead and recap my life for you over the last couple of weeks, huh? My day starts out with me laying down on this bed, well pretty much the whole day takes place with me laying down in this bed on my sorry quadriplegic ass. Every day, people come in here poking and prodding me like I'm a piece of meat. Go ahead and stick a catheter in me in places you don’t want to know about. My big adventure of the day is going to the commode ‘cause I gotta go at the same time everyday so I can teach my body how to crap on cue. Impressive, huh? And then Lyla comes running in-(laughing)--I wanna know if she’s as chipper out there as she is in here. ‘Cause I tell you what –I love that girl. I do, I love her more then life itself but I tell you what if she tells me how great everything’s gonna be when I finally get out of here one more time, I’m gonna lose it. Point is this Timmy, while I’m in here dealing with all this, by myself, and my best friend is out there putting a four barrel carb in his damn truck. Is that what’s important right now? Answer me this Timmy, what happened to Texas forever? Huh? What happened to living large? What happened to that eternal bond that you used to love to throw around when I was still healthy and headed towards the NFL? Huh? I need you here Tim! I need you here. I expect---I expect you here. You are my best friend. Grace period's over.
- Tim: What’s up?
- Lyla: Tim, we have to stop this. Look at me, Tim. Please. Jason is getting out of there soon. He’s changing; he’s getting back to his old self.
- Tim: So you’re done with me?
- Lyla: Tim don’t.
- Tim: Don’t what?
- Lyla: Don’t react like that. You knew this had to end. Look, I take full responsibility for everything that’s happened. It’s all my fault.
- Tim: Sounds like it was the biggest mistake of your life, Lyla.
- Lyla: I feel like I have to make a choice here Tim before things get more messed up then they already are. I care about you Tim, I do. I just, I can’t live with myself anymore.
- Tim: Bye, Lyla.
- Tami: Where’re you gonna go?
- Tyra: California.
- Tami: What are you gonna do in California without a high school education?
- Tyra: I’m taking my GED
- Tami: Listen, I know. I was just like you. I was the pretty girl in school. I was terrible at math. I got myself through it.
- Tyra: I don’t wanna be you Mrs. Taylor. [Tami laughs] I don’t want to stay here, stuck in this small town, in a job like this, married to a coach.
- Tami: Tyra, it’s your choice. If you wanna go off and take the GED, fine, but you better bring me proof that you did it, otherwise, you are taking Algebra with Mr. Wendell next semester.
- Tyra: Fine.
- Matt: [to Coach Taylor] I think I might have been confused between what was right for the team, and what... and what was right.
Homecoming [1.07]
- Tim: [at a pep rally] Waste of friggin’ time, huh?
- Lyla: Look, I know you hate me right now, and I understand
- Tim: I don’t hate you, Lyla. It’d be a lot easier if I did.
- Lyla: I don’t know how to talk to you when you’re like this. I mean, God it’s not even 7 o’clock and you can barely stand. You can blame me if you want, Tim. You can blame the whole world for all I care, but if you think being drunk all the time is gonna make this any easier, you’re wrong. It’s not cool or charming. It’s just pathetic and gross and I feel sorry for you. I really do.
- Tim: Lyla.
- Lyla: I think you should come.
- Jason: I don’t know. I still don’t know if I’m ready to face everybody yet. You know, it’s embarrassing being the center of attention and all.
- Lyla: Like you’re not used to that.
- Jason: Well, for football maybe, but not for being hurt. I mean, come on, it’s like “Hey everybody come check out the freak show, don’t feed the animals”.
- Lyla: It’s not like that. People just want to see you, you know? I miss you.
- Jason: Is that right?
- Lyla: Mmm-hmm.
- Coach Taylor: All right, listen up! Listen, now. Y’all ought to be real proud of yourselves. That was a hell of an effort tonight. That was a hell of a game. I don’t know how in the hell, he did, or where he came from to do, or what have you, but I know who this game ball goes to. [hands football to Tim Riggins] That was one hell of a game. All of y’all, that was one hell of a game!
- Julie: H-Hey.
- Matt: Hey, wh-what’s going on?
- Julie: Not much, is this the safe zone?
- Matt: Yeah, I know. These people are crazy.
- Julie: So, it must feel pretty good winning the big homecoming game and all.
- Matt: Will you go on a date with me?
- Julie: Umm.
- Matt: Maybe, or not, I mean—I just thought I’d throw that out there. But it’s, it’s probably a bad idea.
Crossing the Line [1.08]
- Jason: I gotta ask you something.
- Lyla: Okay.
- Jason: Is there something happening between you and Riggins, Lyla?
- Lyla: No! Why would you even say that Jason?
- Jason: ‘Cause I saw you in the parking lot the other night.
- Lyla: You saw us. Doing what?
- Jason: I don’t know. No—Nothing I guess.
- Lyla: That’s crazy. I love you. Jason, you know that don’t you?
- Jason: I do. I just had to ask. I’m sorry.
- Landry: Matt, that’s the thing. You’re not listening to me. If you look at a girl like a geometry proof the answer is just right in front of you. It’s your job to find the missing variable. You gotta solve for x.
- Matt: Yeah, um, that’s actually algebra.
- Landry: That’s actually not the point.
- Matt: Have you, um, you haven’t maybe thought about um, maybe, what I, what I asked you the other night about maybe going out.
- Julie: Uh, yeah, yeah. I’m considering.
- Matt: Considering.
- Julie: I-I just--
- Matt: No, no. That’s great.
- Jason: [about playing quad rugby] I’m ready. I told you I’m ready.
- Phil: Jason, you’re not ready.
- Jason: Phil come on. Everyday it’s about how--how great my progress has been, how unusual I am. What’s the worse that could happen, huh? I fall out of my chair and break my neck, oh wait that already happened didn’t it.
- Phil: You could tear your rotator cuff. You can get a concussion. Worst case scenario, your fusion’s still healing. You don’t seem to know what that means so let me spell it out for you. Those little bits of bone are all that’s protecting your spinal cord at your injury site. You know how you can use your hands, screw up your fusion, no more grip, then what? I want you to think long and hard about this before you do it.
- Coach Taylor: All right, listen up. I’m supposed to give you some fatherly and wise advice at this time in your life. Listen up, if you’re wondering if a boy’s thinking about you, he’s not. He’s thinking about sex or he's hungry, those are the only two options.
- Julie: Are you trying to be funny?
- Coach Taylor: No, I’m not finished, listen to me. Boys think about sex every single minute of the day. That’s what they do, that’s why they lie. They’re gonna leave you waiting around for them to call and they won’t call. They’re gonna be cruel and they’re gonna be misleading, and your mother wanted me to add this, that by in large football players are the worst offenders, however, I think that it pretty much crosses all lines.
- Julie: Are you done?
- Coach Taylor: You are beautiful, you are sensitive, you are sweet and I don’t want to see you get hurt.
- Julie: I love you too, dad.
Full Hearts [1.09]
- Lyla: I’m sorry. There are no words that can ever express that, but I am so sorry. Please.
- [Lyla starts crying]
- Jason: Did you have sex with him? How many times?
- Lyla: Jason, please.
- Jason: Oh come on, how many?... You can go.
- Tami: It’s becoming a thing. I mean, it’s a thing. And you know what thing it is, it’s that thing that we always knew was going to happen to our little girl. It’s that thing—that thing’s happening now.
- Coach Taylor: Well, at least she’s not interested in a serial killer, or one of the Riggins.
- Smash: You move us to Dillon to get us out the ghetto, or to get us away from Dad?
- Mama Williams: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
- Smash: No, I really want to bring it up. Like we—we should talk about this.
- Mama Williams: You need to shut your mouth.
- Smash: Mama, I’m serious--
- Mama Williams: Take your smart mouth and your plate and get away from my table. You don’t talk to me like that.
- Lyla: I lost Jason.
- Buddy: What?
- Lyla: I was unfaithful, Daddy.
- Buddy: Well…We all make mistakes, and we—we grow up, but you’re my little girl. You’re my daughter and I want you to always remember that.
- Lyla: You’ve never left a game before.
- Buddy: It’s only a game. You’re my daughter.
It's Different for Girls [1.10]
- Julie: [about Coach Taylor] Don’t worry. He’s all bark and no bite. Most of the time. How about uh you come over tomorrow night?
- Matt: I mean, is that gonna be OK with your Mom and your Dad? ‘Cause I don’t know—if...
- Julie: Matt, you gotta get out of that mindset, otherwise, he’s just gonna squash this, whatever—whatever this is.
- Smash: How about it, QB1? Think you can get the V-chip out of Julie before I can work my magic?
- Matt: I think you should shut up.
- Smash: Oh, come on, man. What, you afraid of a little bet or something?
- Matt: I think it’s a good time to stop talking.
- [Smash and Matt both look over and see Coach Taylor standing there]
- Lyla: What are you doing? Don’t you know you’re sitting with the school slut?
- Tim: Let them look, Lyla. I don’t care.
- Lyla: It’s different for girls. You can sleep around all you want and people think you’re cool. I make one mistake—and it was a mistake. Tim you’re making it worse. You can’t be here.
- Tami: [about Lila] It was medieval; you know it was like the Scarlet Letter or something watching that girl walk across the cafeteria and everybody just glared at her.
- Coach Taylor: That’s High School; at least they didn’t burn her at the goal post.
- Tim: I guess—I guess what I came here to tell you is that Lyla is completely in love with you and always has been and always will be. She’s going through hell right now, Street. Hell.
- Jason: I’m sure she is.
- Tim: People at school are just ripping on her. I mean, she quit cheer. She’s losing it. And I know it means probably nothing coming from me, but I thought you should know.
- Jason: Well, I’m sure you can help her out with that.
Nevermind [1.11]
- Tami: What’s the Scarlet Letter all about Tim?
- Tim: You know what it’s about.
- Tami: I do know.
- Tim: Yeah
- Tami: What’s the Scarlet Letter about?
- Tim: It’s about a gal name Scarlet obviously
- Tami: Tim you did not write this paper.
- Tim: What’s the big deal?
- Tami: The big deal is, that it's part of my job to make sure that you don't grow up stupid...it's bad for the world.
- Landry: You know what it is? He’s probably all messed up from the war. That’s exactly what it--he’s gone war crazy with Operation Freedom flashbacks and stuff.
- Julie: He’s not war crazy. He’s just—He should see you play, I mean, if you get him to one of the games he’ll understand what all of the fuss is about.
- Matt: Yeah, I guess, maybe.
- Julie: Well is he gonna help you get some in-home care for your grandma?
- Matt: Well, yeah, he’s gonna straighten all of that out. I mean--I mean, really, this is a perfect time for him to come home because clearly I can’t get it done.
- Coach Taylor: [to Tim Riggins] I don’t give you the impression that I think of you as only a football player, do I? I bring this up because as usual my wife is always right. You got your mid-terms comin’ up. I’m gonna be in contact with your teachers. I’m gonna know what’s going on. There will be no more free rides, you will start paying. And hear me when I say this, no pass…no play.
What to Do While You're Waiting [1.12]
- Lyla: But everyone would’ve looked out for your family.
- Jason: The town cripple? How long do you think that charity would’ve lasted, huh? It’s killing me to have to do this to Coach, it’s killing me to have to do this to the team but maybe they’re all right. The lawyers, my parents maybe they’re right. Maybe someone teaches me to tackle somebody I’m not in a chair. We’re not in this mess.
- Lyla: If you think this for the best then I’m with you.
- Jason: What is it with you that you wanna screw your life up for me, huh?
- Lyla: Love makes us kind of stupid.
- Jason: Well, thank God for that. [kisses Lyla]
- Julie: Hey.
- Matt: Hey.
- Julie: So, what are you doing out here?
- Matt: Honestly, I was just kinda wishing that Arnett Mead loses to Buckley and then we get to go the playoffs then I don’t have to spend everyday of the rest of my life wondering what if as I punch into the feed store.
- Buddy: Thank you Lord for letting Buckley win. I know it was nothing short of a miracle and I thank you for that miracle. I know you truly are an all powerful God to let such a crap team win.
- Tyra: There’s a trait in the women in my family that just drives men crazy. Treat us like crap and always come back for more.
- Tim: That’s, uh. That’s actually what I was here to talk to you about. I am truly sorry for everything that has happened, for what I’ve put you through, everything that happened with Lyla. I was a complete jerk and I am so sorry. If you would even consider giving me a second chance, Tyra, believe me it’ll be so different. Sorry.
- Tyra: You know, so many times, I would have loved to hear those words come out of your mouth. God, I’d love to say yes, but I’d hate myself for it. I’d be a hypocrite you know? I guess timing is everything.
- Smash: There’s something else I gotta say. Yeah, I like myself, and I love football. I love it. I love the game. I love the crowds. I love the attention. I love being a star. I can’t help it. It’s a beautiful thing it’s just who I am, it’s how God made me. I like you a lot, Waverly. I mean more than I’ve ever liked any other girl. But if you don’t like me for me then I gotta live with it ‘cause I can’t be nobody but the Smash. Yes, I like talking about myself in the third person. Something tells me deep down inside you like it too.
- Waverly: I’ll see you around, Smash.
Little Girl I Wanna Marry You [1.13]
- Mama Williams: Where you going?
- Smash: To my room! I’m going to my room!
- Mama Williams: You better lower your voice boy, your sisters are sleeping.
- Smash: How could you be so stupid?
- Mama Williams: You better watch your mouth.
- Smash: How could you go to Coach? Do you realize what you did? If he goes to the Athletic Commission I’m gone, I’m off the team forever. My scholarships, oh yeah, all them letters they’ve been sending me, they don’t mean nothing now, they worthless--gone, all gone. You ruined my life Mama.
- Mama Williams: No, son, I’m trying to save it. You wanna know why I went to your Coach?
- Smash: Please tell me.
- Mama Williams: ‘Cause I didn’t want to think that you were dumb enough to do something so stupid on your own.
- Coach Taylor: What you need?
- Smash: Look, I’m sorry for what I did. Am I off the team? Look, I know I’m not playing on Friday but am I off the team? Don’t I deserve to know?
- Coach Taylor: I should’ve reported this as soon as it happened. I’m risking my job. Inside this house, I’ve got a wife and a daughter. They depend on me to provide for them. Do you understand that?
- Smash: Yes, sir.
- Coach Taylor: I don’t know what I’m gonna do. When I do know I’ll let you know. Until then why don’t you do me a favor and just try and keep your mouth shut?
- Smash: Yes, sir. You got it.
- Coach Taylor: Good night.
- Smash: Good night.
- Coach Taylor: Hey, Buddy
- Buddy: Hey, Eric. What the hell’s going on, you know I can not stand you dodging me and to tell you the truth, I’m hurt.
- Coach Taylor: As I said it’s an internal matter.
- Buddy: Yeah, well I am internal. If anybody’s internal, I’m internal. I’m probably the most internal son of a bitch you’ve ever met in your life---is that not right?
- Coach Taylor: I’m not gonna talk about it.
- Buddy: Until when?
- Coach Taylor: Until ever, Buddy. I can’t talk about it until ever.
- Buddy: Ever is a long damn time.
- Coach Taylor: Yes it is.
- Buddy: You want me to be honest with ya son? Do ya?
- Jason: Please.
- Buddy: I love that little girl in there. That’s my daughter and I want her to have a great life, and I’m real uncertain about the future here. I mean how is she gonna get money? How you gonna get money? You goin’ go to college? Is she gonna go to college? Are you gonna have babies? Can you have babies? Can you? Can you have children, Jason?
- Jason: We haven’t quite answered that yet.
- Buddy: What if you can’t and what if you can, Jason? When that little baby’s crying upstairs in the night who’s gonna go up and take care of him? I don’t want Lyla to be a care giver her whole life, son. I know that’s a bitter pill to swallow, and I’m sorry I have to say it to you, and Lyla Garrity, she loves you, she’d follow you into hell. Are you sure you want to lead her there?
- Jason: You’re beautiful, you’re smart and you’re talented and you’ve got your whole future ahead of you.
- Lyla: Oh my God, are you breaking up with me?
- Jason: My choices are much more limited then yours.
- Lyla: Please don’t tell me you’re breaking up--
- Jason: Shh, shh, shh, shh. I went out with Herc tonight and I basically spent the whole evening convincing myself that I was just a huge thorn in your side, and after I got done doing that I started to think about Herc and why I like him so much, and I started to realize that I think I like him so much because he took his hand-cap and he didn’t settle for just becoming as good as he was before, he tried to become a better man, and he did. And I think that if I can be more like him, maybe I wouldn’t be such a bad guy to be around. And what….what he would do if he was in my shoes.
- Lyla: He would dump me and go after Tyra.
- Jason: No, he wouldn’t.
- Lyla: Yeah, he would, he told me.
- Jason: But if it were you that he loved. If it were you…Lyla I love you more then life itself and I have loved you like that since the first moment I laid eyes on you. Lyla Garrity…will you marry me? Baby?
- [Jason and Lyla kiss]
Upping the Ante [1.14]
- Buddy: You’re suing my team. You’re suing my coach. How do you expect me to feel?
- Jason: It’s your team? It’s your team? How about a little compassion, Mr. Garrity? I mean I am paralyzed now.
- Lyla: I have a life, too.
- Jason: I know.
- Lyla: No, sometimes I don’t think you care about that anymore, or you think it’s lame and it scares me.
- Jason: No, that’s not it at all.
- Lyla: I just think that we’re too young, right now and we’re rushing into this and I don’t want to make a mistake.
- Jason: Message received, Lyla. Loud and clear.
- Tim: There we go again. I’m actually getting kinda tired of hitting the green every time.
- Walt: Not bad, a little quick on your release, though.
- Tim: Thanks, Mr. Nicklaus. I actually would take a swing tip from you if I wasn’t kicking your ass right now.
- Walt: You’re only two up. There’s plenty of golf left to play.
- Tim: Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you something. You feeling the pressure right now?
- Walt: Uh, not really. I’ve seen you putt.
- Matt: Um, did, uh, did you finish your book?
- Julie: I did. What’d you do last night?
- Matt: Uh, nothing, I, I just you know, I just went out to work and then I went home.
- Julie: I saw the calendar.
- Matt: Wh--What?
- Julie: A bunch of the rally girls were passing around this morning.
- Matt: No, see they totally kidnapped me like, like with Riggins the other night. But nothing happened, so it’s—it’s but nothing happened at all.
- Julie: Why’d you lie about it?
Blinders [1.15]
- Coach Mac: Smash for quarterback?
- Female Reporter: Yeah.
- Coach Mac: I believe Smash is better suited for the position he’s in.
- Female Reporter: How do you mean?
- Coach Mac: Well, guys like Smash and Baxter and even Voodoo they got a natural gift for running the ball
- Female Reporter: All three are Black, are you saying this gift has something to do with their skin color?
- Coach Mac: What I’m saying Karen is and I’m saying in a good way, is that guys like Smash are--are fearless, they‘re dangerous. They’re like a junkyard dogs. I mean, you want them carrying the ball. You want them tearing up turf out there.
- Female Reporter: So let me get this straight, Whites like Saracen make better quarterbacks because they are inherently smarter.
- Coach Mac: You wanna put it that way, you could. Now, I’m not saying that all Black guys are dumb, just saying they got diff…
- Coach Taylor: Mac, I need to talk to you.
- Coach Mac: Well, all right. You’re telling me that you think Matt Saracen has as much natural ability as a Smash?
- Coach Taylor: You know what I’m telling you, what I’m telling you is that it’s not too damn smart to be making generalizations about people’s abilities based on their color. Think about that. That’s what I’m saying.
- Coach Mac: All right. What’s done is done. No apology's gonna change that.
- Coach Taylor: I’m not making a request.
- Coach Taylor: [after Julie came home late] No, no, look at me. Please don’t do this. Don’t break our trust. Don’t take our trust from us. Please.
- Julie: I’m sorry; today’s just been really…really kind of a crappy day. Matt’s been yelling at me all day about…stupid quarterback stuff.
- Coach Taylor: Matt Saracen’s got you at quarterback? Wait honey. Hey, come here. What do you mean he’s got you at quarterback?
- Coach Mac: What I perceive other then football is none of your business.
- Smash: Whoa, I’m just trying to have a dialogue.
- Coach Mac: Well, you save your dialoguing for your mommy.
- Smash: Now, wait a minute, you said--
- Coach Mac: No, you wait a minute son. You wait just a minute. I’ve been here for 27 years, and I am not about to be interrogated by some too big for his britches teenager, you got me?
- Smash: What the hell you mean too big for my britches, Mac? You the one saying--
- Coach Mac: This is done. This is over. I am done with this. I am done. Look, if I hear you whining or anybody else whining about this anymore. You’re gonna be warming your ass on the bench Friday night, you got me?
- Smash: Oh, no, you can’t do that.
- Coach Mac: Oh I can, yeah and I will. I’m tired of this crap.
Black Eyes & Broken Hearts [1.16]
- Coach Taylor: Listen to me. Everything hangs in the balance right here. I have a question and I need some advice from you.
- Tami: Alright.
- Coach Taylor: I need to talk to the guidance counselor, not my wife. I need some unbiased, clear, honest advice. Everything hangs in the balance.
- Tami: Alright, sit down. Come on, sit down.
- Coach Taylor: The Boosters and Buddy want me to fire Mac McGill. I don't wanna fire Mac McGill. Mac McGill is a damn good coach and Mac McGill is important for me in the playoffs. I thought this was going to end a while ago, I didn't think it would go on as far as it did, I was wrong.
- Tami: So what's the question?
- Coach Taylor: The question is what do I do about firing Mac McGill?
- Tami: What did he say?
- Coach Taylor: Honey, you heard what he said. Everyone heard what he said.
- Tami: I know, I know what he said. I want to review, let's review. Let's review the events.
- Coach Taylor: About Smash Williams he said the black players have a gift for running the ball. That they're fearless.
- Tami: Right. Fearless, they've got a gift. Wasn't there something else in that little phrase?
- Coach Taylor: He said the thing about the junkyard dog thing, as far as the players like Matt Saracen.
- Tami: You mean the white players?
- Coach Taylor: Yes, the white players. He said they don't have the physicality. But he said they have more creative thinking which makes them more suited to lead. That's what he said. It was a stupid thing to say. I understand.
- Tami: Well, I mean, as the guidance counselor I gotta say that that, to me, is a fireable offense. What he said.
- Coach Taylor: Alright let me talk to my wife. Let me talk to the person who cares about me and cares about the team, and also has to understand the relevance and the importance to our future of us winning the regional.
- Tami: There is nothing more clear to me that your team is way more important to you then Mac McGill.
- Coach Taylor: Is there anyone else I can talk to?
- Tami: You can talk to your friend.
- Coach Taylor: What does she have to say?
- Tami: This is not about Mac McGill, it's not about the team. This is about you. You've been put in this position now where you've got to make the decision. If you don't fire him at this point you are condoning what he said.
- Coach Taylor: Honey he said something stupid, he's not a racist. He's a friend.
- Tami: I know, but that is not something for a kids' assistant coach to say. No less for a government employee, which is what he is.
- Coach Taylor: The three of you scare me.
- Tim: What do you do?
- JV Player: Uh, okay, I know this.
- Tim: Too late, play's over. You waited too long to make a decision and now we lost the game 'cause of you. We're not going to State and the whole town of Dillon hates you. You're never gonna get laid your entire life. Fact.
- Julie: [about being friends with Tyra] Ok, so, first you don’t want me dating Matt Saracen, now you’re picking my friends for me, so maybe you guys should just….home school me.
- Tami: Honey, I don’t like your tone, I don’t like your sarcasm, and I really don’t understand what you see in hanging out with this girl. She’s been suspended from school three times. Do you realize that? One time for drinking on campus.
- Mama Williams: You quitting football to try and make a point about racism in a small Texas town, that ain't the "Million Man March" You are seventeen and you got a brilliant future ahead of you and I'm not gonna sit here and watch you throw it away trying to teach a lesson to a bunch of fools. You know how you get back at people that think like Mac McGill. You get back on that team. You play like the star that you are and you get recruited by an A-list University, go on and get your degree. Now you get up from here, get you something to eat, get your butt in the bed 'cause you're going to that game tomorrow.
- Smash: What about everybody who said they weren't gonna play?
- Mama Williams: You a leader honey, they'll follow you.
- Coach Taylor: How long we gonna sit out here?
- Tami: A little bit longer.
- Coach Taylor: All the other parents have picked up their perps, why can't we pick up ours?
I Think We Should Have Sex [1.17]
- Matt: So, you wanna maybe try and study again in the…
- Julie: I think we should have sex.
- Matt: Morning.
- Julie: Well, I think it’s time, don’t you think. [Matt nods] Yeah, me too, so um, let’s get on that, good night.
- Tami: [from the car] Hey, Matt.
- Matt: Hi, Mrs…Mrs. Coach.
- Tami: Are you and Matt Saracen having sex?
- Julie: No…..we’re thinking about it.
- Tami: You’re thinking about it. Are you thinking about pregnancy, are you thinking about sexually transmitted diseases?
- Julie: Well, I mean obviously that’s why he’s buying condoms.
- Tami: Oh, I see, so you’re just buying condoms and then when you buy condoms that just makes you ready to make love to somebody.
- Julie: [smiles] Making love?
- Tami: Don’t do that, don’t you smirk at me right now, I am very upset. You are not allowed to have sex. You’re fifteen years old.
- [Julie and Matt are making out in a cabin]
- Julie: Does it just smell like wet dog?
- Matt: You know what, let’s not do this.
- Julie: Nnnnn-No, nnn-no, I told you I want to.
- Matt: Nnnn-No, you really don’t and that’s OK because we don’t have to.
- Julie: We…we don’t?
- Matt: No, we just hang out or, uh eat or I don’t know whatever.
- Julie: Really.
- Matt: Yeah, but don’t touch me right now; just give me a minute, please.
- Matt: Do, you want me to walk you to the door or something?
- Julie: Are you kidding me, my dad’s gonna kill you if he sees you. Where are my keys?
- Matt: Julie, I love you.
- Julie: Uh, what?
- Matt: I love you.
- Julie: Um…um. Me, too. I love you too. I’ll call you later.
- Matt: OK, bye.
Extended Families [1.18]
- Matt: Does your mom know that you’re here?
- Julie: Matt, why are you even asking that?
- Matt: Look, it’s just I don’t really want you getting grounded again. I kind of like being allowed to see you.
- Julie: [laughing] I’m not gonna get grounded again okay?
- Matt: You’re not?
- Julie: No, and nothing is gonna keep me from seeing you.
- Jason: You’re funny when your drunk.
- Lyla: It’s not funny Jason when you drive all the way from Dillon, and you find your boyfriend with people that scare you, and getting tattoos from sexy girls.
- [Jason laughs]
- Lyla: It’s not funny. It’s not funny, Jason. It’s not funny. You’re changing, and it is so real. And I’m not changing with you. We’re never gonna last because I’m not changing with you.
- Jason: Oh, I’m sorry… Lyla.
- Lyla: [crying] I don’t know…
- Jason: Look, I’m sorry…
- Lyla: It’s okay. No, it’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, because you know what? It’s bigger than us--
- Jason: Nothing is bigger than us Lyla! Nothing is bigger than us. Nothing is bigger than the love I have for you in my heart. Nothing is bigger than that. And I’m not holding on to you anymore because you’re all I have left, I’m holding on you because I love you and I need you in my life. And I’m not giving you up with out a fight. And I’m not letting you go. I love you.
- Smash: You feeling OK?
- Waverly: I feel wonderful…why are you asking me, why?
- Smash: You seem a little different lately.
- Waverly: It’s cause, cause I’m alive, because I’m feeling the world. If that’s different then sign me up, I’m different. I’m great. All right, it’s like this. I was taking some medication for a while and now I’m off of it.
- Smash: What kind of medication?
- Waverly: It was like this stuff for, uh, mood disorder. It’s really no big deal. I’m better now; I’ve got it under control. I don’t need drugs to keep me straight.
- Bo: What are you doing Tim Riggins?
- Tim: I’m fixing my truck.
- Bo: Well, I’m Bo Miller; I’m your new next door neighbor.
- Tim: Ok.
- Bo: And you’re Tim Riggins number 33 who single handedly led the Panthers to the semi’s. What happened to your eye? Are you gonna be able to play in the semi’s?
- Tim: Can you shut up?
- Bo: I don’t know can I?
- Tim: Stop please, I’m gonna need you to shut up. Cause I’m incredibly hung over right now.
- Bo: What does that mean?
- Tim: You’re going to need to go home, okay, thank you.
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes [1.19]
- Julie: Who’s looking for a job? We’re moving again aren’t we?
- Tami: Honey, your father was offered an amazing job at TMU in Austin.
- Julie: Well, that’s good, that’s good because guess what, I’m not going. I’m really, I’m not going.
- Julie: I've been moving around my entire life, and for the first time...it just felt like I was at home. And..and..I know going to Austin and being some college football coach is your dream. But I have dreams too...and they're coming true right here.
- Coach Taylor: I hear ya...
- Lyla: Why’d you do it? Why didn’t you think about it Dad?
- Buddy: Lyla, your dad’s a sinner, I’m a weak man, but it was one mistake. I swear Lyla, I will never, ever do anything to hurt this family again honey. I swear.
Mud Bowl [1.20]
- Landry: Tyra is that you, what are you doing here?
- Tyra: Nothing just wishing I could build a time machine and go back and shoot who ever it is that invented Algebra, that’s for sure.
- Landry: Well, see that’s kind of a Catch-22, though because in order to invent that time machine you may need to use Algebra.
- Lyla: Why haven’t you called? It doesn’t look like you’re busy, it looks like you’re watching TV. Listen I know it may be a lot to ask of you to call me so that I know if we are engaged or boyfriend and girlfriend or really good pals.
- Jason: Get off my back, Lyla. What do I have right now, huh? I got a girlfriend who cheated on me. I got parents that are breaking up because of some stupid lawsuit. I lost the Coach, lost the team, lost my friends, lost Quad Rugby. So I got nothing, so I’m sorry if I’m not being the perfect boyfriend right now but I got a lot more on my mind then powder puff and prom, and this cup is way too full; I’ll spill it you know that.
- Lyla: [throws cup of water on Jason] No it’s not too full.
- Jason: What the hell was that for?!
- Lyla: You think it’s been easy for me helping you in and out of that chair.
- Jason: Well no one is holding a gun to your head.
- Lyla: I do it because I love you stupid, but now you’re sitting here feeling sorry for yourself and acting like a jackass all the time. You wanna play Rugby find another team; you hate this lawsuit so much find a way to make it go away. Next time you want a glass of water, say please.
- Billy: That kid calling you Daddy, yet?
- Tim: Uh uh, doesn’t know anything about it.
- Billy: I might not have a PhD in stupid like you do, but I’m a tell you right now this is gonna turn out badly, hell is probably gonna end badly right around State.
- Julie: [tackles Matt Saracen and kisses him] I’ll always love you no matter what happens.
Best Laid Plans [1.21]
- Landry: [to Tyra] But for some reason I really just think that there's a guy out there that'll show up sober, that'll listen to you when you talk, that'll actually, you know, respect your opinions and actually take care of you and recognize you for the smart and beautiful and caring woman that you are, Tyra...
- Coach Taylor: We done fighting?
- Tami: Uh huh.
- Coach Taylor: I love you. I respect you. I am proud of you. I am in love with you completely. I'm sorry for the way all this happened. [pause] I'll tell you what, though. Austin is going to be good to this family.
- Tami: I know it is. But, baby, I'm not going to Austin. I can't leave here now.
- Coach Taylor: Sunday. Big championship game. How you feeling?
- Matt: Good, I'm feelin' good.
- Coach Taylor: Yeah, you think you're ready?
- Matt: Yeah!
- Coach Taylor: You think he's ready?
- Jason: I don't think he's ready.
- Coach Taylor: I'm not thinking you're ready either.
- Jason: I'm think that if he plays up in Dallas like he played last Friday night, they're gonna eat him for breakfast.
- Coach Taylor: That's pretty much what I'm thinking.
- Jason: I think they're gonna squash him.
- Coach Taylor: Pretty much like a bug.
- Jason: Like a flea, Saracen.
- Coach Taylor: So I don't want you restin' on your laurels, you understand me?
- Jason: You don't have any laurels, Saracen.
- Coach Taylor: Not a damn laurel. Here's what's gonna happen: You're gonna be workin' with Jason here.
- Matt: Okay.
- Coach Taylor: You're gonna do everything Jason tells you to. And you're gonna do it 'cause Jason has my blessing. So if he tells you to jump off a cliff, I want you to jump off that cliff. Now you tell me: Saracen, why are you gonna jump off that cliff?
- Matt: 'Cause, 'cause he has your blessing?
- Coach Taylor: That's exactly right! (To Jason) You have any problems, you let me know.
- Jason: Thank you, coach.
- Coach Taylor: Have a good day, son. [Leaves the office]
- Matt: All right, coach.
- Jason: What are you still standing there for, Saracen? Go finish your weights, finish your program. Get your plays. Meet me in the film room for lunch. And get used to that because we're gonna be havin' an awful lot of meals together.
- Matt: Well, actually I usually have lunch with Julie.
- Jason: I'll take care of Julie for you, don't worry about it. I'll give her a nice call and tell her there's a new girl in town. And that girl is me! Thank you, Saracen. Hit the weights.
- Matt: Okay. Great.
State [1.22]
- Coach Taylor: Every man at some point in his life is going to lose a battle. He is going to fight and he is going to lose. But what makes him a man is at the midst of that battle he does not lose himself. This game is not over, this battle is not over.
- Coach Taylor: I have dreams too.
Last Days of Summer [2.01]
- Lyla: [saying grace at dinner with her mom and her new boyfriend] Thank you Lord for this food that we are about to receive and for your wisdom Lord. I pray that you will guide me and everyone at this table to help respect You and make good choices ... for example to not take advantage of the vulnerability of a recently separated but not yet divorced woman ... and in turn to give others at the table the strength to remember that a mother of three should not be wearing skinny jeans. Amen. [They all release hands] Bon appetit!
Bad Ideas [2.02]
- Tyra: Okay you need to take a deep breath here and calm down. That's all I'm saying.
- Landry: I can take all the deep breaths that I want but that's not going to matter when I'm in the electric chair.
Backfire [2.04]
- Lyla: [seeing Santiago walking out of the reform school] Hey, if this is your escape plan, it needs work. [drives up next to him] I was just kidding. I heard you got out. Congratulations.
- Santiago: Yeah, I'm on probation now. Congratulations!
- Lyla: [to herself] Okay. [drives to Santiago and opens door to offer him a ride]
- Santiago: What are you tryin' to do?
- Lyla: I-I'm puttin' my money where my mouth is. Come on.
- Tim: [After Jason bails Tim out of jail in Mexico] Sweet, Six. Took you long enough. Now those gals are probably gone.
- Jason: Shut your mouth, Riggins! I should have left you in there all damn night. Sad sorry ass! I'm not supposed to be spending my money on your bail.
- Tim: Yeah, it's my fault we find the only honest cop in Mexico.
- Jason: Shut your ass, Riggins! You know this money's for my surgery. It's not for your damn bail.
- Tim: What's your problem, Six?
- Jason: You know what? I came down here for a reason, all right? I know you think it's stupid, but guess what--it's not. You go ahead and get loaded tonight and catch syphilis from whatever skanky jailbait, random hooker or whore you can find on the street, but I'm going back to the hotel! [wheels himself away]
- Tim: Can you at least buy me a couple of tacos?
- Coach McGregor: [to Coach Taylor] Don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining.
Let's Get It On [2.05]
- Matt: I don't think that I can go to the concert.
- Julie: Why can't you go to the concert?
- Matt: Because I'm pissed off at you. I mean, you cheated on me with the Swede and then you wouldn't tell me about it until I pushed you about it and then when that didn't seem to work out you came back to me as if, you know, that would just be okay and you never said you were sorry.
- Julie: I am sorry.
- Matt: That might have worked a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure you'll find somebody else to go to the concert with you.
- Coach Taylor: [to Smash after he insulted Matt] You watch your mouth! What the hell do you think you're doing?
- Matt: He's just doing the same thing you did.
- Coach Taylor: I'm sorry?
- Matt: You just used us as a stepping stone to get to TMU and when that didn't work out you came back thinking we'd be happy to have you. It's kinda like what your daughter did with the Polish, Swedish kid, whatever the hell he is.
- Tami: Wanna fool around?
- Coach Taylor: Do you?
- Tami: Mm-yeah.
- Coach Taylor: I don't sense a true commitment from that.
- Landry: [to the football team] Maybe we're forgetting that we're a lot stronger together than we're ever gonna be alone. I realise that I am not anywhere close to one of the most talented players in this room and I know I've never played one real game of football but, but I know we can - we can either win together or we can lose alone. And I know it sounds stupid but it is an honor just to stand in here with ya'll.
The Confession [2.09]
- Buddy: [as he and Santiago drive around] So you're ready for the game tonight? You may see some playing time tonight, son.
- Santiago: What the hell's the point of all this?
- Buddy: What'd you say, Santiago?
- Santiago: I can't do it.
- Buddy: What?
- Santiago: What do you care if I play, huh? You don't know me. You're not my pops! You don't know nothing about me. You're just some fat white guy who wants to make himself feel good, that's what you are. And I don't need nothing from you, all right? I don't need to work at your car dealership and I sure as hell don't need football!
- [Buddy pulls over the car]
- Buddy: Shut that door. Shut the door! I'll tell you what, you want to go back to that cafeteria eating off of plastic with 200 guys going nowhere, you be my guest, son. Now listen to me. Tonight is your night. You have an opportunity to go out there and accept the challenge. You have the opportunity to become part of a team. If you don't do it tonight, then you're never gonna do it in your entire life. Now, I'm goin' to the field. So you get out, be my guest.
- Santiago: I hate you. I hate you.
- [Buddy starts driving again]
- [(Matt and Carlotta are making out on his bed when his grandmother walks in and Matt covers Carlotta with his sheets]
- Grandma: Matthew. Did you eat my Snackwells? My Snackwells!
- Matt: Grandma, it's probably late for you to be eating snacks.
- Grandma: Well, I want you to ask Carlotta if she ate the Snackwells.
- Matt: You want me to ask her now?
- Grandma: Well, no. In the morning! Getting kinda tired of this.
- [Matt uncovers Carlotta's head]
- Matt: You stole my grandma's Snackwells. You probably ate 'em too. First you take the tapioca...
- [Carlotta laughs]
- Landry: And I went inside to get the food, and she stayed outside. As soon as I heard what was happening I ran out, I dropped the bag and I ran out. And then I just started hitting him.
- Officer: Stepped in to help your friend, is that it?
- Landry: I wanted to kill him, sir.
- Officer: Yeah but he was actually hurting the girl, right?
- Landry: I picked up a pipe that was on the ground and I ran over and I hit him, I hit him twice on the head as hard as I could.
There Goes the Neighborhood [2.10]
- Julie: You just gotta let it go sometimes, you just...gotta let people be who they wanna be and just let 'em go make out with whoever they wanna make out in front of whoever they feel like.
- Landry: You don't just give up though. If you really care about something you don't just give up. You do whatever it takes.
Leave No One Behind [2.14]
- Coach Taylor: [yelling] You know how many people depend on you to make good decisions? Huh? Do you have any idea? Your grandmother, your friends, your teammates. You better start making them, you better stop being so damn selfish, you hear me?
- Matt: Shut up! Just shut up! You don't care about me, you left me for a better job, your daughter left me for a better guy, Carlotta left me for Guatemala, my dad left me for a damn war. Everybody leaves me. What's wrong with me?
- Coach Taylor: There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you at all.
I Knew You When [3.01]
- Reporter: So, you're saying Matt Saracen is your man.
- Coach Taylor: That is very much what I'm saying. Matt Saracen, whether he is on the field or off the field, whatever you throw at that young man, he can handle.
- Tim: Hey.
- Lyla: Hey.
- Tim: How are you?
- Lyla: Good.
- Tim: Uh, two things. Thank you, for kind of kicking my ass in gear, cause I know I needed it. And I kind of owe tonight to you. And two, I'm okay if you don't tell anyone about us. As long as this works with you.
- Lyla: Wow.
- Tim: Alright. [walks away]
- Lyla: Tim.
- Tim: Yeah [turns around]
- [Lyla walks over to Tim and starts kissing him]
- Billy: [about Lyla] You're a rebound from Jesus.
- Tim: No, I'm not a rebound.
- Billy: You're a summer fling.
- Tim: I don't believe that.
- Tim: You know what, you know what the problem really is? Is that you don't take me seriously. I'm some fling to you.
- Lyla: You're not a fling.
- Tim: Okay, then what's the problem? [paus]: Shoot.
- Lyla: Okay. You want to know what the problem is Tim? You scare me.
- Tim: I scare you.
- Lyla: Yeah, you scare me. You're Tim Riggins. You show up drunk to school. You don't do you're own. You have rally girls do your homework for you. You don't go to class. Your relationships last about 20 minutes. How am I suppose to take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously.
- Smash: [to Coach Taylor while playing racquetball] You realize this is the whitest sport in history?
Tami Knows Best [3.02]
- [Tim is trying on a jacket]
- Lyla: Ok, take it off, take it off, come on.
- Tim: Lyla, I know how to dress myself.
- Lyla: No, you only know how to put on a pledge shirt one button per button.
- Tim: You know what would be great? We just leave, cause I don't wanna go to this dinner in the first place.
- Lyla: Yeah well, if you only did what you wanted to do, your life would be all about football, beer and sex, wouldn't it?
- Tim: And what's the problem with that?
- Grandma: I saw that game tonight. You played great, you just played great.
- Matt: [heavy-heartedly] Thanks.
- Grandma: You've always loved football, Matty. I remember when you were two years old, you were trying to throw a football and it was bigger than you were. And you were such a sweet baby, such a sweet, sweet baby. But here you are all grown up taking care of everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know. Matthew? I love you.
- Matt: I know. I, I love you, too, grandma. [She starts crying]) Grandma, hey. [Matt hugs her]
- Grandma: You are such a good boy.
- Matt: That's because I was raised by you.
How The Other Half Lives [3.03]
- Tim: You are coming over tomorrow night, correct?
- Lyla: Mindy and Angela are gonna be there.
- Tim: [confused] OK, no Mindy, what.. No.
- Lyla: I don't know if you notice or not, but Mindy and Angela hate me.
- Tim: What? They don't hate you. They don't even know you. If they did, they'd love you. And you know what? Somebody wants his girlfriend to be there. Okay? And you know what? If they even look at you wrong, and you don't see it, and I do? I'm gonna blindsight them with the worst block they'll have ever seen. So what I want from you right now is for you to say, "Yes, Tim, I can't wait to see you and hang out with you tomorrow night".
- Matt: I'm just trying to worry about beating Arnett Mead on Friday. That's all I wanna be thinking about, okay? And, and that's hard. I don't know if you're aware, but we never beat Arnett Mead. I mean, not even Jason Street ever beat Arnett Mead ever, okay? So, I'm trying to worry about that, meantime I got some freshman named Joe Doyle breathing down my neck and it's - look, if I hear anyone talk about this 70 yard pass he threw like ever again I'm gonna lose it because I don't even care. It was in practice, it wasn't defenders, it was no- I can throw a ball 70 yards if no one's like, running at me. It's harder to do - Sorry, you don't care about this.
- Julie: No, I do care.
- Matt: No, you shouldn't. I'm just, I'm just ranting. I apologize.
- Julie: You're really adorable when you rant.
- Coach Taylor: [trying to reassure a worried Matt who's been wtaching J.D. practice] You listen to me. That is not my quarterback, you are my quarterback. You understand that? I want you concentrating on Friday night. You go out there and you play with what we've taught you and what you know everything is gonna go just fine.
- Matt: Yes, sir.
Hello, Goodbye [3.04]
- Coach Taylor: There's no doubt that J.D. McCoy, he wins when it comes to physical skills. I understand that. Hell, he's got the best arm of any high school quarterback I've ever seen. And that includes Jason Street. And then you've got Matt. Hell, Matt's got the experience. He's got three seasons under his belt. The team knows how to play with Matt. I know what I've got with Matt Saracen.
- Tami: That's a hard decision, babe.
- Coach Taylor: After everything that kid's been through, I bench him half way through his senior year? It'll kill him.
- Tami: I know. And he's like family.
- Coach Taylor: I can't make a decision based on that.
Every Rose Has Its Thorn [3.05]
- [Coach Taylor walks into Matt blowing off steam in the locker room]
- Coach Taylor: Hey! What the hell are you doing?
- Matt: I did whatever you asked me to. I helped you win a state championship, I got you to three one this season, I worked my ass off in practice. I do everything that you say! If it's 'cause J.D. is better than me, tell me that!
- Coach Taylor: My job is to field a team out there that wins games. Right now, that means J.D: McCoy. Yes.
- Matt: Okay. Then I quit.
- Coach Taylor: You're not quitting this team.
- Matt: Yes, I am.
- Coach Taylor: No, you're not quitting this team and I'm not gonna let you quit. I know you. You quit this team you're gonna hate yourself. You wanna be pissed? Fine, you go ahead, you be pissed. I don't give a damn. But you are not quitting this team.
- Matt: Fine. Fine, I'll sit on your bench. I'll come to practice and I'll do whatever you tell me to do. But I'm gonna hate it. And you're gonna hate it. Good talk, coach.
It Ain't Easy Being J.D. McCoy [3.06]
- [After a girl passing by says hello to Tim]
- J.D.: How many girlfriends do you have?
- Tim: [looking at Lyla] Just the one, McCoy.
- J.D.: [looking at Lyla too] God, she is so pretty.
- Tim: Yeah, she is pretty special, man.
- Tyra: A woman showed up at my house with a baby looking for child support from Cash.
- Julie: It could be worse
- Tyra: Really? I don't see how it could get worse.
- Julie: She could be his sister. [Tyra laughs]
- Tyra: Sounds like something Landry would say.
Keeping Up Appearances [3.07]
- Jason: Do you think I could make it somewhere else? Like as a sports agent? Do you think I'd be good at it?
- Lyla: You're leaving.
- Jason: I didn't say that.
- Lyla: You didn't have to. I think you'd be a great sports agent.
- Jason: What's been your favorite memory of your brother playing football?
- Billy: Probably watching him get that ring back in '06. Yeah, after all we've been through together, um, to see him win state, that was, that was probably the happiest day of my life. I was just really proud of him.
- Jason: What single characteristic as a football player do you think defines Tim Riggins?
- Coach Taylor: Toughness. I have never seen a kid with more fortitude than Tim Riggins. No fear.
- Landry: Mrs. Taylor, can I ask you like...can I talk to you a second?
- Tami: Sure.
- Landry: I'm starting to feel like I have some sort of repellent that repels females away and sends them running.
- Tami: Mmhmm.
- Landry: I was in love with Tyra for a long time and I chased her away and then there was another girl and I completely chased her away...it was a lot quicker.
- Tami: Here's the thing, and I know it's probably not easy to see here in Dillon, but you are at the beginning of your life. A lot of these football heroes around here, they're not gonna get much farther than this. But you're gonna go to some great college and have a career that you love. And I'm telling you right now, women are gonna flock to you. I know it's hard to believe, but that's how it's gonna work. You're a good person and this is just the beginning. I'm right one hundred percent of the time. You can ask my husband.
- Landry: [about learning his new "girlfriend"is actually gay] Okay, I'm gonna go let this sink in because I don't know how to react right now.
New York, New York [3.08]
- Tim: Hey Six? Um, I hope you get everything... [clears his throat] I hope you get everything you want. But no matter what happens in there, you're always gonna be my best friend, and you deserve to be happy.
- Jason: Thank you...Texas forever.
- Tim: Texas forever.
- Wendell: Jason, there's no one else like you, man.
- Jason: Yeah, I'm counting on that.
- Billy: [raising his glass] I love this life.
- Tim: What? That's not a cheers, that's thinking out loud.
- Jason: To money!
- Billy: To being bad ass real estate guys.
Game of the Week [3.09]
- [Lyla comes out of her room]
- Buddy: Oh.. It's alive! I thought I was gonna have to send in Search and Rescue.
- Lyla: [discussing college] Did you really get in?
- Tim: Yeah, only Riggins to get in, probably the last.
- Lyla: I knew you would.
- 'Tim: I'm in because of you. [Leans in to kiss Lyla] Oh wow. Mmm...are you on a bender right now? I almost got a buzz off your breath there just now. Like, I don't think it's safe for me to drive strong right now. And for me to say that - it's a lot.
- Lyla: I'm sorry...
- Tim: Don't be. It's fantastic. [kisses her] I'll get drunk with you. I'm on board.
- Coach Taylor: [giving a half-time pep talk] Y'all want to end this season? Pack your bags and go home...you know where the door is. Otherwise I suggest you wake up, get your heads in this game. This defense is not gonna carry this team all night long. This offense has got to execute, or else I'll guarantee you our season ends tonight. Understood? I can't hear you.
The Giving Tree [3.10]
- Lyla: What do you want?
- Buddy: What I want is for you to come home. This is no excuse for you to play house with your boyfriend.
- Lyla: You're gonna lecture me on morals?
- Buddy: Honey, we can work this out.
- Lyla: How are we gonna work it out? You're $20,000 in the hole for tearing up a strip club. What are you gonna do? Rob a bank?
- Landry: Have you ever read the book The Giving Tree?
- Tyra: Yeah, when I was like five.
- Landry: It's about this tree who loves this boy more than anything, right? And the boy just takes and takes and takes until there's absolutely nothing left but a stump. And I'm like the tree and you're the boy - just take and take and take, and there's absolutely nothing left Tyra. That's exactly what I feel like. Just a stump. Because this is not a friendship. You're selfish. It's not a friendship.
- Landry: Please tell me the lesson you've learned.
- Matt: Always lock the door.
- Landry: When having sex with the Coach's daughter.
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall [3.11]
- Landry: I don't want to step on your fingers or anything but you might want to slice those a little thinner because cucumber sandwiches are pretty delicate.
- Tyra: Really?
- Landry: Did I just lose a lot of man points for that?
- Tyra: Yeah you did.
- Landry: Did I tell you I'm in a band though?
- Tyra: See that's like 40,000 man points right there.
- Tim: I'm hitting the sheets. Want to come?
- Lyla: I can't. I have a rematch [on MarioKart]. Aren't you gonna watch?
- Tim: No.
- Lyla: Okay. Goodnight Grandpa
Underdogs [3.12]
- Coach Taylor: [after the game] I wanted everyone's friends and family to be in here to hear this, gentlemen. I have never been more proud of a team than I am right now. I am in awe of each and every one of you gentlemen. [Long pause] You played great football tonight. This is the game that people are gonna talk about for years to come. This is the game you are gonna talk about. There's not a single person in this room that's ever gonna be the same. You be proud of yourselves. Because gentlemen, you are champions.
- Tyra: Oh, I know. I could write about how up until two years ago I had enough hate in my heart to start a freaking car.
- Landry: What changed?
- Tyra: What?
- Landry: What changed? Why did you stop having enough hate in your heart to start a freaking car?
- Tyra: Jason Street got paralyzed. I realized that he was this great guy - this hero, and it happened to him. It made me realize that life isn't fair for anybody. Not just me.
Tomorrow Blues [3.13]
- Coach Taylor: [Defending his coaching contract at the board meeting] I did not want to be here today. Here I am. I love my job. I'm good at it, and I'd like to keep it. I love this school, I love the kids, and I feel like I've just gotten started here. There's some people here who want to replace me, for a man with an awful lot of money and a boy with a good arm. To those people I would say: you're wrong. You are dead wrong. Y'all have a good Saturday.
- Tim: [A Texas Longhorn Steer is announced as the next auction item] We still have some money left. This is an opportunity. I defy anyone to pass through Riggins' Rigs with that steer in front of it and not go inside. If you get that we'll make clients for life.
- Tim: [After telling Billy that Lyla's going to Vanderbilt] I'm staying in Dillon is what it means, Billy. Riggins Rigs. We're in it together now. We're gonna be poppin' beer, makin' money, gettin' off early. I'm telling you. You're not getting it...
- Billy: Tim!
- Tim: What?
- Billy: Come here. You listen to me, you little idiot. You are not gonna wuss out on this. You're gonna go to college and you're gonna get a degree. And I don't care if it takes you 7 years, all right? And when you start thinking it's too hard or that you can't handle it, I want you to remember one thing. I want you to think about the kids that you don't have yet. And I want you to think about my kids. Me and Mindy's kids that we don't have yet. And you're gonna get the job done so that one of these days I can tell them that they don't have to settle for second best. That they can be whoever the hell they want to be because their uncle Timmy went to college. And God bless our mom and dad, wherever the hell they are.
- Tim: Yeah.
- Billy: But we gotta do better by our kids. Do you hear me? Tim!!?
- Tim: I thought...
- Billy: Do you hear me?
- Tim: Yeah.
- Billy: All right.
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