United Nations
Will the UN's system be saved from the clutches of neoutilitarianism?
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While going throgh the history of political-cum- economic vicissitudes the UN's system has undergone, one may be logically right to raise this question that how and when the international community would be free from the cobweb of power-politics.
When one sees the role of the UN during the Cold war era,it is fairly believed that in the days of bipolarity the UN's role was intrinsically hijacked by the tutelage of the United States and the former, USSR.

Yet in the post cold war era, the UN's system had been completely undermined by the increasing and emerging unipolar role of the hyprer power USA.

And now,in the post 9/11 era, the world community seems to have been experiencing the worst UN's declining period during which the rise of neoliberalism in the form of neoutilitarianism has shown new colours regarding UN's policies.But in the aftermath of the USelection-2008,the international community breathes new waves of hopes that the President-elect Barack Obama would try to save the withering UN's system from the mires of degeneration and decline.