
6teen is a Canadian animated series targeting youths of all ages. The series chronicles the adventures of six sixteen year old friends at their local mall. The series format is quite similar to a sitcom, with the concept particularly resembling that of Friends. The show was created and edited by Toronto-based writers and producers Tom McGillis and Jennifer Pertsch of Fresh Animation Ltd. It is produced by Nelvana Ltd. The original name for the TV series was The Mall but was later changed.
Tricia: The mothership.
Caitlin: I'm home.
Wyatt (to Jonesy): You learn everything you know from cop shows and music videos, don't you?
Caitlin: Credit cards have limits?
[In their interviews they are asked why they want to work there]
Jen: Because I've always wanted to start my own line of snowboarding gear and I think that working here would teach me so much about the retail sports industry.
Wyatt: I spend most of my free time here anyway, I figure I might as well get paid for it.
Jonesy Because the Gigantoplex is a great place to pick up chicks.
Nikki: I need the money to go traveling.
Caitlin Do you guys have like an employee discount?
[They're asked where they see themselves in five years]
Wyatt Five years?!
Nikki Not working in a mall.
Jonesy (flirting): I know where I'd like to see myself tonight.
Jude: Rock climbing in New Zealand.
Wyatt I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend!
Jen Riding for my college snowboarding team. And competing in the olympics.
[They're asked what kind of tree they'd be]
Nikki: [Laughs]
Caitlin: Is that the the uniform you have to wear? That color really doesn't suit me.
Jonesy: I'd be a Christmas tree.
Wyatt: I guess I'd be ... a maple.
Jonesy: No wait, a dandelion.
Caitlin: I'd rethink the hat, too.
Jude: I thought this was a skate shop.
Jen: I'd be an oak, because they're strong they like to help people by providing shade from the sun.
Caitlin (cellphone rings): Sorry, this might be important.
[They're asked about their biggest accomplishments]
Jonesy: Getting to second base with Jill Anderson.
Nikki: Perfecting my mother's signature.
Jude: I once ate ten worms on a dare.
Jen: Being the youngest girl to make the varsity soccer team.
Caitlin: I'd have to say my accessories.
[They're asked about their worst qualities]
Jude: My feet sometimes smell ...
Wyatt: I guess I don't have much patience for authority.
Nikki: The list is long ... and distinguished.
Caitlin: When I was seven I had this really heinous orange top ...
Jonesy: I don't have any! I'm a pretty great guy.
Jude: There are bigger friends to fry, my friend.
Jonesy: I have an evil hunger brewing inside.
Jude: Yes, what kind of food could possibly defeat it?
Jonesy: A bird?
Jude: A plane?
Both: No, it's Wonder Taco!
Jen (yelling at Caitlin): Even this grapefruit has more sense than you! At least it knows it's getting squashed today!
Nikki: This is going to be a looong summer.
(After the interview rejections.
The Renticop walks up and by.
Then the renticop does an "I'm watching you" hand gesture.
Jonesy:We were not doing anything!Man,that guy creeps me...
Wyatt: I didn't get any sleep last night. I was a afraid to have the dream again.
Caitlin: What dream?
Wyatt: The one about the cowboy who thinks I'm the one who ran away with his wife to the big city and he's coming to kick my-aaaaaaagh! (sees a cowboy and runs away).
Wyatt: So, what are you on probation for?
Jen: I folded some sweatshirts instead of hanging them on the rack.
Wyatt: And you didn't get jail time?
Jude: Jen, it's your duty to take the day off of work. No... it's your destiny!
Wyatt: Destiny?
Nikki: He's on a roll.
Jude: Calling in sick is, like, a necessary part of the evolutionary process.
Jen: What are you talking about?
Jude: Where would the human race be without the sick day? We'd still be living in trees eating bananas... and fish... and things. We're humans because millions of years ago, some ape took a day off and invented tools. That ape decided "I'm not going into the tree today. I'm going to go build a small car out of rocks or teach a cow to give me some milk." Next thing you know, we're golfing on the moon! Which further illustrates my point, because, like, even at the point where the astronauts were pulling this mad historical move, they reckonized the opportunity for goofing off. It's like "one small step for man... dude, let's spin a few donuts in my moon buggy!" The sick day isn't just a fun thing to do, it's a fundamental right of every man, woman and child!
[crowd cheering]
Jude: Where's Jen?
Jonesy: She left a couple of minutes ago.
Jude: Bummer.
Wyatt: Good speech, though.
Wyatt: Great. And I have to spend the afternoon ducking rednecks.
Jude: The sick day isn't just a fun thing to do, it's a fundamental right of every man, woman, and child.
Nikki: Listen up! I'm taking the day off. This may be short notice, but I have this friend who arrived suddenly from out of town. Now this friend, she comes once a month to see me and, quite frankly, I don't enjoy her visits. In fact she makes me kind of crazy! So for your safety and the safety of the fine patrons of the Khaki Barn, I'm taking the day off!
Jude: Jen seems to have lost her perspective in this particular situation.
Wyatt: For once you've made a truly lucid comment.
Jude: No need to insult me, dude.
Nikki (reading Caitlin's sign): "Closed for emergency pedicure"?
Caitlin: You know you are really putting the "itch" in bitch
Nikki: Why is it guys can make all kinds of stinks themselves ...
Caitlin: But can't stand anyone else's?
[Wyatt and Jude are in the loathsome washrooms]
Wyatt: Oh my Lord, why? WHY?!
Jude: Dude, don't look in stall two, whatever you do-
Wyatt: Aaaaaaaaaagh!
Jude: Dude, I told you not to look!
Caitlin (reading Jude's nametag): "Dude I'm totally a paramedic"?
Jonesy: This child is an unholy deamon.
I'm sending it back to hell, where it belongs
Caitlin: Retro is so yesterday.
Jude: So, do you know the ending? Who did it?
Jen: Jude, it's a driver's manual.
Jude: So the chauffeur probably did it.
Jude: It's my way or the highway.
Jen: Got it.
Jude: Actually, my way will also involve the highway. But you know what I mean.
Jude: I didn't know you could drive so slowly in this game.
Jude: Remember, it's not just about driving. It's also about killing things.
Jen: I got four points.
Jude: The game's highscore is 75,000!
Jude: Would we have gone to Mars if all we tried to do was be safe?!
Jen: This is a really expensive car...
Jude: Expensive yet free.
[The gang finds out that Wyatt is taking Serena to the concert instead of Jude or Nikki]
Jude and Nikki: GET HIM!
Jude: You're going to make someone very happy tomorrow, Mr. Ball.
Jude (trying to wrap a basketball): Okay, you're starting to get on my nerves, dude!
Caitlin: I don't even like cooked fish.
Nikki: It really is revolting.
Wyatt: Have you ever actually tried it?
Nikki: No, but I don't have to try the public bathrooms here to know that they're disgusting.
Wyatt: Fine, live in ignorance. At least I know what I'm eating. Those fries probably aren't even made from real potatoes.
Jude: Yeah, but you gotta love 'em. The soul cannot live by nutrition alone. Mark my words, dude, mark my words.
Kirsten: We don't think you're doing a very good job.
Kristen: Yeah. You told that girl... the truth! It doesn't say anything about that in the Khaki Barn handbook, and we didn't sell the dress.
Kirsten: You're like the "Khaki... nator"!
Nikki: Oh, good one. "The Khakinator". Oh, I like that. Now get to work.
Kristen: Whatever you say, "ASS MAN"!
Nikki: That's assistant manager! I could fire you for that, you know!
Jonesy: (laughs) Your name tag says "ass man".
Nikki: SHUT UP!
Caitlin: What mood swings? (A kid walks past them) Angrily What are you staring at? Come back here; I want to talk to you.
Kid: Crying
Nikki: whistles
Caitlin: Angrily Okay, yes, they're tampons. I'm buying tampons. Man, guys can be such squeamish, little babies.
The Clerk::Slightly irritatedI was just looking for the price tag.
Caitlin::Oh laughs nervously Sorry
Jonesy: True, but you never take chances. Ever
Wyatt: I do so.
Jonesy: Name one.
Wyatt: Uhhhh..... sighs
Caitlin: I go way too crazy on sales.
Nikki: Reluctantly I could stop teasing the clones.
Jonesy: exaggerates cough to get Jen's attention to tell everyone her flaw
Jen: Okay, I'm not being conceited, but I can't really think of anything.
Caitlin: Angrily and fast Oh yeah, how about butting into everybody's business and telling everyone what to do all the time.
Jen: gasps
Caitlin: gasps Did I just say that out loud?
Jen: Yes.
Cailtin: Well, you always giving everyone advice and it's not always good.
Jen: Uh, News flash: No, I don't.
Nikki: Uh, This just in: You totally do.
Jen: Here's the weather: Nuh uh.
Nikki: Hot off the press: Yeh uh. Oh, and Breaking news: You're bossy, too.
Jen: Pictures at eleven: Of you being wrong!
Movie Usher: Irritated Live from the Gigantoplex: You're not the only people in line here.
Jen: Angrily Oh yeah, well stay tuned, because you all suck!!!
Wayne: Plenty of room there now. What do you got?
Jude: Radical Pool Party 2
Wayne: stares at Jude questionably I want you to think about what you just said.
Jude: puts on a hilarious thinking face with tongue out
Jen: Tell me about! I'm about to inherit three greasy stepbrothers!
Emma: Oh, maybe it won't be that bad.
Jen: Did you just say you're having your stag-party at Grind me?!
Jonesy: Yep. Thursday night baby!
Courtney: They double-booked us?!
Jonesy: So? Grind me's a big place. We can have them both there, it'll be fun!
Jen: You can't have a stag-party at the same place we're having our shower!
Jonesy: Why not?
Diego: (giggling) Nice dress!
Jen: Shut it!
Wyatt: Little bit...
George Bickerson: She can fall down a wall for all I care!
Gracie: He's the reason anti-depressants were invented!
George: Her morning breath's the reason gas-masks were invented!
George: You make my skin crawl like I'm wearing a wool sweater!
Gracie: What did wool ever do to deserve you?!
Wyatt: What? Since when did you start checking up on me?
Jonesy: Since you started looking twice at water fountains.
Jen: Guys, this Man-Off thing is seriously getting out of hand. It's not about who smells the best anymore; it's about who smells the least horrible.
Nikki: Yeah, and it's getting really gross. Which who be hilarious if it didn't affect me so directly.
Jonesy: I'm not going to give up, unless Wyatt is going to quit for real this time.
Wyatt: As if. The Man-Off champ's either going to be you or me, which is a nice way of saying it's going to be me.
Jen: What about Jude?
Wyatt: I think we can all agree that Jude and hygiene never met on a first name basis.
Jonesy: There are still three days until the Man-Off is over, so don't let me catch you washing your hands in spit, because from now on, spit counts as a cleaning fluid.
Jen: The coast is clear.
Nikki: Ahh, finally. [She pulls her underwear from her pants.]
Wyatt: Ahh, what was that? [suprised at what she did]
Nikki: That was me pulling my gitch from my butt. It's been lodged there for an hour.
Caitlin: Eww.
Wyatt: Nice.
Jude: I had the same problem, too.
Jonesy: Juuuuude!
The Clones: Welcome to the Khaki Barn! Have a Khaki Day!
Coach Halder: Masterson!
Time to hang with all my friends. We like to be together ... In a place where we belong!
I'm sixteen, starting to find my way. Got a new job, gonna start at the mall today!
Thank God, I'm on my own for the first time!
I'm sixteen, life is sweet. When you're growing up so fast ...
You gotta make the good times last!
I'm sixteen! Sixteen!
Gotta make the good times last!
Take this Job and Squeeze It
[Tricia and Caitlin look out into the mall]Tricia: The mothership.
Caitlin: I'm home.
Wyatt (to Jonesy): You learn everything you know from cop shows and music videos, don't you?
Caitlin: Credit cards have limits?
[In their interviews they are asked why they want to work there]
Jen: Because I've always wanted to start my own line of snowboarding gear and I think that working here would teach me so much about the retail sports industry.
Wyatt: I spend most of my free time here anyway, I figure I might as well get paid for it.
Jonesy Because the Gigantoplex is a great place to pick up chicks.
Nikki: I need the money to go traveling.
Caitlin Do you guys have like an employee discount?
[They're asked where they see themselves in five years]
Wyatt Five years?!
Nikki Not working in a mall.
Jonesy (flirting): I know where I'd like to see myself tonight.
Jude: Rock climbing in New Zealand.
Wyatt I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend!
Jen Riding for my college snowboarding team. And competing in the olympics.
[They're asked what kind of tree they'd be]
Nikki: [Laughs]
Caitlin: Is that the the uniform you have to wear? That color really doesn't suit me.
Jonesy: I'd be a Christmas tree.
Wyatt: I guess I'd be ... a maple.
Jonesy: No wait, a dandelion.
Caitlin: I'd rethink the hat, too.
Jude: I thought this was a skate shop.
Jen: I'd be an oak, because they're strong they like to help people by providing shade from the sun.
Caitlin (cellphone rings): Sorry, this might be important.
[They're asked about their biggest accomplishments]
Jonesy: Getting to second base with Jill Anderson.
Nikki: Perfecting my mother's signature.
Jude: I once ate ten worms on a dare.
Jen: Being the youngest girl to make the varsity soccer team.
Caitlin: I'd have to say my accessories.
[They're asked about their worst qualities]
Jude: My feet sometimes smell ...
Wyatt: I guess I don't have much patience for authority.
Nikki: The list is long ... and distinguished.
Caitlin: When I was seven I had this really heinous orange top ...
Jonesy: I don't have any! I'm a pretty great guy.
Jude: There are bigger friends to fry, my friend.
Jonesy: I have an evil hunger brewing inside.
Jude: Yes, what kind of food could possibly defeat it?
Jonesy: A bird?
Jude: A plane?
Both: No, it's Wonder Taco!
Jen (yelling at Caitlin): Even this grapefruit has more sense than you! At least it knows it's getting squashed today!
Nikki: This is going to be a looong summer.
(After the interview rejections.
The Renticop walks up and by.
Then the renticop does an "I'm watching you" hand gesture.
Jonesy:We were not doing anything!Man,that guy creeps me...
The Big Sickie
Wyatt: If I hear "Bobby's Got a Fry" one more time, I'm going to full on lose it!Wyatt: I didn't get any sleep last night. I was a afraid to have the dream again.
Caitlin: What dream?
Wyatt: The one about the cowboy who thinks I'm the one who ran away with his wife to the big city and he's coming to kick my-aaaaaaagh! (sees a cowboy and runs away).
Wyatt: So, what are you on probation for?
Jen: I folded some sweatshirts instead of hanging them on the rack.
Wyatt: And you didn't get jail time?
Jude: Jen, it's your duty to take the day off of work. No... it's your destiny!
Wyatt: Destiny?
Nikki: He's on a roll.
Jude: Calling in sick is, like, a necessary part of the evolutionary process.
Jen: What are you talking about?
Jude: Where would the human race be without the sick day? We'd still be living in trees eating bananas... and fish... and things. We're humans because millions of years ago, some ape took a day off and invented tools. That ape decided "I'm not going into the tree today. I'm going to go build a small car out of rocks or teach a cow to give me some milk." Next thing you know, we're golfing on the moon! Which further illustrates my point, because, like, even at the point where the astronauts were pulling this mad historical move, they reckonized the opportunity for goofing off. It's like "one small step for man... dude, let's spin a few donuts in my moon buggy!" The sick day isn't just a fun thing to do, it's a fundamental right of every man, woman and child!
[crowd cheering]
Jude: Where's Jen?
Jonesy: She left a couple of minutes ago.
Jude: Bummer.
Wyatt: Good speech, though.
Wyatt: Great. And I have to spend the afternoon ducking rednecks.
Jude: The sick day isn't just a fun thing to do, it's a fundamental right of every man, woman, and child.
Nikki: Listen up! I'm taking the day off. This may be short notice, but I have this friend who arrived suddenly from out of town. Now this friend, she comes once a month to see me and, quite frankly, I don't enjoy her visits. In fact she makes me kind of crazy! So for your safety and the safety of the fine patrons of the Khaki Barn, I'm taking the day off!
Jude: Jen seems to have lost her perspective in this particular situation.
Wyatt: For once you've made a truly lucid comment.
Jude: No need to insult me, dude.
Nikki (reading Caitlin's sign): "Closed for emergency pedicure"?
Caitlin: You know you are really putting the "itch" in bitch
Nikki: Why is it guys can make all kinds of stinks themselves ...
Caitlin: But can't stand anyone else's?
[Wyatt and Jude are in the loathsome washrooms]
Wyatt: Oh my Lord, why? WHY?!
Jude: Dude, don't look in stall two, whatever you do-
Wyatt: Aaaaaaaaaagh!
Jude: Dude, I told you not to look!
Caitlin (reading Jude's nametag): "Dude I'm totally a paramedic"?
Jonesy: This child is an unholy deamon.
I'm sending it back to hell, where it belongs
The Slow and Even-Tempered
Jude (about Wyatt's jacket): Seriously, dude. 1985 called, they want their jacket back.Caitlin: Retro is so yesterday.
Jude: So, do you know the ending? Who did it?
Jen: Jude, it's a driver's manual.
Jude: So the chauffeur probably did it.
Jude: It's my way or the highway.
Jen: Got it.
Jude: Actually, my way will also involve the highway. But you know what I mean.
Jude: I didn't know you could drive so slowly in this game.
Jude: Remember, it's not just about driving. It's also about killing things.
Jen: I got four points.
Jude: The game's highscore is 75,000!
Jude: Would we have gone to Mars if all we tried to do was be safe?!
Jen: This is a really expensive car...
Jude: Expensive yet free.
A Lime to Party
Jonesy: If there's one thing the Jonesmeister is good at it's getting fired.[The gang finds out that Wyatt is taking Serena to the concert instead of Jude or Nikki]
Jude and Nikki: GET HIM!
Deck the Mall
Jen (in the elevator): I hate working Christmas! I hate working Christmas! Stupid, annoying, pushy, last minute customers! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH! [elevator doors open] Merry Christmas.Jude: You're going to make someone very happy tomorrow, Mr. Ball.
Jude (trying to wrap a basketball): Okay, you're starting to get on my nerves, dude!
The Sushi Connection
Jude: Dude! That's so gross. How can you eat sushi?Caitlin: I don't even like cooked fish.
Nikki: It really is revolting.
Wyatt: Have you ever actually tried it?
Nikki: No, but I don't have to try the public bathrooms here to know that they're disgusting.
Wyatt: Fine, live in ignorance. At least I know what I'm eating. Those fries probably aren't even made from real potatoes.
Jude: Yeah, but you gotta love 'em. The soul cannot live by nutrition alone. Mark my words, dude, mark my words.
Kirsten: We don't think you're doing a very good job.
Kristen: Yeah. You told that girl... the truth! It doesn't say anything about that in the Khaki Barn handbook, and we didn't sell the dress.
Kirsten: You're like the "Khaki... nator"!
Nikki: Oh, good one. "The Khakinator". Oh, I like that. Now get to work.
Kristen: Whatever you say, "ASS MAN"!
Nikki: That's assistant manager! I could fire you for that, you know!
Jonesy: (laughs) Your name tag says "ass man".
Nikki: SHUT UP!
Enter the Dragon
Nikki: Think we can keep the mood swings under control.Caitlin: What mood swings? (A kid walks past them) Angrily What are you staring at? Come back here; I want to talk to you.
Kid: Crying
Nikki: whistles
Caitlin: Angrily Okay, yes, they're tampons. I'm buying tampons. Man, guys can be such squeamish, little babies.
The Clerk::Slightly irritatedI was just looking for the price tag.
Caitlin::Oh laughs nervously Sorry
One Quiet Day
Wyatt: (to Jude) You just need better time management skills. We all have something we could work on. Jonesy's obsessed with girls.Jonesy: True, but you never take chances. Ever
Wyatt: I do so.
Jonesy: Name one.
Wyatt: Uhhhh..... sighs
Caitlin: I go way too crazy on sales.
Nikki: Reluctantly I could stop teasing the clones.
Jonesy: exaggerates cough to get Jen's attention to tell everyone her flaw
Jen: Okay, I'm not being conceited, but I can't really think of anything.
Caitlin: Angrily and fast Oh yeah, how about butting into everybody's business and telling everyone what to do all the time.
Jen: gasps
Caitlin: gasps Did I just say that out loud?
Jen: Yes.
Cailtin: Well, you always giving everyone advice and it's not always good.
Jen: Uh, News flash: No, I don't.
Nikki: Uh, This just in: You totally do.
Jen: Here's the weather: Nuh uh.
Nikki: Hot off the press: Yeh uh. Oh, and Breaking news: You're bossy, too.
Jen: Pictures at eleven: Of you being wrong!
Movie Usher: Irritated Live from the Gigantoplex: You're not the only people in line here.
Jen: Angrily Oh yeah, well stay tuned, because you all suck!!!
Awake the Wyatt Within
Jude: I have a new addition to the staff picks wall.Wayne: Plenty of room there now. What do you got?
Jude: Radical Pool Party 2
Wayne: stares at Jude questionably I want you to think about what you just said.
Jude: puts on a hilarious thinking face with tongue out
The Wedding Destroyers
Jen's Mom (Emma): i can't believe my wedding's only seven days away!Jen: Tell me about! I'm about to inherit three greasy stepbrothers!
Emma: Oh, maybe it won't be that bad.
Jen: Did you just say you're having your stag-party at Grind me?!
Jonesy: Yep. Thursday night baby!
Courtney: They double-booked us?!
Jonesy: So? Grind me's a big place. We can have them both there, it'll be fun!
Jen: You can't have a stag-party at the same place we're having our shower!
Jonesy: Why not?
Diego: (giggling) Nice dress!
Jen: Shut it!
Nikki: Huh. Who new Jonesy was actually good at something? Besides making out. [ Wyatt gives her a weird look.] Uh, too much information?Wyatt: Little bit...
Bicker Me Not
Gracie Bickerson: I'm not sitting anywhere near that crum-bum.George Bickerson: She can fall down a wall for all I care!
Gracie: He's the reason anti-depressants were invented!
George: Her morning breath's the reason gas-masks were invented!
George: You make my skin crawl like I'm wearing a wool sweater!
Gracie: What did wool ever do to deserve you?!
The One with the Cold Sore
Jude: Could be a lip zit. I once had a zit on my back that had a life of it's own. One morning, it was gone... and so was a pair of my shoes.Baby, You Stink
Jonesy: Hey! Nice call on the cologne spritz, huh, cheater?Wyatt: What? Since when did you start checking up on me?
Jonesy: Since you started looking twice at water fountains.
Jen: Guys, this Man-Off thing is seriously getting out of hand. It's not about who smells the best anymore; it's about who smells the least horrible.
Nikki: Yeah, and it's getting really gross. Which who be hilarious if it didn't affect me so directly.
Jonesy: I'm not going to give up, unless Wyatt is going to quit for real this time.
Wyatt: As if. The Man-Off champ's either going to be you or me, which is a nice way of saying it's going to be me.
Jen: What about Jude?
Wyatt: I think we can all agree that Jude and hygiene never met on a first name basis.
Jonesy: There are still three days until the Man-Off is over, so don't let me catch you washing your hands in spit, because from now on, spit counts as a cleaning fluid.
J Is For Genius
- (Reading the back of a DVD)
- Jude: "Lonely and single Karla is looking for more than a one-night stand, but she's looking for love with all the wrong guys." Duuuuuuude... There's sex in H-E-R-E! (laughs) I spelt the wrong word.
Fashion Victims
Nikki: [referring to the girls on her team] Are they gone?Jen: The coast is clear.
Nikki: Ahh, finally. [She pulls her underwear from her pants.]
Wyatt: Ahh, what was that? [suprised at what she did]
Nikki: That was me pulling my gitch from my butt. It's been lodged there for an hour.
Caitlin: Eww.
Wyatt: Nice.
Jude: I had the same problem, too.
Repeated Lines
Jude: Duuuuude!Jonesy: Juuuuude!
The Clones: Welcome to the Khaki Barn! Have a Khaki Day!
Coach Halder: Masterson!
Theme Song
Life begins after school. That's when we bend all the rules.Time to hang with all my friends. We like to be together ... In a place where we belong!
I'm sixteen, starting to find my way. Got a new job, gonna start at the mall today!
Thank God, I'm on my own for the first time!
I'm sixteen, life is sweet. When you're growing up so fast ...
You gotta make the good times last!
I'm sixteen! Sixteen!
Gotta make the good times last!
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