Which countries are most lagging in meeting the standards set in Kyoto?
replied to: shenny
Replied to: Which countries are most lagging in meeting the standards set in...
the ones that value freedom and growth
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: the ones that value freedom and growth
I need to correct your response. The countries that aren't meeting the standards set by kyoto are the countries that have been chosen by the new world order to absorb the manufacturing jobs from more developed nations so that international corporations can benefit from then slave labor of totalitarian regimes. Namely China. I can't believe what suckers we've turned into. Supposedly bright people have accepted as fact myths like spontaneous generation (the current explanation of the origin of life taught in schools), to man-made global warming. Haven't any of you people that have bought into this lie realized that the same people and corporations that have benefitted from the destruction of our planet are now the same people calling for us everyday citizens to hand over our money, property and freedoms to these same criminals in the name of the earth that they themselves have plundered? give me a break you brain-washed sheeple. WAKE UP!!!!!
replied to: WEARETHEY
Replied to: I need to correct your response. The countries that aren't meeting...
I'll agree there is manipulation coming from crooks like
Al Gore and General Electric , but as best as I recall, the United States did not ratify "Kyoto! I have faith that the American "free spirit" will never allow these idiots in congress to lump us into a
"one world order"!