Why did Obama's team do such a poor job of vetting his cabinet nominees?
replied to: bravotren
Replied to: Why did Obama's team do such a poor job of vetting...
The problem is that it's hard to find a politician who pays his taxes. He had to either choose shady characters who had been in goverment a long time - or squeeky clean people who were unqualified.
replied to: jkwilliams
Replied to: The problem is that it's hard to find a politician who...
I don't remember this problem when George W. took office. It seems that it's \*democratic\* politicians who do not pay their taxes.
They love spending tax dollars - just not paying them.
replied to: bravotren
Replied to: Why did Obama's team do such a poor job of vetting...
Who says they did? I think they have exactly the people they wanted.