Andrew Bonar Law
Andrew Bonar Law

Andrew Bonar Law was a Conservative British statesman and Prime Minister from 1922 to 1923.
- We who represent the Unionist Party in England and Scotland have supported, and we mean to support to the end, the loyal minority [in Ireland]. We support them not because we are intolerant, but because their claims are just.
- Speech in the Albert Hall (26 January, 1912).
- As I crossed a few hours ago from Scotland I said to myself,—"The majority there are Radicals. They are going to vote next week for the Home Rule Bill. What would they say to a proposal which was to subject them to the same kind of Government or the same kind of men to which, for the sake of party interests, they are willing to sacrifice you?" They would never accept it. I know Scotland well, and I believe that, rather than submit to such a fate, the Scottish people would face a second Bannockburn or a second Flodden.
- 'Mr. Bonar Law In Ulster.', The Times (9 April, 1912), p. 7.
- These people in the North-east of Ireland, from old prejudices perhaps more from anything else, from the whole of their past history, would prefer, I believe, to accept the government of a foreign country rather than submit to be governed by honourable gentlemen below the gangway [i.e. the Irish Nationalist Party].
- Speech in the House of Commons rejecting the Home Rule Bill (1 January, 1913).
- Whatever steps you may feel compelled to take, whether they are constitutional, or whether in the long run they are unconstitutional, you have the whole Unionist Party, under my leadership, behind you.
- Message sent to Belfast (12 July, 1913).
- I remember this, that King James had behind him the letter of the law just as completely as Mr. Asquith has now. He made sure of it. He got the judges on his side by methods not dissimilar from those by which Mr. Asquith has a majority in the House of Commons on his side. There is another point to which I would specially refer. In order to carry out his despotic intention the King had the largest army which had ever been seen in England. What happened? There was no civil war. Why? Because his own army refused to fight for him.
- Speech in Dublin (28 November, 1913).
- I think perhaps it would be useful if I repeat again to you the words which I used in the first speech when I became leader of our party [in 1911]..."No government of which I am a member will ever be a government of reaction..." That was my view then:...it is my view today, and if I thought the Unionist party was, or would ever become, a party of that kind, I would not be a member of it.
- At the Public Baths, Old Kent Road (7 November, 1922).
- [Herbert Henry] Asquith can make a better speech drunk than any of the rest of us can sober.
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