Why will you allow them to take your freedoms? We have the right to bear arms! To protect ourselves and our countrymen not to mention our freedom! Will you lay down and allow them to take your guns?
replied to: AmberLynnR20
Replied to: Why will you allow them to take your freedoms? We have...
It makes sense only if you are planning on running around like nobody's business killing people. Then, obviously, you are a threat to other human beings, and you need to be controlled. If you are a normal person, carrying a gun for protection from dangerous situations, then the government has no reason to take away your gun. You aren't doing anything wrong.
But, there is another side. If there aren't any guns, supposedly there is supposed to be a drop in crime. As of the last three years,"federal gun crime prosecutions nationally have increased by 68 percent" (www.usgovinfo.com) So if the guns are taken away, wouldn't all gun crime prosecutions go away?
Despite that fact, wouldn't people committing crimes with guns just find another way to commit the crime? Or would people keep their guns and blatantly break the law?
replied to: AmberLynnR20
Replied to: Why will you allow them to take your freedoms? We have...
I like the enthusiasm
replied to: AmberLynnR20
Replied to: Why will you allow them to take your freedoms? We have...
Shut up redneck