2 Stupid Dogs
2 Stupid Dogs

Little Dog
- "Ball!"
- "Ugh! It tastes like caca!!"
- "Cat!" (woman screams and he faints)
- "CORN!!!!"
- "It's not fake, it's CHEESECAKE!"
- "Ice cream, ice cream! I got my ice cream! It's not a dream! What a team, just me and my ice cream!"
- "My bone, my bone! I found...my bone! I'm not...alone, cuz I found...my bone!"
- "The bucket! The bucket! Spit...in...the...BUCKET!"
- "I thought Lincoln was shot."
- "The shoe! The shoe! Take off the shoe!"
- "Don't worry, there's plenty of hamsters in the sea...I just hope they can swim!"
- "Hey, I can wake him up! (grabs drum off screen) This should do it! Of course, I should be careful not to disturb him.
Big Dog
- "Where's The Food?"
- "Food."
- "Okay."
- "Woof!" (usually a low bark that stops a cat or human stone-cold)
- "I’m feeling out of touch with the natural way of doing things."
- "I learned I like to shake."
- "Where are the trees?!?!?!"
- "Stick with me, kid - I'm on a roll."
- "Awwww, ain't that cute. . .BUT IT'S WROOOOOOOOOOONG!!!!" (foghorn)
- "Ain't that cute... come on, I'll show you around," (He walks out of frame. A few seconds later he returns.) "HA! Thought I was going to say it was wrong, didn't ya? But I'm not gonna do it."
- "Now that was real cute. . .BUT IT'S WROOOOOOOOOONG!!!!"
- "A, B, C," (gets electrocuted) "Hmmmmm... A, B, C," (gets electrocuted again) "Hmmm." (looks in a dictionary) "A is for apple, B is for bear, C is for.." (gets another electric shock then gets very angry) "A! B!" (gets electrocuted before he can say C)
- (after punching out the singing cat)"Sorry, them cats get a little Broadway every once and a while, know what I mean?"
- "I love nature."
- "Now wasn't that cute. . .BUT IT'S..."(Little Dogs sees a pineapple then shouts out "FOOD!")
- "Am I home yet?"
- "You were the finest monkey I ever had. Neat, clean, and you could poop on command!"
- "Oh Pipi, it's my fault that you're gone. I shoulda never taught you how to drive on the freeway."
- "It's Pipi! He's ALIVE!"
- "Now listen to me and listen to me good!(gets his head sucked in with the pig to Big Dog's mouth) Thou shall not eat me! Thou shall not eat me!"
- "I love the smell of nature in the morning."
- "Well, didn't that cute. . .(sees two wild lions in front of him) LIONS!"
- "Sorry, boys! This is a closed set!" (Little Dog says, "We're here for the part.") "The part? Oh, right. The part. Well, it's about time you showed up!"
- "Union break!"
Both Dogs
- Little Dog: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Why did you wake me up?
- Big Dog: So we can wake up.
- Little Dog: Well, if you didn’t wake me up, I might’ve had a nightmare and it would’ve woke me up. Then, I could've woke you up, and we’d both…be…awake. But since you did wake me up, I can’t wake up from this nightmare so I can’t wake you up! So we’re both still asleep.
- Big Dog: What?
- Little Dog: You’re right. And when you’re right, you’re right. And you’re right, right?
- Big Dog: Right.
- Psychiatrist: Now, tell me what you see here. (shows ink blot)
- Little Dog: "Ball!"
- Big Dog: "Food."
- Psychiatrist: "Now this one."
- Little Dog: "Ball!"
- Big Dog: "Food."
- Psychiatrist: "Hmmmm. . .and this one?" (shows a picture of food and a ball)
- Both dogs: "Uuuuhhhhhhmmmmmmmm. . . ."
- Big Dog: Look out for the auto-mo-biles!
- Little Dog: What automobiles?
- Big Dog: The auto-mo-biles that are about to HIT you!
- Little Dog(with a can in his mouth): "I got your can."
- Big Dog: "What?"
- Little Dog(with the can in his mouth): "I said, "I got your can!"
- Big Dog: "I can't understand you with that can in your mouth."
- Little Dog( growls with the can still in his mouth then spits it out): "I said, "I got your can!"
- (Both end up in a dump)
- Little Dog: I want the toilet seat!
- Big Dog: I want the toilet seat.
- Little Dog: Stop arguing with me!
- Big Dog: I'm not arguing with you.
- Little Dog: We're gonna be here all night!
- Big Dog: It's not night, it's day.
- Little Dog: It's night!
- Big Dog: It's day.
- Little Dog: We're never gonna stop!
- Big Dog: Yes we are.
- Little Dog: No we're not!
- Big Dog: Yes we are.
- Little Dog: No we're not!
- Big Dog: Uh-huh.
- Big Dog: Better start talking or I'll....
- Little Dog: Hey! It's not my fault you gotta go at 3:00 in the morning! What am I, your mother's keeper?!
- (Big Dog grabs a brush)
- Little Dog: What are you gonna do with that?
- Big Dog: I'm going to groom you.
- Little Dog: Who? Me?
- Big Dog: No, your mother's keeper. I'm going to groom you until you're smooth and pink.
- Little Dog: Put that down or I'll.... wet you down like a greased monkey with one of these guys!
- (Both prepare for a duel)
- Little Dog: Okay! Let's go down town! You and me! (shoots his weapon, blue ink comes out to hit Big Dog's sharp tooth) What have I done?
- Big Dog: You got me. (his face falls in the toilet)
- Big Dog: Pie.
- Little Dog: Pie? It is pie! I love pie! Where is it? Where is it? (Sits down) Where's the pie?
- Big Dog: It's in the sky. (stares at Pie-shaped restaurant on top of a tall building)
- Little Dog: Oh my, that's pretty high!
- Big Dog: We still have to try.
- Little Dog: (dogs walk past a bellhop) Hi!
Miscellaneous Characters
- Martha: "The fork goes on the left, like this."
Craig: "Uh-uh, the right."
Martha: "Left!"
Craig: "Right!"
Martha: "Left!!"
*Craig: "RIGHT!!"
Martha: "LEFT!!! OUCH!!! MOM!!! Craig isn't setting the table right!!" - Red: Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!
- Bully kid: "WHAT A FOULER!"
- Kenny: Buffy Zigenhagen actually likes me!
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