Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe in what Al Gore says about it?
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
I believe the climate on the planets go through all types of changes and Al Gores theories are not completely correct. He wants to place the blame on people in general and hopes to make a fortune. We do need to make some healthier choices never-the-less to clean up the planet.
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
I think the first question is moot. well, we do not have to have so many 'learned' arguments to prove the ill-effects of global warming. somewhere in the indian ocean whole islands are sinking due to rapid increase of tidal waters, and this is just one among many 'real' examples of global warming's ill-effects. and while it's true that anthropogenic greenhouse gases account only a small part in the total greenhouse gas concentration up there, still it is our moral responsibility to emit as little as possible. our generation may not necessarily suffer the brunt of said ill-effects, but how about our children? and their children?
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
To be honest, Al Gore is a politician. Not a scientist. I watched "An inconvenient truth" with the rest of my class and it lead one anti-climate change idiot to convince another person based on the fact his data was wrong.
But numbers in this case don't matter. There is a change going on, and we rather feint ignorance than act.
replied to: Greyson
Replied to: To be honest, Al Gore is a politician. Not a...
I dont know much about Al Gore...but some environmental irregularities we can see in the nature and atmosphere,so I dont know the intention of Al Gore behind this statement but We should be concerned about Pollution and Global Warming Effect as a human.
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
To be frank, he is full of bull.
Al Gore also said he invented the internet. He is not right.
The tempatures just seem to be warmer from the last few years. It's nothing to lose your head over.
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
Who can say when so many alarmists get together with so many pockets itching to get filled.If you were an egotystical scientist who put your name on something would you back away when you found out you were full of ****.Perception is often tempered by good intentions(or financial fleecing) I believe we should be spending our money on things like People and peace as opposed to studies and studies and studies and bull****. great topic altitude
replied to: bozo
Replied to: Who can say when so many alarmists get together with so...
Do you think the following statement is true or false?
"In science, empirical evidence trumps theory."
Just interested in your answers.
replied to: SexySadie
Replied to: Do you think the following statement is true or false?...
I say agreed, with the caveat, who it is defining empirical and what's their definition.
replied to: alitude14a
Replied to: Who here thinks global warming is a threat? Do you believe...
Why do we need to pay attention to Al Gore when every scientific institution in the world has a statement that does not refute man has a hand in a changing climate via emissions of greenhouse gases?
Then why do we even need to pay attention to what anyone has to say, even these science institutions, when, if we learn physics and science, we can see that emitting vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere will cause warming?
Why do we need to listen to anyone when real life measurements show us that the world is warming and it is warming due to greater heat retention at specific frequencies. Mainly those attributed to CO2 and water vapour?
Harries et al 2001 - https://www.eumetsat.int/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=pdf_conf_p50_s9_01_harries_v&allowInterrupt=1&noSaveAs=1&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased
Griggs et al 2004 - http://research-information.bristol.ac.uk/files/3006745/paper.pdf
Chapman et al 2013 - http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=1690262
We do not need to listen to Al Gore. We can see what is happening by looking at the world around us, the measurements, the data, and so on.