A Cinderella Story
A Cinderella Story

A Cinderella Story is a 2004 film about a girl who named Samantha Montgomery who is routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother but is now excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.
Once upon a time... can happen any time.
Austin: You need a wax.
Sam: Excuse me?
Austin: [laughs] I meant the car.
Sam: Don't you know who I am?
Austin: Of course I do. You're Princeton Girl. You're the girl I've been waiting to meet. I know exactly who you are! What's your name?
Austin: You're not a guy, right? 'Cause if you are I'll kick your butt.
Sam: [chuckles] I am not a guy.
Sam: Austin? What are you doing?
Austin: Something I should have done a long time ago.
[he kisses her, it starts to rain, they both look up]
Austin: Sorry I waited for the rain.
Sam: It's okay.
Carter: Oh. Did you see the part where I ran away?
Fiona: Is this the Norwegian Salmon that I asked for?
Sam: Mhm...Only the best.
Fiona: Mmm. I can tell. You know it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.
Shelby: What can I get on this menu that doesn't have sugar, no carbs and is fat-free?
Sam: Uhm...Water.
Sam: Terry? Are you Nomad?
Terry: Nomad? Indeed. I have traveled through time and space to find you. Now join me in the mating dance of Zion!
Sam: So... Who'd you guys pay to make your cars so dirty?
Brianna: Excuse me? Like, what are you, the Dirt Police?
Gabriella: [laughs] Yeah! The Dirt Police! Like, excuse me miss, do you know how fast your dirt was going?
Brianna: You should've stopped at the Dirt Police.
Austin: Shelby, we really need to talk... privately.
Shelby: Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps.
Austin: Okay. I want to break up.
Austin: What up, guys?
David: What up.
Ryan: Sorry about your costume you lost, Austin.
Austin: It's all good, my friends.
David: No, it's not all good, bro. Now we don't get to be the Three Musketeers. You get to be Prince Charming, and we're the two wimps in wigs.
Austin: [laughs]
Sam: Hello?
Fiona: Sam? Some little rat got into my salmon, and ate it all! I need more salmon! And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!
Fiona: No honey, leave those on! The lawn's looking a little brown.
Sam: You know we're supposed to be conserving water! We're in the middle of a drought!
Fiona: Droughts are for poor people, you think J-Lo has a brown lawn? People who use extra water have extra class.
Sam: [Carter and Sam are driving back towards the diner and Carter drives slow with his Dad's Mercedes] Carter, you could have totally made that light.
Carter: Uh, FYI Sam, yellow means slow down, not speed up.
Sam: I need the Fast and the Furious, not Driving Miss Daisy.
Austin: [after Brianna and Gabriella both tell him that they're his mystery girl] Ladies, ladies, I can solve this very easily. The girl I'm looking for lost something. What was it?
Gabriella: Oh that's easy! A wallet!
[Austin gives her a weird look]
Gabriella: I mean a purse... um... a wallet-purse.
Austin: [succinctly] No.
Brianna: Ooh, I know! A fish!
Fiona: Where are your skates? They're part of the uniform.
Rhonda: Fiona, if I wanted to look like a clown I'd join the circus.
Fiona: If you were part of my circus I'd have you wiping the elephant butts with a "wet one."
District Attorney: I'm the County District Attorney. Have you ever seen this before, Mrs. Montgomery?
[he shows Fiona Hal's will]
Fiona: I've NEVER seen that before!
District Attorney: Isn't this your signature on the witness line?
Fiona: I've NEVER seen my husband's hidden will before.
District Attorney: I'm afraid you're gonna have to come downtown with me, ma'am.
Austin: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.
Fiona: I am very, very, very, very upset about this.
Brianna: You don't look upset.
Fiona: Oh, it's the Botox. I can't show emotion for another hour and a half.
[Austin sees Sam leaving; as he rushes towards her, he is confronted by his dad]
Austin's Dad: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, what are you doing?
Austin: I'm outta here.
Austin's Dad: What! You're throwing away your dream!
Austin: No, Dad. I'm throwing away yours.
[to Ryan] It's your game now, go get them.
David: [Austin is sticking ads everywhere to find his Cinderella] Dude, why are you going through all this trouble for one chick?
Austin: Look, she's not just some chick, all right? She was real.
Ryan: Real? Like, she still had her old nose?
Austin: No, real. The kind of girl who has more on her mind than what she wears, or how much weight she wants to lose. She listens to me.
David: Listens to you? Hey, brother, I listen to you, okay? I feel your pai...
[gets distracted by a girl passing by, then talks to the girl]
David: ...Hello, kitty!
Austin: Yeah, you're a great listener.
David: Well...
Ryan: Look, man, you found her cellphone. You just gotta get some clue from that.
Austin: The phone's locked. All I keep getting's these text messages like, "I need you", and "Come see me now."
David: Oh dude, that's so hot.
Austin: See, that's what I thought. Until I got one that said, "Come fix fryer".
David: Oh, dude, that's hot AND kinky, baby! You know what I'm saying? Can I get one? Let me get a pound, baby.
Austin: [looks at David disapprovingly]
Sam: No.
Fiona: Excuse me? [in amazement]
Sam: You heard me; I quit. I quit this job. I quit your family. And, I'm moving out.
Fiona: Hahaha. Oh, and where are you going to live?
Rhonda: With me.
Fiona: You can't walk out on me.
Sam: You know what, Fiona? You can mess with your hair and your nose and your face. And you can even mess with my dad's diner, but you're through messing with me!
- Directed by Mark Rosman. Written by Leigh Dunlap
Sam Montgomery
- [to Austin] You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I came to tell you, I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was. But not anymore. And the thing is, I don't care what people think about me... because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even though I have no family, and no job, and no money for college...it's you that I feel sorry for. I know that the guy who sent those emails is somewhere down inside of you, but I can't wait for him, because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought: useless and disapointing.
- Maybe this whole relationship is just better off in cyberspace.
- [narrating] It was the kind of place where diet was a four letter word, and grease came at no additional charge.
- [ending monologue] As for Austin and me, well, I finally got my cell phone back. We ended up going to Princeton together, and we lived happily ever after. Well, at least for now. Hey, I'm just a freshman!
- [to Sam] There's something I've always wanted to tell you: you're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. Glad we had this talk.
- [to Sam] People go to school to get smarter, so that they can get a job. You already have a job, so it's like skipping a step.
- I have never seen my husband's hidden will before.
- Sam's Dad: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
- Carter: Have no fear! Zorro is here... [slight pause] AND HE'S GOT THE KEYS TO HIS DAD'S MERCEDES!
- Shelby: [Sam walks down the main stairs into the dance] Love her dress. Hate her.
Sam and Austin
- Austin: Do you know what bugs me?
- Sam: People taking your order?
- Austin: No. Taking people's orders.
- Sam: Why would you have to do that?
- Austin: Ever feel like if you show somebody who you really are, they won't accept you?
- Sam: Yeah I do, like who you are is isn't good enough.
- Austin: Yeah.
- Sam: Like your wearing a mask?
- Austin: That's exactly how I feel!
- Sam: Like you just want to tell the person it's me, I'm the one you've been looking for.
- Austin: Yeah.
- Sam: Austin, I'm....
- Fiona: Sam! Now!
- Sam: Wait! [to Austin] I'm busy.
- Austin: No it's fine. I got to bounce. [gets up to leave] Oh. Thanks
- Austin: Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Sam: I'll let you know.
- Austin: But I've seen you before?
- Sam: Yes.
- Austin: How could I have seen you before, and not know who you are now?
- Sam: Maybe you were looking, but not really seeing.
- Sam: I'm late!
- Austin: For what?
- Sam: Reality.
- [Sam storms into the boys' locker room right before the big game to speak to Austin.]
- Austin: Sam! Okay, I know you think I'm just some...
- Sam: [madly] Coward? Phony?
- Austin: [taken aback] Okay, just listen-
- Sam: [still mad] No, you listen. You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along! And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody! [calms down] Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I came to tell you, I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was. But not anymore. And the thing is, I really don't care what people think about me...because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even though I have no family, and no job, and no money for college...it's you that I feel sorry for.
- Austin's dad: Dude heads up! Three minutes!
- Austin: [still looking at Sam] Yeah, I'm coming!
- Sam: I know that the guy that sent those e-mails is somewhere down inside of you, but I can't wait for him, because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought: useless and disappointing. [walks off]
- Austin: [sadly] Sam? [punches locker]
Austin: You need a wax.
Sam: Excuse me?
Austin: [laughs] I meant the car.
Sam: Don't you know who I am?
Austin: Of course I do. You're Princeton Girl. You're the girl I've been waiting to meet. I know exactly who you are! What's your name?
Austin: You're not a guy, right? 'Cause if you are I'll kick your butt.
Sam: [chuckles] I am not a guy.
Sam: Austin? What are you doing?
Austin: Something I should have done a long time ago.
[he kisses her, it starts to rain, they both look up]
Austin: Sorry I waited for the rain.
Sam: It's okay.
David: I think I just saw your life flash before your eyes.Carter: Oh. Did you see the part where I ran away?
Fiona: Is this the Norwegian Salmon that I asked for?
Sam: Mhm...Only the best.
Fiona: Mmm. I can tell. You know it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.
Shelby: What can I get on this menu that doesn't have sugar, no carbs and is fat-free?
Sam: Uhm...Water.
Sam: Terry? Are you Nomad?
Terry: Nomad? Indeed. I have traveled through time and space to find you. Now join me in the mating dance of Zion!
Sam: So... Who'd you guys pay to make your cars so dirty?
Brianna: Excuse me? Like, what are you, the Dirt Police?
Gabriella: [laughs] Yeah! The Dirt Police! Like, excuse me miss, do you know how fast your dirt was going?
Brianna: You should've stopped at the Dirt Police.
Austin: Shelby, we really need to talk... privately.
Shelby: Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps.
Austin: Okay. I want to break up.
Austin: What up, guys?
David: What up.
Ryan: Sorry about your costume you lost, Austin.
Austin: It's all good, my friends.
David: No, it's not all good, bro. Now we don't get to be the Three Musketeers. You get to be Prince Charming, and we're the two wimps in wigs.
Austin: [laughs]
Sam: Hello?
Fiona: Sam? Some little rat got into my salmon, and ate it all! I need more salmon! And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!
Fiona: No honey, leave those on! The lawn's looking a little brown.
Sam: You know we're supposed to be conserving water! We're in the middle of a drought!
Fiona: Droughts are for poor people, you think J-Lo has a brown lawn? People who use extra water have extra class.
Sam: [Carter and Sam are driving back towards the diner and Carter drives slow with his Dad's Mercedes] Carter, you could have totally made that light.
Carter: Uh, FYI Sam, yellow means slow down, not speed up.
Sam: I need the Fast and the Furious, not Driving Miss Daisy.
Austin: [after Brianna and Gabriella both tell him that they're his mystery girl] Ladies, ladies, I can solve this very easily. The girl I'm looking for lost something. What was it?
Gabriella: Oh that's easy! A wallet!
[Austin gives her a weird look]
Gabriella: I mean a purse... um... a wallet-purse.
Austin: [succinctly] No.
Brianna: Ooh, I know! A fish!
Fiona: Where are your skates? They're part of the uniform.
Rhonda: Fiona, if I wanted to look like a clown I'd join the circus.
Fiona: If you were part of my circus I'd have you wiping the elephant butts with a "wet one."
District Attorney: I'm the County District Attorney. Have you ever seen this before, Mrs. Montgomery?
[he shows Fiona Hal's will]
Fiona: I've NEVER seen that before!
District Attorney: Isn't this your signature on the witness line?
Fiona: I've NEVER seen my husband's hidden will before.
District Attorney: I'm afraid you're gonna have to come downtown with me, ma'am.
Austin: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.
Fiona: I am very, very, very, very upset about this.
Brianna: You don't look upset.
Fiona: Oh, it's the Botox. I can't show emotion for another hour and a half.
[Austin sees Sam leaving; as he rushes towards her, he is confronted by his dad]
Austin's Dad: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, what are you doing?
Austin: I'm outta here.
Austin's Dad: What! You're throwing away your dream!
Austin: No, Dad. I'm throwing away yours.
[to Ryan] It's your game now, go get them.
David: [Austin is sticking ads everywhere to find his Cinderella] Dude, why are you going through all this trouble for one chick?
Austin: Look, she's not just some chick, all right? She was real.
Ryan: Real? Like, she still had her old nose?
Austin: No, real. The kind of girl who has more on her mind than what she wears, or how much weight she wants to lose. She listens to me.
David: Listens to you? Hey, brother, I listen to you, okay? I feel your pai...
[gets distracted by a girl passing by, then talks to the girl]
David: ...Hello, kitty!
Austin: Yeah, you're a great listener.
David: Well...
Ryan: Look, man, you found her cellphone. You just gotta get some clue from that.
Austin: The phone's locked. All I keep getting's these text messages like, "I need you", and "Come see me now."
David: Oh dude, that's so hot.
Austin: See, that's what I thought. Until I got one that said, "Come fix fryer".
David: Oh, dude, that's hot AND kinky, baby! You know what I'm saying? Can I get one? Let me get a pound, baby.
Austin: [looks at David disapprovingly]
Sam: No.
Fiona: Excuse me? [in amazement]
Sam: You heard me; I quit. I quit this job. I quit your family. And, I'm moving out.
Fiona: Hahaha. Oh, and where are you going to live?
Rhonda: With me.
Fiona: You can't walk out on me.
Sam: You know what, Fiona? You can mess with your hair and your nose and your face. And you can even mess with my dad's diner, but you're through messing with me!
- Hilary Duff - Sam Montgomery
- Jennifer Coolidge - Fiona
- Chad Michael Murray - Austin
- Dan Byrd - Carter
- Regina King - Rhonda
- Julie Gonzalo - Shelby
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